REVISED, so please pay particular attention to the bold bits:
Oh, what a trial this has been! I was initially so excited to have found these video clips, courtesy of an anonymous reader, that I quickly set about to confirm their veracity, following the link in the gallery and contacting the support staff of the site to which it pointed. And so begins my tale of woe. But first, here’s my original – albeit inaccurate – post on the matter…
Someone wishing to be identified only as “a die hard lover of women with huge breasts and apple bottoms” e-mailed me the other day saying, “I was surfing the net the other night and came across a movie online. The girl in the movie if I had to guess is Sapphire the big boobed model from Divine Breasts and Score Magazine. I am not kidding. Check it out and tell me what you think. May even want to post it on your site. The way I figure it’s Sapphire is the fact that I went to your site and looked at some pics of her. She has 3 larger moles on her right bicep area that this girl has exactly.”
The gallery link included with his e-mail was for a site called SugarMamas, and I must admit that the voluptuous girl appearing in the videos certainly did bear a striking resemblance to the lovely 36HH Sapphire. So I contacted the website, who confirmed that said model indeed appeared there, but they were unable to provide her name. Still unsure, I consulted with Vix (who was conveniently lying naked in bed next to me). I showed her the vidcaps below that I’d made from the video – as well as previous pics of Sapphire from MyBoobSite – and she thought it was definitely and quite obviously the same person, judging solely by her brow-line and facial structure.
But, as it would be beyond my wildest dreams to see the ravishing 36HH redhead Sapphire fucking – let alone giving an HH-cup titfuck and a blowjob before having her partner cum on her tits – I’m still not totally convinced. However, I am able to share the following video clips with you all, courtesy of, so you can decide for yourselves:
…within 24 hours of making this entry, I received two e-mails asking where the videos could be found on the site. Not being a member myself, I contacted the site once again, asking them to double-check that this video was available, and, if so, where it could be found. The reply: “I am very, very sorry that I misinformed you before but I just found out that she is not a SugarMamas model. I am extremely sorry for the inconvenience. I had a few of our designers look into it and informed me of my error. Though they did agree that she looks a lot like a girl who does model for SugarMamas. I hope you can understand and forgive me for my mistake. Again, I am sorry and thank you for your understanding.”
Indeed, as a few astute observers had already concluded, these videos were, in fact, from Scoreland’s “Busty Cock Worshippers” DVD, and it truly does star the lovely Sapphire. Now, I can easily forgive the staff at SugarMamas for making an honest mistake in identity, but I am downright angry with the 3rd-party who posted the original erroneous gallery using Score clips to promote someone other than Score! I’ll not name names, but, if anyone from The Score Group would like to contact me to pursue this matter further, I’ll gladly provide them with the address of the gallery in question. But, mostly, I’m truly sorry to anyone who was misled by what I had sincerely believed to be a verified post. Please accept my humblest apologies.
My first instinct was to strike this blog entry completely. Then, after I’d thought about it for a while (and having posted a warning regarding its accuracy), I decided, “Why not leave the clips up for others to enjoy? After all, it should be used to set the record straight promote it’s rightful owners!” So here it remains, as a testament to the good people at Scoreland and a warning that 3rd-party galleries may not always be what they seem, 36HH Sapphire from “Busty Cock Worshippers” :

Whoever it may be it’s pretty hot video!
This is clearly Sapphire 36HH. Now two ways about it. It’s definately a more recent video. I wouldn’t forget those pairs of breasts and of course, her face and body. All the same. Who else would it be? Her twin sister with the exact same bust?
Oh, Lordy! One of my personal candidates for the ideal body. I fell in love with Sapphire when she first appeared in Score/Voluptuous. Is this a Scoregroup video? I don’t see their logo. What gives? Who talked her into this. Perfect!! To me it looks like they got a pro porn cocksman for her, not some person buddy in a home made movie. She definitely is making a move into porn and if this is not a Score video she is doing it her own way which will mean more of the girl-next-door look as opposed to a glamour porn queen. Go Sapphire!!
It’s from Score’s video Busty Cock Worshippers…trust me, I own it for Sapphire alone!! :)
Why so surprised, she has done quite a few hardcore vids for score. Haven’t you seen them?
Do the models actually read this page? Well, no matter, i do :) hehe. She has always been a favorite of mine. I wish I were her friend :)
Like Reese I am not totally convinced yet. To be honest, I don’t think it’s her though. But what a hot video for sure :)
Thx Reese & for sharing!
I can’t imagine why so many (including Reese) are shocked at the idea that Sapphire would do hardcore, especially when she’s done it before for Score. The girl’s been in the biz for quite some time, and has now done two videos for Score. The first was “Busty Cock Worshippers” back when she was thinner, with the more recent one titled “Bikini Busters”. This one is one of Score’s latest videos, and Sapphire looks to have an amazing scene.
Anyway, God bless this girl! She is just soooo cute, and those breasts are outrageous! So full, so plump… man, that guy must have thought that he went to heaven when she wrapped them hoots around his cock! I’ve had some pretty big REAL boobs on my jock, and it’s an absolute joy. I can only hope and dream that one day, like some of her fellow porn starlets, she offers her fans the opportunity to have private sessions with her. I’d be the first in line, baby! ;)
Bloody hell!! I’ve obviously not spent enough time over at Scoreland!
Let us just give thanks that this fine bodied woman isn’t shy.
That’s most definitely Sapphire! I hope she continues doing hardcore videos. Plump, huge-breasted redheads; mmmm, can’t get enough of them! I’d really like to see her do an interracial hardcore video. The thought of those huge, lilly-white tits being kneaded while she gets mercilessly reamed doggy-style by a big black cock is overwhelming!
sapphire is obviously embarking on a hardcore career as she has also done and HC for scoreland called Bikini Busters (check it out on the socreland upcoming videos section)
Where on SugarMama’s is the video? I don’t see it anywhere.
Where on the Sugarmamas website is this video? I can’t find it there anywhere.
OMFG!!! I just totally gooed my pants just by looking at those preview pics…!!! I guess I’ll try to calm down a bit before actually watching the videos…!?! But then, WTF — let’s see her in action…!!!
I really, really think I went to high school with Sapphire. If anyone can point me out to a bio or if you have any information such as age, etc. please post it here or email me! I must know! If it is her I’m sure she’d love to hear from me. Really cool chick.
Thank you so much.
Kurt & woland~
As mentioned in my note I’d added to the top of this post, I’m looking into the situation right now and will let you both know as soon as I’ve found out what’s going on…
I agree with several of the posters. It is from Score and it is Busty Cock Worshipers, I don’t have that one, but I do own Bikini Busters, and I am saving my pennies for “Worshipers”!
Either way, thanks for the post. It was tremendous!
Here is some old pictures of Sapphire, can’t figure out which I like better. Now or then?
I don’t understand the issue. Of course it’s Sapphire, the Score videos in question have been out for months. In addition to Bikini Busters and Busty Cock Worshippers, she’s also done girl-girl w/ Samantha Sanders in one called Knockin Nipples. The question is, what is this other site up to, and how quickly will Score sue them into oblivion?
This is a few weeks old now LOL keep up reese.
Glad it’s all straightened out! Even though I was always fully aware of the fact that she had done HC for Score on at least two occassions now, I had never actually seen either video. Anyway, it is terrific footage indeed! What a tit fuck that chick gives! She is fantastic, and I can’t wait to buy both this DVD as well as the new “Bikini Busters”.
What a girl! :)
where ever they are from. regardless of who owns them (and i do understand people’s business’ survive and exist through copyright) let us be grateful that we are able to view a good selection of a prime looking Sapphire taking cock.
Wikked: I’m going to be a nice guy today, but if you get hooked up you have to promise me to hook me up with her little sister. ;)
According to Voluptuous June 2004 (also featuring Brandy Taylor, and Maria Moore, who got the cover), Sapphire was originally from Walnut Creek, CA. She (then) was in Danville, CA. Her birthday is in Feb. of 1979, so unless I’m mistaken that would make her in the high school class of ’96 (??) Hope that helps.
“Busty Cock Worshippers” is great – yes it is Sapphire and her performance is amazing. She sucks dick really well (so many busty gals dont bother and rely on their cleavage to get guys off) and takes a nice load on her mountainous juggs/ The Devyn Devine scene is also worth it.
I only want… MORE SAPPHIRE PLEASE !!!!!!!!
amazing girl !!
love those mamary monsters
first off hey how you all doin, love the site, love this chick, but hey Reese how come you dont put this in your model directory
Send me, the daily post, tnx
Too funny!!! Everyone running around trying to see if I did hard core or not, lol. Yes I have I have only done it twice both times with Score. Anything other then that that you may come across is a fake. when I did hardcore it was nearly 2 years ago and I haven’t done any before or since.
P.S. the bio’s totally lie about where I am from I read once I was from Canada lol, never even been there. Oh and I graduated in 97′
I really like to fuck saphire……….
Oh my goodness, the mammary acreage on display on this site doth excite my Catholic loins!
So Sapphire, why do you do hardcore? Why go to that level. You are sexy but you don’t need to do that…or maybe the industry makes you?
Why do I do HardCore?? Because I wanted to. I have done a total of 4 hard core, 1 g/g with Score. They are the only company I have ever done this with. I am very comfortable with the Score Group and have been working with them for many years. I have been single for some time so I figured what the hell, why not try it. It is actually not bad and I end up having a lot of fun.
hey sapphire, you are too cute !!! i want to be tit fucked by you..
imagine fucking her sweet fat pussy. Her tits are amazing and she definatly looks better now with the extra weight. Her tits are huge and her body is amazing.
Is this the real Sapphire? Hard to believe, but that’s cool if it is. I was wondering about your hardcore. I found some pics a long time ago and can’t find it anymore. Just wondering! thanks…i’m a huge fan!
I saphhire…plz talking to me in e-mail
Thanks for this hot slut, she has great tits.
I mistakingly was under the impression this was a current blog,not the case.How SEMPA can question whether this IS SAPPHIRE is pretty freakin clueless in my mind.I have been CAPTIVATED by this BEAUTIFUL woman,from her earliest “slimmer version”,”STACKED N PACKED” and “VOLUPTUOUS NATURALS” Score group dvds,right up to her most recent “PLUMPER of the YEARS”-(NOT SUFFICIANT)”PLUMPER of the DAMN DECADE” video/pictorial work.”SAPPHIRE”,(a name she chose for herself devulged in a SCORE/VOLUPTUOUS interview I watched on line)has matured/developed/blossomed/EXPLODED into the status of LEGEND,and sadly,INEXPLICABLY not without some controversy /PUTRID CRITICISM.Her Score group work,(ALWAYS of the Highest quality standards)has led her to other sites such as INCREDABLE DIGITAL(when are these people going to wise up and release her “BIG TITS and CURVY ASSES feature to dvd) and SENSATIONAL VIDEO( that THANKFULLY has been a quantitative GOLDMINE of both SOLO/HARDCORE work that is a bit shall we say “raunchier”but MINDFUCKING BLOWING in content.Her current form has ellicited some crude,LAMEASS responces from real classless friggin asswipes that can’t deal/handle the MAGNIFICENT example of FULL BLOWN VOLUPTUOUS fantasy come to life before our very eyes that this GODDESS has become.”BABY BABY,I’d GET DOWN ON MY KNEES FOR YOU” In closing just two quick comments which should be addressed,the first ,while SENSATIONAL does GREAT stuff it should be noted ,their nasty habit of featuring the same scenes on multiple video releases,they could/should do better,alot better and also I’ve located another source by the name of which has some HOT vids featuring “THE ONE AND ONLY SAPPHIRE”as well as the NEAR EQUALLY HOT MARIA MOORE but sadly ordering these dvds,not the easiest of tasks since they seemingly have now relocated out of the country.If theres someone out there who knows their way around this shit,please chime in.Finally,SAPPHIRE,doubtfull at times that you may check/read these rantings but you SWEETEST of the SWEET,YOU QUEEN OF SOFT,I surely wish you’d GRACE us DEVOTEES to MANY more years of your SHRINE to WOMANHOOD but just in case the clock is ticking down to the dreaded career change please give us your FANS a TOTALLY NUDE GANGBANG feature,one SECONDLY ABSOLUTELY NEVER get THAT SINFUL REDUX,(JESUS ,ST PATRICK “IRELAND” WOULD WEEP)and most importantly KNOW YOU ARE SOOOOOOOOOOOO LOVED/DESIRED!!!!!!!LOL 4 EVER JAKE
SOOOOO much woman here,the careers of the “Well Endowed”(especially BBW)models/porn actresses are usually all too breif ,but this MAGNIFICENT lady has amassed a catalog,that is a daunting one that will place her on THE MT. RUSHMOORE of the AWE inspiring GREATS of all time.Whether in solo performances,or the much(for some at least)hard core fans ,she has captivated like few have EVER been able to.Her latest/current endeavor is the start of a “new” website,which we can only hope means she will be with us for awhile longer then we were earlier led to believe.SHINE ON SAPPHIRE,because you reign in the world of the TRUE SUPERMODELS!
This world is going to hell in a handbasket…