I have to credit MyBoobSite regular Bono for finding this out before I did. He’d kindly included this photo from BoobsGarden with his message saying it’s unbelievable how different Bea looks (and I have to agree)! Bono’s admitted that he’s not terribly fond of the new blonde hairstyle she’s adopted, whereas I’m kind of on the fence at the moment. You see, my all-time favourite photo of Ms. Flora features her with dark hair, and it could take me a while to adapt to her new-found blondeness (even though, as a rule, I prefer buxom blondes). It’s just a bit of a shock, really.
Bea’s beautiful as ever, though, and it’s great to see her back on the scene. There’d been rumours she’d moved over to Scoreland, and even her long-time home Busty.pl had reverted to posting early shots from her modelling career (but they’ve nonetheless promised more Bea Flora in the future, and can be forgiven on the grounds that they’ve got the lovely Kate Bona & Ewa Sonnet to take our minds off it). But leave it to Bea to turn up at Pani Silk’s ever-fertile BoobsGarden as a blonde in what seems an obvious attempt to turn my attentions away from my Wanessa!
The best news by far is that Bea’s got loads of new shoots and projects in the pipeline, which I’ll certainly be featuring here as soon as they’re ready. For now, here’s the ever-busty and newly-blonde Bea Flora, 34FF tits spilling out of a tight, black corset (don’t’cha just love the “big breasts from behind” shots?), courtesy of BoobsGarden.com:

Beautiful as ever! My favourite model from Busty.Pl, always. :)
The blonde hair isn’t workin’ for me. But the tits, as usual, are.
Very nice! Gotta love the way that corset “pushes up” her massive breasts. Amazing stuff. I’m liking the blonde hair very much!
I don´t like it that much….not only the haircut or the blonde hair….she lost weight, looks kind of “not healthy”….
Anyway, even a sign of life of her….
she look like she was preggo or she is preggo
got milk on her nip in pic 9
i hope she is tho
that would be somthin seein her milkin them big azz tits
the look bigger too
nice post buddy keep it up
I prefer her old look. She looks 10 years older here.
fake tits don’t you all know!
Speaking of preggos, the great Nadine Jansen is expecting her first child. :)
Wonder if she ever go as a redhead? Oh be still my throbbing…!
It does look like milk on pic 9…any info on whether or not she is or was pregnant, reese? cuz if so, her appeal may have just doubled for me
First off, those are not fake tits. You can tell when she is in a reclining position. Second, yeah, that bit of milk is very, very sexy. And though I don’t dig the new hair, I do hope that being on a new site encourages her to be a little less stingy with the beaver shots.
Yeah, I saw the milk too… She probably was preggers and that’s why the corset’s on.
Bea is always a looker :) Cute face and a what a body :)
I hope she’s lactating and hope she will show more :)
*crossing fingers and hopes Reese will get the info on Bea we desperately need*
p.s. haven’t heard from Maxi lately what’s going on there? Hmm I don’t mind a blog on Nadine and her milkers :))
I don’t think the white spot on her nipple in pic 9 is milk. On closer examination it looks whiter than the white on the wall or on the pictue behind. I’d say it’s an artifact unrelated to the picture, like a dust spot. I don’t see any other pic with something similar. What other sign in the pictures is there on which to base her being pregnant?
The blonde does seem to have aged her, and not in a good way.
she looks good but I prefre blondes…..she does look thinner but who am I to complain.
Nadine is preggo huh? seems that alot of the gals are getting that way lately. Im kinda over nadine but it will be interesting to see what happens with her, I can see her getting real big.
Fake tits? What gave you that idea? They don’t look like that to me. I was looking at some pics of Kiki Kakuchi on siliconefree.com, and to me, she looks like she has implants. But not one of our favorite non-blondes turned blonde!
I was disappointed that some of the pics linked to in the text left a crick in my neck; did the photographer really have to do that?
INCI! Bea’s tits ain’t fake
Nadine pregnant!? Woah, that’s news! She could get as big as Milena Velba after lactating. But not as pretty. Milena is THE ONE.
Bea Flora with blonde hair is not a hit. I think Reese is just sitting the fence and he doesn’t want to let out his true colors (pun intended). He’s realizing brunettes have got it going on. No way is this girl a blonde. She is hotter than hot brunette and should stay that way.
But all this pregnancy talk is kind of exciting. With all these topheavy models on the net and all the sex they have, it’s just a matter of time before most all of them decide to become mothers. It’s just a question of whether or not they will share….
Linsey Dawn, Lorna, Maxi, Hayden, now allegedly Serenity is expecting, and also Nadine…. how long will this list get?
If Taylor Stevens started milking (and sharing), I think I would die from happiness right on the spot! :)
I went back and looked again, Im thinking bea is too thin. Im partial to the softer look myself. Women like Bea are meant to be plush not sticks with tits, thats just my opinion.
I agree with charles, Milena was the best. she is one of my all time favs.
I don’t like the “blonde” Bea as much as the hot brunette she was born to be. Those HUGE tits of her arestill in shape (yowza!!!), so “blonde” looks aside, she’s perfect to me.
And as for the pregnancy item, like Charles says, yeah, with all the money they are earning and all the extra-attention they are getting, being a mother is a easy step for them to take. And i agree that, if Nadine IS pregnant, she will get BIG but not as big as Milena. Man, she never ceases to amaze me………
im hung over again, alot of beer jd and cigarrettes, and nothing cures all that like Bea Floras boobs. her new hair color is alright but the one she had befor that was better. bea keep up the good work i got more drinking to do!
I prefer her with dark hair, but her body is great.
wondering if any of you have had problems with boobsgarden….subscribed to the site and my log-in attempts have just led to “server not found” msgs…tried several times and there is no webmaster contact listed on the homepage….does anyone have an e-mail for these guys?
any insight would be greatly appreciated
Hi Roy~
You’re right. I just tried logging into my member account on BoobsGarden and received a “bad server response” error. I’ll e-mail the webmistress right away and let you know what’s up…
~Reese! :~)
P.S. …if you’d like to e-mail her yourself, follow the “privacy policy” link on thier main page and you’ll find an address at the bottom of the window that pops up.
We very sorry for these problems with access to our page.
For yours convenience, we change server with better parameters, for could download materials faster then even before!
Now, everything should work fine.
Again, very sorry.
Please enjoy our site.
Works great now, Pani – thanks for the rapid response! :~D
Love the new Bea Flora vid, too… ;~)
Looks far far hotter as a brunette, still would though!!
Bea is one killer babe …… i dunno bout the blonde thang , kinda odd looking , i guess since we’ve all seen her brunette for so long on busty.pl
is what’s so drastic about her new looks . I wondered about those boobs not being real but after some careful observation (vids from busty.pl) they gotta be real genuine natural puppies . My favorite of her is the set and vid she’s got on that sexy white top and white pants dancing in front of the big ass wood cabinet . Is it a FTP server u guys use to share her vids and new pics ?? she’s gotta be one of the most lushious big boobies babes on the net … just simply delicious. peace out earl
I used to the old bea better. blodes aren’t my type
Never really looked into it before, no idea why but Bea Flora is amazing, bordering on perfection as far as I’m concerned. Her and Ashley, I think that’s my dream haha. Better as a brunette though as people are saying, definitely.
i am really feeling jealous about for not having all those stuff in me