I’m havin’ a bad time with real life at the moment, guys and gals, and, although it’s nothing to do with boobs or those who possess them, I still feel largely uninspired by large breasts (or pretty much anything else, for that matter). But there is a dim light at the end of the tunnel to help pull me out of my porn-free funk, so I should be back really soon.
In the meantime, however, I thought I’d try something a little bit different for big tits today. Whilst I may be in no mood for massive mammaries momentarily, that doesn’t necessarily mean I can’t blog boobs, just that I need someone else to write about tits whilst my head is elsewhere. And so, today’s big breast blog shall be brought to you by my mate Gary B, who sent me the following e-mail a while back…
Gary wrote:
Dear Reese,
I’m writing with regard to your January 26th, 2010 post on the My Boob Site Big Tits Blog, “September Carrino and Unfair Breast Comparison.”
You complain that it’s unfair to have Rachel Aldana posing side-by-side with September Carrino on the grounds that:
Rachel’s massive rack of L-cup breasts are a whole five cup-sizes bigger than F-cup September! To put their respective mammary measurements into perspective in terms of bra sizing, the difference in breast measurements between the two are exactly the same as they would be between September and an arguably boobless girl with A-cup tits (i.e. an average of 10cm in total)! So why didn’t they just go the whole hog with hooters and find some A-cup boobs to cover the whole breast size spectrum so September could at least appear to have average-sized breasts in a cleavage comparison between the other two tit sizes? Alas, our big breast lovers’ world will never know.
Well, Reese, speaking of arguably boobless girls with A-cup tits, I happened to have found some photos on the Chloe Vevrier website taken just last year of the Wunderbabe with her tits out at what, I think, is some glamourcon-type deal. She was photographed in some remarkable side-by-side photos with, well, an arguably boobless girl with A-cup tits (six photos attached). Talk about an unfair breast comparison! Jeez. Chloe currently lists her brassiere size as a european 34 K-cup. Assuming the other girl is a 32 or 34-A cup, that would be an astonishing size difference of 10 full cup sizes between the two women. Pictures of ladies with humongous knockers, like Chloe Vevrier, posed alongside ladies who qualify for membership in the Itty Bitty Titty Committee, is a small sub-genre of big breast obsession, but I happen to be a fan of it (it proves beyond all shadow of a doubt that all women are not created equal), and so I decided to send you these pictures.
Now, the Chloe Vevrier photos are copyrighted, so you probably can’t reprint them on your blog. But, in a similar vein, I’ve also included some side-by-side tit comparison shots of America’s favorite flat-chested actress Selma Blair posing arm-in-arm with … (wait for it) … some Hooters Girls! (photos attached) Miss Blair showed these photos on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Apparently she was on a scavenger hunt and getting a Hooters T-shirt was one of the missions. Never did a flatter chest fill a Hooters shirt.
Love the blog.
Gary B
…so, thank you, Gary, for providing some big boob blog fodder I can fall back on. And, as luck would have it, I can show the small vs big breast comparison photos you’d included since I’ve blogged her here before (here and here and here and here and here and here and here, to be more precise)! And so, in MyBoobSite’s first ever guest writer blog that would’ve much better been entitled “Chloe Vevrier vs A-cup Boobs” or even “A-cup Tits with Chloe Vevrier” (since even attempting to imagine Chloe Vevrier with A-cup breasts herself as inadvertently implied in the title above is just so wrong on so many levels), here’s stunningly sexy Chloe Vevrier and a beautiful yet boobless buddy at ChloeVevrier.com:

This blog title was misleading, I thought Chloe had a reduction and almost cried!
I’d wager to say that her companion is a b cup even, rather than an a. I mean she’s next to Ms. Vevrier!
chloe is one of the most gorgeous girls i’ve ever seen! truly beautiful!
I agree the title was m isleading just like the firs tposter said.
Chloe is a big favorite of mine, she is both sexy and good looking (far more attractive face than her onetime rival Linsey Mckenzie)
I noticed recent photoshoots of her seem greatly enhanced, either she wears a ton more makeup in her face, or the pics have been airbrushed (or whatever is the more recent terminology)
Her breast seem fuller, rounder recently, as opposed to sagging with age. Maybe this should be investigated! Did she have kids recently?
Sorry to hear of your ‘real life’ woes, Reese. Hope you’re back to your usual self soon. Best wishes, rc.
Need to do more of these comparisons!
That woman is definitely a B cup. A cups look more like a mosquito bite.
Hope youre feeling better soon Reese, this is one of only a few sites I visit daily and is almost exclusively my only porn fix. Well, this and MyBBWSite. ;)
Chloe is so amazingly delicious, its a shame its been so long since she was last blogged here. One of my very favorites! I have to say though, that the girl next to her is far bigger then an A cup, large B I would wager…and that is the minimum. The thought would never cross my mind she is boobless, thats for sure.
Thanks for sharing this one!
I LOVE comparisons like this. There is no denying that the smaller girl has an amazing body and cute lil’t tits, but there is also no question that Chloe is the clear winner here. Just breathtaking.
I love seeing two girls together when one has big, luscious and the other has small ones. I don’t know why, really. I just find it really hot. More stuff like this the better!
Chloe is, was, and always will be the absolute best of the big natural breasts goddesses. She really is an amazing looking women, from top to bottom aka rump. I love looking at Chloe for like 15 years running or something. And she looks just as good as always.
Hey, the a-cup chick ain’t bad either.
Hope you get better soon, Reese! Very sorry to hear about you having a bad time. :(
About comparisons: I have some great pics of Nadine & Bettie together and I’d be happy to send them to Reese. Those pics are originally from danni.com which (I suppose) means that it’s OK for Reese to publish them here on the MyBoobSite.
Chloe is perfection !
Chloe has the bigger tits, but the other girl has the fitter body. I’d take them both.
Thanks rc, BTnA & dreyfuzz. Oh, and drey? Please do send those pics as I’d love to feature them here! Cheers, Reese! :~)
Reese, you have e-mail! :D
Okay, as someone who loves both big and small breasts, these pics are absolutly fanstastic. I think they look perfect together, and I love the pics of them pressed up tit to tit.
More photos like these please!!!
I’m the guy who “pinch-hit” for Reese’ blog here. First, about the title: Everybody calm down. Jeez. I wasn’t implying Chloe had a breast reduction. It was just my short-hand way of saying to Reese (in what was initially intended as a private email correspondance) that this was a COMPARISON between Chloe Vevrier and a woman who looked to me like she had A-cup breasts. Sorry if anybody got confused. Second, to those who want to see more photos like this: Chloe did a similar comparison pictorial (titled, “Is Bigger Better?”) with an A-cupper named Rebecca back in the April 2001 SCORE. Very funny stuff – especially when the two women switch brassieres! Seeing Chloe wearing a 32 A-cup brassiere with her humongous bazooms exploding out the sides is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen in my life. Just Google it. Most of the pictures are online.