Sometimes, I get really annoyed by some of the comments folks try to post on MyBoobSite. If it’s attacking me or my opinions, I’ve got no problem with that whatsoever. However, if it’s a cruel or mean-spirited post directed at one of my models, I will not tolerate it! After all, quite a few of the well-endowed women I’m wont to feature here pop in from time to time to read visitors’ feedback and participate in the discussions.
If it’s constructive criticism dealing with their photo shoots and such, that’s fine – but if you’re going to say that a particular busty lady (whom, I might add, is kind enough to share her body with all of us) is ugly or un-sexy or anything that amounts to nothing more than a personal insult, don’t even bother. Such comments are simply moderated out, never seeing the light of day and, if I had a way of doing so, I’d ban these misanthropic miscreants from even viewing MyBoobSite (note to self: must research this).
Then again, there are some comments of this ilk that I just can’t help but laugh out loud upon reading them. They are so obviously misguided and outlandish that the humour potential far outweighs the risk of anyone taking them seriously enough to be truly offended. One such comment found its way into my moderation queue just yesterday with regard to an old blog I’d written about beautiful busty blonde babe Heather Michaels…
Someone calling himself “Mike” wrote:
I have been looking for women’s tits on the internet. I can’t find anyone, who isn’t a transexual. All one needs to do is look at the boyish or manly faces. They obviously are manufacturing hanging and sagging tits that look real, but they all go with male faces. They also have “Make Believe Pussies” that go with the male faces. I can only guess, that the ROTTEN PORN PRODUCERS are paying for their transexual operations and female hormones, in exchange for appearing in porn movies. If only, I could find a real woman. One, who was born female. A woman can not be reproduced with operations and hormones. I feel bad for those, who were born feeling, that he should have been born female, but I would like to see a real woman. The internet is saturated, with transexuals. Just look at the faces. All, that I want to do, is see real breasts, because I think they are beautiful and very exciting. Someone help. Where can I find — just breasts — not porn.
…how funny is that?! :~D Granted, I do feel somewhat sorry for Mike in that he quite possibly maintains a genuine belief these ridiculous assertions, and can’t help but wonder how well he’d do on my female or shemale quiz. Truth is, if someone has gone through the trouble of transforming themselves into a true transsexual, they can make a helluva lot more money in the porn industry by having tits and a cock in one package than going for the whole complex gender reassignment procedure and pretending to be a woman (unlike some penis-obsessed women who pretend the other way around)!
In Heather Michaels’ case, however, her somewhat masculine facial structure is more likely due to having an abundance of testosterone in her system. Not only does this result in a slightly “more male” appearance, but women who are beset by this hyper-hormonal condition also tend to be horny as fuck (in fact, testosterone replacement therapy is sometimes employed as a medical modality for restoring the libido of post-menopausal women)! As such, I have to admit that I personally find girls like Heather Michaels to be extraordinarily attractive from the sexual perspective. Indeed, give me a big tits blonde with a square-ish jaw and I can relax in the quiet, self-satisfied confidence that my sex life will be second to none!
However, since the issue has been raised, I guess it’s only fair that we subject Ms. Michaels to a thorough medical examination in order to confirm her femininity once and for all. Although big tits can be faked surgically now to the point where they have the look, feel and dynamics of a genuine, all-natural pair of breasts, the same is simply not true when it comes to the pussy. While the creation of a functional vagina can be achieved through penile inversion (although I don’t want to think about that one for too long), constructing a convincing clitoris and labia majora / minora is problematic at best, especially when the pre-op transgendered patient is circumcised. Thus, regardless of how titillating the remainder of this sentence might be, it’s the pussy flaps that tell the true story!
But before you begin conjuring nightmarish visions of the lovely Heather Michaels speaking through her pussy lips (sounds a bit “120 Days of Sodom”, dunnit?), we’d best adjourn to Busty Amateurs Is Back and get on with this physical exam. And, of course, I’ll include a close-up pussy pic just to put this matter to rest. Thus, for everyone except Mike ;~), here’s stunning big busty blonde Heather Michaels getting her physical from some lucky doctor wannabe at

It is easier to find a hot, big tit woman in the millions of women in the country, or is it easier to get a guy who has to spend thousands and thousands of dollars to look even remotely like one of those women?
Like KFC and the “engineered” chicken urban legend! It is much cheaper and easier to simply breed chickens than it is to make them!
What an examination, I should have been a doctor.
I wanted to be a gynecologist because I heard there was a lot of openings in the field.
Um….that guy Mike is really weird. I think he was locked away too long.
Oh dear, I’ve had a doctor/patient fetish or fantasies for a long time and the thought of doing such a thorough medical on Heather Michaels has actually made me as jealous as it has turned on.
She’s definately one the best looking blokes you’ve featured :-)
what a TWAT.i mean c’mon ffs….look like male guys? what a load of bs.assface.
Heather Michaels has been a long-time favourite. Great to see her again. And what a way to see her. The pussy close-up looks so inviting – I just want to get in there!
The next two photos of Heather spread wide open are, uhmm, extremely effective. Her facial expressions are wonderful, suggesting that she is really into it.
That will do me nicely for today. Thank you, Reese!
As for Mike, I think some psychiatric assistance may be in order. Seriously.
44% on your quiz. I’m glad I’m married and don’t have to worry. I’m not quite as open as you are Reese. I’m not against, I just can’t get past my upbringing and my personal taste.
I agree with you %100 but, I think you analysed the comment incorrectly; why? I believe that it was pened by a woman being (another model possibly) bitchy under the cloak of the name mike, with the intention of being ironically rhetorical. No man would have geniunely wrote that it defies logic. It was more likely to be a woman having a dig at the competition. Could be that there is history between that model or organisation? I assume that now you see the comment in that context, its existence not comments, doesn’t seem so outlandish as you put it, but just cruel and childish, churlish in fact. The dead give away is that comment in bold type which is definitely indicative of someone in the industry who has either been mistreated by a producer or not paid or something like that. A punter would not leave a comment like that it would have different tones to it and be said in a different way.
What I find is that the models themselves will use the forum(s) more and more to land shots at each other and producers as this becomes more the medium of the industry knowing that it will be read. I will not mention any names. Some of the girls will be brave enough to give their names but others will just hide amongst the bloggers using innocuous names like mike.
Heather may, I said may, have a more masculine face (a strong chin and jawline). But….a trannie???
Someone is off their meds or should be on some meds. No rudeness or disrespect intended, truly, one sympathizes.
Heather Michaels is HOT!!!! I’ll go to medical school just so i can be her doctor.
But what the heck is mike smokin, that boy needs therapy
Do you really get that many comments like this? I just don’t get it. What are people who would criticize such magnificent women doing here in the first place?
A man? Oh no, that’s ALL woman!
I recall you mentioning the testosterone last time models were accused of genders swaps. This is just more proof most people don’t read.
She doesn’t look at all manish in the body I can’t imagine what kind of man would have that shape. She isn’t my cup of tea but I’m 23 so i prefer slim and stacked like Faith with maybe allittle Joanna thrown in for flavour.
I got just 60% on the male/shemale quiz.
I can just picture Mike’s confusion upon viewing hit movies like “Victor/Victoria” and “Tootsie”.
I have to agree man I have a large 6 foot tall beautiful blonde girlfriend with 38 DDD boobs… square jaw and all…..and she likes to fuck 24/7….If you take the time to research it you will see that an infux of testosterone causes the body to try and balance itself out with estrogen which, causes Giant tits to grow. You just happen to get some male features as well but I assure you its worth it to me to have a beautiful blonde with giant boobs and a tight ass who like to fuck all of the time.
In what f—ing universe is Heather Michaels a dude?
Mike should know that the best way to recognize a transexual or a shemale is to look at the neck, the hands, and the feet, and of course, the genitals.
I love your website here, it is great to see all those great models. I am trying to develop a new big boob website (totally new to the industry) and was wondering if you might have a few minutes to talk with me about your experiences.
I am not sure if you are associated with a particular pay site, or if you just do this because you like the models, but I’d love to hear about how you get in touch with many of the big boob models and how I might be able to attract some of them to model for my site.
If you’d be up for helping me out, shoot me an email at mattbustylover at gmail
Variety is the spice of life peoples. Not all visions of beauty are the same. Women are not cookie-cutter products who only look like whatever one narrow-minded view of their appearance should be.
I don’t really see the “masculine” aspect of Heather Michaels. She’s totally hot. What, something about her chin? Width of her cheeks? Larger-than-average build?
Anyone who construes “masculinity” from such minimal variations in female features probably has doubts about their own.
Heather Michaels a man…hmmm…no, I have to say she is not!
I don’t know what mike is looking for, but I can’t for a second think he has not found a woman that meet his obviously insanely high standards of femininity which Ms. Heather Michaels does not meet which is sad because she is a lovely and, dare I say, feminine woman.
Maybe what you should do Reese is place a pic of Heather next to a pic of one of the transsexuals in the quiz (I score 80% if it matters).
Maybe #5 as Heather and her are both blonde and voluptuous.
There is a female body style of big boobs but narrow hips, which IS kind of male. One thing transsexuals don’t have is that female spread (child bearing hips).
Now to play devil’s advocate. I got only 13/25 right on the female vs. shemale quiz, and I’m scared that since I’m unmarried, I might end up being with a woman who I thought was female, but then she’d suddenly reveal she’s a dude and it would be too late. I don’t know about you, but I can’t stand the thought of having sex with a guy. If I wanted to have sex with a guy, I’d be gay, but I’m not. I’m straight. After all, that’s why I’m here. Since I only got 13/25 right on the quiz, I’m worried that my skills at telling apart true, genuine females from transsexuals are not up to par, and I may be unable to screen a future girlfriend or wife.