I’m going to take a wee bit of a diversion today (tee hee! said “take a wee”!) because, quite frankly, I found myself becoming somewhat annoyed by porn on Sunday. I’d woken up early with nothing much in particular to do, the wonderful wife still sound asleep in the bed beside me, so I decided to get up and do a little porn surfing on the ‘net. I’d settled upon just searching for a proper titfuck – should be pretty simple, eh? – but, after two fruitless hours of Googling images using specific key search terms such as “titfuck cumshot” & “cleavage cumshot” and perving my way through countless hardcore video galleries only to turn up totally empty-handed (or “empty-breasted”, as it were). :~( Sexually frustrated to distraction by this point, I wandered into the kitchen to brew myself a pot of coffee and then settled once again in front of the ‘puter to resume what was proving to be an impossible quest.
You see, ever since I posted the very first titwank on MyBoobSite, breast sex has been a most popular theme for me in terms of the manifold prurient possibilities of fucking tits and, indeed, there are more than enough multiple methods of mammary masturbation to make this pursuit worthwhile. We’ve got the reverse titfuck, the double titfuck and the inframammary titfuck, as well as countless other erotic variations on the titfucking theme. My favourite type of breast sex – which isn’t so much a variation on the theme but rather a slight enhancement – is the hands free titfuck where your cock is totally engulfed in cleavage so tight there’s simply no need for additional manual or oral stimulus of a handjob or a blowjob (erm, respectively)…

…it is this latter version that a referred to in the first paragraph as a proper titfuck (and thus what I was looking for). After all, if you’ve got your throbbing cock nestled within the cleavage of a nice pair of big tits, what more do you need? Well, apparently – as far as most porn is considered – even the most horny titfuck is not enough! But let me expain:
I don’t know how you feel about it but, personally, it annoys me to no end in your typical hardcore porn when a guy is getting a perfectly acceptable titfuck or blowjob from a girl and then suddenly pulls out his cock from her respective orifice and starts jacking off on her tits for the critical cum shot! What’s wrong with these blokes?! Is it not enough that they’ve got their cock comfortably stuffed into something other than their own bloody hand? Are they such resolute wankers that they need the sexual stimulation of their own tightly clenched fist in order to achieve orgasm?? Can they not appreciate the sublime orgasmic ecstasy of cumming inside another’s engulfing anatomical endowments rather than that personal and – dare I say? – overly familiar masturbatory mate they’ve enjoyed in endless onanistic escapades since they were the tender age of [admin edit: Stop! Is this compliant with 2257 regulations?]?!
Sorry – my humblest apologies – went off on one there. But FUCK THEM (or not, as the case may be), as these guys obviously enjoy the carnal company of their own familiar finger flesh to get off, masturbating away when there’s perfectly good fucking to be had!
Persistence paid off in the and as, at length, I came across the sort of titfuck I was looking for – curiously on a site called Only Blowjobs…

…now that’s more what I’m talking about! Granted, he does jerk his cock out of her cleavage in the midst of said spunky orgasm and begins jacking off to manually drain the remains of his jizz on her chest, but I’ll let that slide for now because he genuinely did commence cumming on her tits without prior manual assistance (well, actually, this rather copious cumshot missed her tits completely, instead shooting off his load right past her head!). And, while I did say “without manual assistance” earlier, there’s the fact that our boob boning bloke above had to use his thumbs to supplement the pressure of her cleavage in order to achieve orgasm between her breasts – thus proving that E-cup tits are too small to completely enclose a cock in cleavage (successful breast sex – i.e. a proper titfuck to completion with a pearl necklace finish – being but one of the many reasons for MyBoobSite’s “F-cup & Up” motto).
Ah, but that’s not the soapy titwank you were promised in the title now, is it (“soapy titwank” being a phrase I’d not encountered prior to keeping the company of British girls)? For that, we’ll need to delve yet further into the galleries of OnlyBlowjob who, despite their nice specific domain name, seems to have an awful lot of tit fucking in addition to the titular oral sex. In the following photo & video galleries, we once again revisit the moderately busty Jasmine Black taking a bath with her boyfriend, his erect cock poking up out of the water, ready for whatever tit slapping sensual delights she might visit upon it’s engorged glory. And so, to find out what’s sexually in store for this busty girl and her boyfriend, let us now join the lovely 34E Jasmine Black in the bathtub for some splendid soapy titwank / blowjob photos & videos that come with loving courtesy from OnlyBlowjob.com:

Jasmine Black is sexy as hell I love she is natural wow.
Although I was astonished of course to see you breaking the “F-cup and up” motto, what better way to do it than with the ravishing Jasmine Black. Not only is she flawlessly beautiful (in the same category, say, as Ines Cudna), her amazing ‘Breasts-to-Body Contrast Ratio’ makes her look at least a cup size bigger. I would be honoured for her to titwank me any day.
Hands-free titfucking is indeed a big boob delight, especially if her breasts are big enough to wrap around your cock. I personally prefer baby oil, but anything she would like to use to create a tight, slippery tunnel of her copious cleavage is fine with me. Once firmly ensconced in there, it is the sheer range of possible breast-motion that makes it such a unique wanking experience. And why would you want to pull out if the end result is something as pretty as a pearl necklace?
My wife and I have done this very thing many times in our garden tub.the one thing I have to ask is…What would posses a man to have Tweety Bird tattooed on his hip!!
hottest session I’ve seen all week. Amazing tits, horny girl, love the trimmed soapy cock too.
I saw Jasmine Black for the first time a week ago. Very sexy face! Kind of a busty, brunette answer to Sylvia Saint (for those who remember her, even though she had no boobs). This is hot stuff! I had not idea she could accomplish the hands-free titfuk. Talent!
RE: titfuk positions
There is one position that has not been named or mentioned yet. It’s not a reverse TF, but maybe it’s an “inverse.” Don’t know. I think Samantha 38GG has done this. I saw her in SCORE videos and a couple others as well.
This position is kind of ‘flipped’ from a regular in-your-lap TF style as far as how man and woman face each other. It’s flipped like a 69 position but instead of giving head, the busty lady is further down putting the penis, not in her mouth, but in her cleavage. This lets the underside of the penis have great friction with soft breasts, not the lady’s chest. Unfortunately it limits a man’s ability to thrust as he pleases since her weight is on top of him and pinning his abdomen down.
Reese had mentioned the inverted titfucking position a little while back where the woman is on her back giving her the opprotunity to use her mouth on your balls while not restricting the thrusting too much. The first clip of that tit fuck is outstanding and Jasmine is fucking beautiful. What a sexy woman.
Jasmine is stunning … reminds me a bit of Ewa Sonnet. Too bad OnlyBlowjob is only blowjobs! I’d like to see Jasmine doing more!
She’s a hot one.
I’ve been looking for titfucking (“soapy titwank” sounds so much better) for ages online, why isn’t there more of this anywhere? You’d think the shower would be the perfect place for this, but there seems to be ZERO sites with this on…go figure that this file is an AVI that my computer can’t handle, either.
That was some great stuff!!
I was blown away, by Jasmine’s “efforts”!! She should open her own titfucking clinic!! – he is a lucky guy!!
RE: titfuck positions
I NEVER complain when I’m buried in cleavage, so it’s hard to pick one position over others, but if I must….
I still go back to a girl I dated a few times about 15 years ago!!
She was a “big” girl, but she was quite “giving” and she had a pair of all-natural 38HH’s!!
Sometimes I would lay on the bed, or sit in a chair, while she straddled my waist, and I sild my cock between her melons, while she was wearing
a bikini top!!
I know it’s a different approach, but holy shit, was it good!!