In yesterday’s vampiress blog, I reasoned that I probably wouldn’t make a very good Goth. However, thinking about it since, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s a wonder that I’m not! Growing up, I used to spend a lot of time in graveyards as I found it quite peaceful (which no doubt influenced my decision to live in one now). Not only that, but it sometimes proved a profitable venture! You see, I was a good Catholic altar boy and the priests would give me a fiver to hang out at a funeral service in my robes and hold the holy water or wave the censer about!
My bedroom itself was a tribute to death and the afterlife. I had a small home-made ceremonial altar next to which stood a glow-in-the-dark skull on a stick that I’d dressed up in a hooded robe and the walls were adorned with a small part of my extensive crucifix collection. The three-drawer night-stand next to my bed held, in order from the top drawer downward, candles, daggers and the rest of my crucifixes. I studied magick in the Western Esoteric Tradition and wore a carved olive-wood pentagram that I’d curiously picked up at a Christian religious festival with my family. Add to that the fact that my best friend in my later teen years was a mortician and he, his girlfriend & I used to hang out at the mortuary surrounded by dead people and watch TV (erm, it was because they had HBO there), and it seems rather shocking that I’d missed out on the whole Goth scene altogether!
Then again, this was the late-’70s & early-’80s and the whole post-punk Gothic subculture was just beginning to emerge. It’s a shame, too, because I do find Goth girls deadly attractive (if you’ll pardon the pun) desipte their pallid complexions reminding me of some of my less active telly watching companions in my teens and the quiet neighbours who occupy my front garden now. There’s just something deliciously slutty about them that I find utterly irresistible. And so, continuing MyBoobSite’s Halloween festivities, some gorgeous Goths from

NO THANKS! No offense but I think MyBoobSite could have left it at the 1st, 3rd and 5th photo groupings – the women are generally sexy in these even though the settings leave something to be desired. The 6th is tasteless and obvious, halloween or not, and should not even have been included. No thanks to the blood and gore – we just don’t need crap like that in the world we live in today.
Nice pix 4 halloween eheheheh
Speed Racer, it’s called Halloween, deal with it.
“No thanks to the blood and gore” – Speed Racer
I have to agree on those points though I love the gothsluths angle.
What is it about goth chicks that spike our interest (so to speak).
Is it the “slut” angle? I mean you NEVER think a goth chick is a virgin or prude. You always think, “hey, there’s a gal who’s up for anything I can dream up.”
wow,so fucking awesome,im a goth btw :) i love black
im learning witchcraft also,i also love death metal and black metal.awesome music
Speedy I have to agree with you on this. Very American and Very tasteless. We do not need gore at a time like this, it is just not the forum for it…
Sorry. I just don’t get into women who have lots of tattoos. Especially gals that were good looking to start with. It’s like taking a bunch of magic markers and drawing graffiti on a Rembrandt.
Ah, so you’re a Pope-Lover
Forget halloween this is an early christmas present for me. I was hoping there would be a post like this one day. Busty goth chicks don’t get the recognition they deserve.
Whoah…scary. yet hot…! :p
speed racer get off soap box. more goth and piercings
OK, first off, it’s Halloween. Second, it’s not real blood. Third, since when, exactly, is gore “American”? You are aware that other countries make horror films, right? I’m trying as hard as I can not to start flaming here, but my God… And what does “at a time like this” mean, anyway?
Me, I love a busty goth chick. I could do without the fake blood, but hey, I understand the spirit in which it’s intended.
peeb is right.
The goth culture can be traced almost directly back to two people – Mary Shelley and Bram Stoker.
Punk may have settled at the late CBGB’s, but crossed the pond from where?
IMO, since it is Halloween, the “blood” is fine…
JJ, correct me if I’m wrong, but, blood, in gothic culture, represents life, not death.
Happy Halloween to you too, you wankers.
Amazing, everyone got so caught up n the blood no one mentioned her fake boobs.
You do not win arguments like that and in fact you’ve just lost any credibility your view had by resorting to that kind of language.
I supported you in your view and would have put them firmly in their place by pointing out some facts that they obviously are not aware of. But, that time has passed. Please do not lose your temper like that again as I believe you are better than that. Oh, and please remember that this is a public forum and others see what we say and how we represent ourselves. I would hate to think that others took an incorrect view of you and us. This is by far the best blogg with the highest standards, lets not let that title go by our own actions…. peace!
Maybe, we souldn’t have let that comment through moderation!
“I don’t like tattoos…” oh come on, this is a site about BOOBS, don’t be so prudish…. you sound like an old lady…
I assume, for you, the difference between rape and consensual love making is too irrelevant to make a fuss about. Afterall, the act is the same.
The idea of being a thinking, conscience homo-sapien is that you bring thought to its highest elevation, not its lowest common denominator. And, if old lady means I actually care about what people think then guess what, I wasn’t expecting any complements this early in the year but thank you all the same- your welcome!
Guys, please, relax. We all have our bad days. Lord knows I’ve spouted off alittle too harshly here before.
Allow me to offer this suggestion. Thanksgiving is right around the corner. And although it isn’t a big holiday in GB, it is for Reese. So let’s start thinking about what gorgeous “stuffed bird” he’ll be serving us soon. Whatever he chooses, I (for one) hope it comes with a generous side-helping of Kerry Marie;D
Jes, hear, hear…
I adhere to the spirit of your comments and support them fully but I am too much of a Brit to do the thanks giving thing though…If I am not mistaken Thanks giving is actually a celebration of independence from Britain. I am not so sure that I’ll be helping anyone celebrate that… But, you Americans can do that which you wish and whatever makes you happy. God knows you do anyway.
jes u said it represents life,of course it does….why wouldnt it dude??.and to all the haters of the goth chicks,you are all fucking noobs with no taste.
I hope you’re not referring to me! If I read back through the string I don’t see where I actually say I don’t find Goth girls attractive. Maybe because I didn’t say that at at all. Goth Girls are a secret fetish of mine if things actually be known. I just don’t like the cliche crap of blood and guts- Its boring!
“I assume, for you, the difference between rape and consensual love making is too irrelevant to make a fuss about. Afterall, the act is the same.”
WHAT? When did I ever say something as aberrant as that?!?!?! I only said, in a sarcastic manner, about kws’ comment about tattoos being “like taking magic markers to a Rembrandt”, because that kind of disrepectful attitude towards the art of tattoos is something I find old-fashioned in a bad way.
If you look at my post, I was not saying anything about you being an old lady, or anything like that. In fact, I hadn’t even read your post above mine, I was just commenting on kws’s.
Whatever made you think I was talking about you, and most important, whatever made you say I think that rape and consesual sex are the same??!!?! You insult me, when I did not disrespect you at all.
Um, whatever guys. The 4th set, the 2nd vampira girl, is super hot. The 5th set with the pink hair and nipple piercings is kinda cute too. Yes, goth chicks are up for anything, that’s a big part of the appeal. I really do think the 2nd vampira girl is absolutely gorgeous. Of course I’d have to wipe the white body make up off of her before I sucked her nipples but that’s no problem. A fun way to come on to girls with tattos is to tell them “I really wanna kiss your ink” and hope for several in hidden locations. :-)
Are the 1st set and the 5th set of the same girl?
I knew I could count on some support from you (my oh-so-worthy debator).
Re: Thanksgiving – It’s not at all about Independence from Britain, that’s the Fourth of July. Thnxgiving is about the early English settlers (at Plymouth Rock) finding the help (Native American Indians) they desperately needed to survive the harsh winters of New England (a Nor-Easter is one BITCH of a storm). Without that help, Plymouth Rock would have been another Jamestown Province (i.e. – no survivors).
Re: JJ’s comment about Goth haters – It wasn’t about you. The Goth culture takes a lot of crap over here, from all walks of life. It’s difficult to be accepted when the sheep are in wolves clothing. I had a view very good friends in college, who were Goth.
The best way to describe it is like this: If you’re into football (soccer, over here), are all football fans good people?
Sam – btw, with the current state of American politics…I’m thinking of becoming a Tory (hope I spelled that right).
sam,i wasnt reffering to you dude.and jes u did speell it right lol,hehe..get it?speell?? im soo funny (sarcasm) lol.
If I am going to be put in my place, everyone take note, Jes the man just did it! In style!
Jes you’re on fire pal, I’ll just sit down and masticate on the superior knowledge.
Yeah, you spelled it correctly but I fear as everyone else does that there is no real difference between the Tories or New Labour. Any real difference between them ended when all our affairs were dictated by Washington. No, I take that back, there is a difference at the speed at which the parties jump at the orders we are given by the US. New Labour 0.7 seconds, Tories 2.0 seconds. Other than that they are more or less the same.
Yeah JES,
Our English Football supporters are the salt of the earth. A bit like your Neo-cons loads of money and power but no brains so they go around smashing things up and killing people for no better reason than it feels good at the time. Oh and substitute English football supporter’s beer for Neo-con oil.
The one in the blue lights is nice. Wouldn’t mind her at all.