I awakened this morning (well, this afternoon, if you want to be technical) to a shocking e-mail from MyBoobSite reader Tim re: Score’s Busty Merilyn site with this compelling pair of breast sex pics attached…

(vidcaps courtesy of BustyMerilyn.com)
…accompanied by the following text…
Tim wrote:
“Don’t get me wrong, I think Busty Merilyn is wonderful and absolutely adore slutty women, but don’t you agree that it’s only a matter of time before she moves into full-on XXX hardcore porn?” (Reese, May of 2007)
Well Reese you are a prophet, this seems to have come to pass, but I can’t find any big announcements about it. Just a clip on a torrent site that shows Merilyn getting titfucked and getting a boob-glazing. Strangely I can’t find the clip represented or the act mentioned on her own site tour.
As proof I am attaching the screenshots in the torrent. Maybe you can dig up more info on this to make a blog post about it.
Keep up the great work on myboobsite and the new forum!
…leaving me no choice but to log on to BustyMerilyn immediately to see what was up – and, lo and behold, in the photo gallery of her members’ section I found this description of the up & coming hardcore titfucking photos & videos in question…
BustyMerilyn.com wrote:
What would you like to do to Merilyn, if you could be alone and intimate with her? On the to-do list would be getting stroked by her dainty hands, getting your cock licked by her pink, flickering tongue and, of course, sliding your throbber between her …
…it’s slated for release on October 20th and I, for one, will be most eager to see what our gorgeous G-cup goddess has to offer in the titfuck department. So, like myself, you’ll have to wait for more details in this breaking new from the wonderful world of big boobs.
In the meantime, whilst we wait for this Busty Merilyn titfucking sex scandal to unfold, we’ll just have to be content with some solo tits, ass & pussy pics from one of her most recent shoots for the site. In a series entitled “Ass Creamed”, I found it interesting that Merilyn included more shots from behind than found within her usual fare. Perhaps she thinks we’re paying too much attention to those massive mammary glands when she’s got a really fine ass as well (not to mention beautiful pussy flaps to die for)! And so, here’s ever lovely 32G Busty Merilyn Sakova getting her magnificent huge tits and beautiful round ass creamed in these photos from BustyMerilyn.com:

Come on m8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!can t you tell that its a dildo and the person doing her is a woman probaply jelena jasper? where are you jelena confirm this please?
Merilyn hardcore?
NOOOOO WAAAAAY.Its a dildo .period.Merilyn will never give us these pleasure she is too clever .She won t go xxx.
ye, I have to admit, that is obviously a fake…..
Fake dick
if it is real, then its an epic FAIL.
If you guys claim it is fake, here’s a way to prove it is real next time. Merilyn shall hire Mentok. Mentok’s dick does not look fake and Mentok would be more than willing to take one for the team to prove that Merilyn puts out on camera. That is the only way to prove it is real. As of right now, everyone will be under the assumption that it is fake, since it looks absolutely fake.
Hey… i,ve seen the damn video and its fake dick ,,further more i tell you its a woman doing her you can see her hands(nails
fake dick
It’s fake yes but this is how it starts.
Now I’ve got Billy Joel’s “It’s Just a Fantasy” stuck in my head.
Thanks :p
Regardless if this is a fake, I’m still going to nab it.
Yeah, my initial reaction was “but that’s a dildo”. Even so, it’s the closest thing we’ve had to a cock meeting Merilyn’s massive mams.
You guys are assuming it is even a strap-on. Even that’s getting your hopes up, since I’d dig a Merilyn g-g scene too. But Score has long done a thing where they get a dummy with a dildo for simulated tit sex and bjs. They’ve done whole DVDs around that idea- and those women? Never ended up doing hc.
It’s so sad it’s a fake ! I’ve seen the video and indeed it’s a dildo .
More they should have choose a dildo that can cum on her tits.
So this was just a dream not coming true :(
Oh man…what have I done…Reese read my excited first email but not my disappointed follow-up after I’d seen the video. It looked real enough in the stills but the vid revealed it to be a fake cock.
The dead giveaway was there was no cumshot and the dick never got 100% hard. No guy could remain only semi-soft and never cum while being titfucked by Merilyn.
Sorry everyone. After the BigTitsCurvyAsses “she will go hardcore” assertion I thought maybe she decided to go it on her own site for maximum benefit. The one good thing about it is she talks to the camera in her sexy rhick Eastern European accent about how she loves the cock.
Blatantly fake to the point of being embarrassing!
I have to say I don’t think your are ever going to get Busty Merilyn going hardcore just as you will never see Nadine Jansen, Eden Moore, Alicia Loren, Rachel Aldana or Anna Love, the list goes on….
I suppose some of these women are married and unless their husbands or boyfriends want to appear on camera with their dicks out you are never going to see it happen. I can’t think these guys are going to want to have their huge titted sexy wives or girlfriends reamed by some donkey dicked porn star just for our entertainment.
Maria Moore may be one exception I have never seen her getting banged other than by the same guy, I guess this is her hubby? Lucky fucker!!
anyway she should do hardcore! At least I would know what to do and where to put my hands.
anyways, whoever does get to enter the rose garden is going to be one lucky bastard… whoever she has in her personal life is smiling bigtime, she is so damn hot
“Maria Moore may be one exception I have never seen her getting banged other than by the same guy, I guess this is her hubby? Lucky fucker!!”
Cherry Brady and Denise Davies have done boy/girl though they have been married at the time. Correct me if I’m wrong.
Sapphire is another girl who is more known as a Big Boob topless/nude model who has sporadically done hardcore. Not sure of her relationship status though.
And then there’s Christy Marks, who’s just begun doing some hardcore, but is under contract to Score and so does very little and clearly has boundaries (no anal or facials…yet)
I like how people are insisting they’ve “seen the video” when it hasn’t been uploaded yet (releases on Monday)….
………..yes we,ve seen the video and its a dildo!!!!!!!!
@ lhsjazzman
The video has been available on hack sites for about a week now. Websites like Score upload content weeks in advance, and a computer savvy person can find it and download it before it’s available to the public.
It is a fake dick for Merilyn, but it is a real one for Karina Hart in an upcoming DVD from Score.
It is dowloadable. It was shown on her site on thursday
Atleast we are waiting for the upcoming hardcore debut of KARINA HART!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’ve seen it. Besides the fake dick I also noticed a ring on her wedding finger so that may make her less likely to go hardcore unless he’s into the cuckold thing, which can be hot.
I have seen the video already. I got it the same time I got the pictures. Things get leaked in the age of the internet.
To chris ~
This is not me in the shots doing Merilyn with a fake dildo :)
We went tit to tit not dildo to tit lmao … we have pics featuring both of us, but I didnt titfuck Merilyn with a dildo though that would be lotsa fun lol
P.S. And to add …
As far as I know (and being Merilyn’s good friend and everything) she will not do hardcore … I’ve asked her many times and she hasnt changed her opinion on this one. She was promised big cash and she still said “no”, she just simply doesnt want to do it (got her own reasons I guess) and her fans just should accept it and respect her choice, imho.
This is a fake however this could mean she either goes and does it real next time (Please just watching her boobs getting fondled was hot – full blown hardcore is just unbelievable) or this could be as far as she goes (lets hope not)
Thanks for clearing things up jelena and without thinking anything about consiquences, having in mind you are both score models.Most of us here respect models like you and merilyn who simply won t go xxx for their own reasons(marriage,engeged or whatever… the reason is)At least when you retire there won t be anything like porn backround to be ashamed of.By the way what ever happened to your page?Its down for tech reasons for ages now???
If and when you do get in touch with Merilyn Anya Anna or whatever her real name is sent her our regards and push her to improve her english a bit willya?that woluld be a big plus.lol.
I’m the only one who noticed the similarity with the last set of Nadine Jansen?
I personally cant fucking wait to see this, Merilyn has always and will always be my favorite busty model…her tits are unfucking comparable to anyone out there, and to know that shes touching in hardcore, well i cant explain how many parts of my body are extremely excited to see more of her :)
To Jelena. You wrote Merilyn was offered big cash for hardcore. Big cash is a relative concept. The money in internet porn is not big. East-European models do hardcore scenes for 700-1000 $. I guess the “big” cash offered to Merilyn wasn’t much more, could have been somewhere in the 4-figure range, I can’t think it could have been more considering what lurid bastards all those web producers are, so the pay was still anyway ridicoulus and thus no argument to her.
Anya’s english is much better now then it was 2 years ago, I can tell you that. I used to work with her as a translator on photoshoots and now she doesnt need me anymore, she understands everything, maybe cant speak properly but she tries.
Im 99.99% sure she will never do hardcore. As I said, she’s got her own reasons, she was offered very good money for doing g/g or b/g but she rejected offers. I always tell her about you guys, her fans and she is happy to know that so many people admire and adore her :)
P.S. My website is not working anymore as I’ve decided to stop and take a break from modeling, I currently not even looking for modeling job anymore. I might come back in a year or two :)
to Jelena.
Nice to have feedback from you Jelena.You always answer back to comments which many models avoid to do. I hope Merilyn starts to do that like you do in pages like facebook or myspace which she is in but rarely vivits.I know she had been offered 40,000usd for b/g even with her boyfriend/husband whatever and she refused.so its clear we can forget about her doing it.Anyways good luck with your break and your personal life!!!!
P.S. to Jelena
Look at christy marks …….as soon as she broke up with her boyfriend she rushed in to xxx for good and soon she will be the new Gianna Michaels!!!!!Overused and forgotten in a bit.She will end up escorting …don t you think?
Chris ~
Im sorry but i normally do not discuss other models with anyone :) i respect their choices to do hardcore or whatever they desire.
As for Merilyn and 40k … where people do hear these rumors lol
To Chris.
Where do You know from that Merilyn was offered 40.000 $ for hardcore ? These things are kept well in secret. Adult production companies don’t tell even how much they pay normal non-star models for regular shootings, so why should they reveal extraordinary negotiations like that ? Unless You’re an industry insider … :-) And anyway I don’t believe it. Divide that sum by 4.
My info is right , and to tell you the truth she did good to refuse that offer because although i know them , they are all ass….s!!!!Treat women like shit.
I agree and that’s what I already wrote above – bastards. The porn they do just humiliates women. This moved the honourable master of this site Reese too. Some time ago he critisized on this blog the dudes from BigTitsCurvyAsses for having made Maria Moore subject to some idiot nasty use of cum on her face, that I don’t remember. And he succeeded, as in reply the dudes from BTCA promised they wouldn’t do that again.
As long as hardcore looks like it does now, that is macho-like, women humiliating and exploitive, man-dominating, shovinist, sexist, a lot of great models won’t do it. Hardcore must change style and ethics.
Merilyn was offered a lot and by a lot I mean A LOT!
She is just not into it, as i said before, she’s got her own reasons :)
Also to quote “Eastern-European models do hardcore for 700-1000$” – i really doubt that. Especially busty models.
I’m Eastern-European, so is Merilyn and I can tell you, if i was offered 700-1000$ for just solo, I wouldnt always agree …
In hardcore we talk 1000+, trust me :)
To Jelena…
Anyway we got this in to our system allright….(no xxx from Merilyn)but what about this idea.sSnce you two are friends , get her to sent a picture of her for the blog here saying hallo to her fans …or even better if there is a way, one with both of you in ….i don t think score is gonna make her or you a problem for one even dressed photo saying hallo?After all this may improve her image to the funs….not that she needs it badly but ..hey ….just like you she needs to get in contact with her fans if she wants them to join..Or score dicks are so strict with there models?
nice to keep this blog theme going on….
Merilyn is in Ukraine, Im in the UK … doubt we’ll be able to take a pic of us in near future, although we have some photos of both of us, I just need to ask Merilyn to send me those.
Merilyn doesnt check forums and blogs and I doubt she will … at least never heard she was checking something.
As for Score, no, they are not dicks, in fact I quite like to work with them and never had any problems. They r good and treat us nicely otherwise we wouldnt be working for them.
Merilyn is the most erotic woman in the world and after reading Jelena´s posts I think she is perfect.
Thanks for all that info Jelena ..now one more thing if you can answer …is there any chance for you to tell us when will merilyn be shooting new stuff . I believe all the stuff we are getting now is from last year when you two got together in kiev. So when will we see new shootings are you going back to ukraine soon?will we see new merilyn’s stuff soon like this year or next year?
Come on girl…. give us a hinch will ya?
I’ve got no idea whatsoever. Since we shot last year in Kiev, Merilyn signed contract with Score and they do not require my translator’s service since then.
I dont know when and what and if they are gonna shoot anything new any time soon. I think it’s a question you need to ask Score folks :)
Just for making this a loooong thread (50)responces i m making one more for anyone who knows anything new about merilyn and fresh video shooting….when and where.Come on score guys everybody knows you check all the blogs very often give us some info when will we see fresh merilyn ..meaning 2008 shootings?
how we can to know exactly the year? In Exposed she had shaved pussy; the last videos in bustymerilyn (Ass creamed, Jumper, Tit Fucked!….) show Merilyn with hair. It is odd only one video for Arab and two scenes for Big Tits Curvy Asses but twelve videos for DDF. What about the video in AmourAngels. Could you give us a full chronology?
merilyn did some vids for merilyn exposed with hair and after they had her shaved it on cam but all the vids were made last october in a week period 2007
To Jelena,
I’m East-European too and I’ve come to know models and photographers in this area. Models, who’re not stars, get less than 1000 $ for a hardcore boy-girl scene. I heard it directly from industry insiders ! I don’t know what other websites besides Score You posed for, but Score is not a reference point, because it pays more than average.
You say Merilyn has her own reasons not to do hardcore. The has-her-own-reasons is a flexible and largely used explanation line, that actually explains nothing. :-) What are those reasons ? Jealous boyfriend ? Fear that family comes to know ? Or perhaps just natural inhibition, but could that be “her own reason” ?
The same regards the “A LOT” offered to her for hardcore. Give us some indications ! :-) You can say it implicitely. Compare it to some market goods, like cars or something.
Considering the “reasons” and the “A LOT”, do You say there is no money in the world able to persuade Merilyn to do hardcore ? Hypothetically, if she was offered a million dollars, would she refuse too ?
The information You stay in England explains to me Your brilliant smooth written English. :-)
I’ve shot for Juggs, Plumpers, BigButt, TopHeavyAmateurs, ReadersWives and so on. And as a solo girl I was paid a fair amount but I wouldnt even cosider doing hardcore for less then 1500+
As for Merilyn’s reasons not to do harcore, Im not going to elaborate on this subject, sorry. This is her business and I have no rights yupping about it left and right, telling everyone what she’s told me. Same goes to money subject. It wasnt my offer and I have no right to tell amounts in open forums.
To quote [The information You stay in England explains to me Your brilliant smooth written English] — I hope it wasnt sarcastic note :)
How about them photos jelena?Do you think you can get her to sent some from ukraine?We would love to see Dnipropetrovsk sites….among with no 1 female model of the city offcourse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL.
To Jelena,
Absolutely not sarcastic. Why should I ? I’ve just noticed that. I’d never use sarcasm to a matter like foreign language knowledge, where there is involved a person’s study and talent. And then, this is a boobs forum, not a philology faculty. Anyway, and this isn’t sarcasm too, You’ve got a brain bigger than boobs. :-)
Thank you :)
Yes, I’ve asked Merilyn to send me photos so waiting right now.
Pics were taken in Kiev.
:) Will be able to show once they are here.
Thanks Jelena .Once again all the best to you and merilyn whatever your plans are!
Dear Jelena , i found this post in a russian forum with the name of merilyn as being the poster ..would you say that she posted this?
Кто удаляет мои сообщения???? Всем привет!!!!На вопрос по воводу хардкора хочу Вам сказать ,что сделаю это когда моя карьера будет угасать .Хочу попросить Вас ,дайте мне фото где я в красивом платье не оголяя ни чего и в красивом купальнике тоже что б было все прикрыто .Хочу принять участвие в конкурсе мисс интернет .Хочу ещё сказань что в скором времени планирую сесть на онлайн камеру ,позже дам ссылки Люблю Целую Аня
I’ve got no idea Chris
Do you speak/understand Russian?
Listen jelena i thing somebody is trying to put your friend in to trouble and i think he or she is following this post……i wish i could explain to you in private but i cannot here!!!!!!i have one queshion for you ……when was the last time you spoke with merilyn……?(very important).I don t think its problem for you to answer this?And does she have internet access to check forums?this is also important.Ask the mods to give you my email and answer me there.Believe me my only interest is to protect merilyn and her carrier,your friend and because i am her fan.
this for the mods…….if you cannot post this at least email it to jelena.
to jelena……..i try to email you but your ex webpage email is cancelled right?
please get back to me asap….important for your friend.
p.s. to Jelena…
I understand russian but i cannot read …..i use computer programms to translate what is written..;)
Reese, will you be a dear to pass chris’s email address on to me?
this to jelena again
Forget about it it was a jock of an ass……. member of a forum…..:)
still waiting for photo?
merilyn is at peekshows.com, an adult web cam chat site. i would like to hear your comments and if you have got more update news from her. regards
I’m perfectly fine with Merily not doing Hardcore, as long as she does more of these dildo tit-fuck scenes! :O
Hi VEry nice posts i’sure i’sts nice..
fuck fuck fuck
Fuck Merilyn… Worst “pornstar” ever. Gianna is where it’s at.
Хм… даже такое бывает.