– one chocolate fountain
– two pounds of fine Belgian chocolate
– a varietal selection of big breasts
I realize that I don’t usually post recipes on MyBoobSite, but it’s my blog and I feel I’ve got two legitimate reasons for doing so: Firstly, I’ve been itching to blog the 32J Davina since I first blogged Cel’s site yesterday, and, secondly, I’m really fond of chocolate.
However, it wasn’t until last weekend that I became aware of the wonders of combining breasts with chocolate: Vix & I happened to be hosting a party, so a friend of ours decided to bring her chocolate fountain to the festivities, replete with plenty of marshmallows, strawberries and other tasty treats for dipping. But the girls gathered in the kitchen after the fountain had been fired up had other ideas, and took turns sticking their nipples in the chocolatey waterfall instead! Being the thoughtful hosts that we are, Vix & I felt obligated to sample these chesty confections ourselves first (mind you, we were only doing this to ensure that they were suitable for our assembled guests). My personal favourite was the chocolate-covered G-cups, of course…highly recommended!
Alas, Davina of doesn’t have a chocolate fountain, but she does have an exceptionally lovely pair of J-cup boobs! Hailing from Kingston on Thames here in the UK, this busty British lass embodies my ideal of voluptuous perfection (Cel: Where do you find these girls?!), her milky white skin nicely complementing the rich, dark, chocolatey goodness of the Nutella spread (mmm, hazelnuts). My only disappointment is that she showered herself off, rather than allowing me to lovingly lick her clean. :~( Then again, I just realized that Kingston on Thames is only 120 miles East of Vix & me! Hmmm…since Davina’s 29th birthday is coming up on March 2nd, I wonder if she’d be up for an invite?! I’m sure we could borrow the chocolate fountain again for such a special occasion… ;~)

…for those of you longing to see the lovely Davina’s J-cups in motion, here’s a selection of clips from her “Fixed Camera Goodness” video, wherein Cel stands her all by her lonesome in front of the camera and asks her to do whatever comes naturally. Don’t worry, though, he makes all of his XX-Cel models do this, so he’s not just picking on Davina. The result is not entirely unlike an X-Factor audition tape…except that it’s topless…and there’s no singing (which, come to think of it, would make X-Factor a lot more entertaining):

Gawd, what a gooey chocolatey mess! Kindly submit contact info so I can come right over and lick it all off! (fat chance – i’m close to 6000 miles away.)
Could it be that that chocolatey goo is like Timex watches? “Takes a licking but keeps on sticking!”
While we’re on the subject of gooey mess, Reese, for entertainment purposes, have you ever thought about becoming a Plaster Caster? (boobs, of course.)
Blonde, big tits, big nice butt, oh god my dick is so hard!!!!!!
can i see more video of you
i like your boobs so much
i love this website i’v never seen biger boobs
Hi Davina, I recognise you babe, I swear I used to date you, ever been to Birmingham? Remember all them nights at my nans?
davina, i like ur taste very much, have nice times with ur boos
i’m blakc i’m a veteran,
Hello, just want to say, wow. Beautiful breast.
Hello, just wanted to say the that the hole chocolate thing, awesome! it looks great.
Nutella is good. Big tits are good. Together, they are amazing.
gee awesome!! nice jugs!
wow…..thats amazing. i love your breasts they are so beautiful. i just want to lick all that chocolate off!!! o gosh!!!!! your so hot!!!
is your real name Gemma Armstrong?
I just wanna fcuk u so bad
got any videos?
LOL Simon @ your nans?
Alicia’s tits are much better, Davina’s tits are way too small
My cock exploded when she did the dancing!! Oh, God what a soft dream body she has! And that Paradise pussy…. OMG OMG OMG!!! I’d do ANYFUCKINGTHING to touch her…!
these are probably just pc animations nobody’s boobs really are that big