Well, I’m back from my trip to Scotland over this past week, so it’s back to business as usual at MyBoobSite. I had a great time and, although I didn’t find any deep-fried Mars bars (apparently, the chocolate seeps out and gets into everything else), I did get to enjoy a deep-fried pizza! But, by far, the best thing about Scotland was its women: Big boobed, bouncy babes around every corner! Sporting one of the largest national averages, with a mean bust size of 39 inches in a DD-cup, it’s a true breast lover’s paradise. I got to gaze upon plenty a generous G-cup in my travels, as well as one remarkable pair I’d conservatively estimate in the JJ-cup range!! [Note to self: Must find Scottish women for MyBoobSite!]
Mind you, we’ve got some pretty big boobs back here in England as well (even though our national average falls 3″ short of Scotland’s): A fine example being West London-born Kerry Marie, who’s recently relocated her HH-cup heavies over to Boobs.pl (although why an English girl of Greek ancestry would move to a Polish website is beyond me). Still, she’s in good company with the likes of Sonia, Fiona, Xena & Magda, not to mention the dozens of other busty models that grace the site. However, since Kerry’s 34HH breasts appear to be the biggest of the lot, I expect she’s probably the only one there who can conceal a coffee cup in her cleavage. Hmmm, I wonder if she takes milk with that?

Welcome back my friend! We missed you for sure – god love your site. I am myself married to a Scot, with some very nice big bouncy boobs. :) Hopefully one day I’ll make the trip with her back to her homeland (we live in Canada) as I’ve never visited Scotland, but love my Scotch. Keep the blogs flowin’ and the boobs a bouncin’! Cheers mate.
Maybe it’s because she wants to make more money. Boobs.PL probably offered more for her pics than some other site. And besides, it’s probably all arranged through some modeling agency, and she likely had little to do with it. And then why are her pics on XX-cel-s website? Does she like to travel to France? Well, I guess Paris has it’s (oops, I made the same mistake Reese did – s/b its) attractions. So the net result is that we get to see more of Kerrie-Marie’s big ol’ tits all over the place. :-) Actually, I’m kind of partial to the rest of her, too; nice and curvy and full-bodied.. Yeah. Didja see the pics of her in xx-cel.com? What a head of hair!
Actually, when it comes down to it, as Reese probably knows, boobs.pl is just another IP address on the ‘net, and could be located in some server farm, very likely in some major city, could be London, could be Paris, could be anywhere in the world, even in the U.S. BRB… Well, I plugged http://www.boobs.pl into the ‘do stuff’ box at http://www.samspade.org, and it came back with the IP address of, so I plugged that into the IP whois box, and it gave me the info I was looking for. So boobs.pl is apparently in some server farm in New Jersey! Heh-heh.
Hi I’ve just got to love all the great work you’re doing and all the lovely big boobs out here. I’ve seen one of a young thing who goes by the name of Nikki/Kiki from the site Black Bachelor, and man! are those huge for the girl :) Any Diane pics mate! anyone! thanks. Keep up the boob work
You know, I had a girlfriend, a short while back (34G), Scottish background-went to Aberdden Uni, whenever I’d visit, I’d look around and see an awful lot of plump, busty girls. So it it is a trend, Masters up in Scottland I think…
Btw dude-the sight is awsome, keep up the good work.
Glad you’re back. Is there for real an “average bust size chart” for the different countries? I’d like to see it. Any links?
Man here we go again, why post so many pix of such ugly chix? Kerry marie is NOT hot, never as been never will be. same with your latest post. big tits, but shit faces. no beauty. just a bunch of desperate ho’s thinkin someone wants to titfuck them or more even though they got no charm. Ugggh
BigBoobFan: Missed you guys as well, although I am getting a bit jealous of all of you who have Scots for wives & girlfriends! This, of course, is exacerbated by the fact that I’ve been after a particular Scottish woman for the past couple of years and we’ve just never got it together… :~( …oh well, perhaps one day. As for a trip to your missus’ homeland – highly recommended!
VF: Yeah, the pics of KM on Cel’s site are incredible. May have to feature them here one day. Do you think it’s the free trip to Paris that affords Cel all these wonderful women?! Regarding the domains: While the boobs.pl server is in New Jersey, the domain registrant is definitely in Warsaw. It’s the same case for me, really, as MyBoobSite is hosted in California, MyBBWSite in Texas and some of my other sites in Indiana…whilst all are run from here in the UK. P.S. Thanks for pointing out my “it’s” – I hate it when that happens (I’ve corrected the offending possessive pronoun, of course)!
MammaMia: Is Nikki/Kiki the 19 y/o with 38FF tits? If so, you’re absolutely right! Btw, where do I find Diane?
One Among Many: Mmmm – 34G – nice! I was only down in Glasgow. Do they get bigger as you move farther up North?!
Robert: No luck on the average bust size chart. I only know about Scotland from a newspaper article from around a year ago about the growing boobs of Britain. Would love to find a comparative study (with pictures, of course!).
busenchatz: Hey, it’s my BOOB site, not my FACE site! Besides, I think Kerry’s totally lovely (despite not being a blonde). As VF said, you should see her on XX-Cel.com!
I guess there is no accounting for taste, but I think Kerry is one of the prettiest big tit girls. Look at her big brown eyes. She may be a little chunky for me, but my god her face is gorgeous. Hey Reese, I wish instead of cup size they would give a tits weight. Wouldn’t that be a good measure of how big a tit actually is?
ayrton: I think volume would be the most revealing measure, as the density of the tissue could vary a bit from person to person (as well as in naturals as opposed to implants). Thus, I’d recommend everyone start using my patented water displacement method and provide boob sizes in terms of litres! ;~)
It’s a few weeks old, this news, as Kerry’s session for Boobs.pl was in mid-March, but I’d like to set the record straight. The guys from Boobs.pl arrived in the UK fully expecting to photograph another model. Kerry wasn’t on their schedule at all.
I got a call asking if I could help out with finding a model for them (tomorrow!) because they had been let down. They had a studio but no girl. As I was working with Kerry for Flying Rabbits later that week I was able to make the necessary arrangements; she showed up and, as you can see, she thoroughly enjoyed herself. However, it was a one-off; Kerry has quite a lot on her plate with photo sessions for her own website and FRV. She did this one gig as a favour — although the money was nice, of course! :)
The Boobs.pl guys are genuinely Polish gentlemen. Their server may in fact be in the US but there’s nothing sinister in that.
busenschatz must need his eyes testing. Kerry has a beautiful face, with her big brown eyes and her sweet smile.
She does have spectacular tits, and a great ass and pussy (not forgetting her belly, I love her belly), but even fully clothed (which thankfully she isn’t very often) she’s a major hottie.
Are you looking for models?? I have an amzaing pair of 39HH breast – they photograph amazingly…
Ya, I love Natalie Jay, too (Busty Kerry Marie). She has an awesome smile, beautiful long hair…..and yes, big boobs. Her being plump doesn’t bother me even if she didn’t have big boobs
Does anyone know if she is married or engaged, at all? Just curious.
John aka Thumper
Calgary, AB Canada
انا احب ماري بوستي كيري ومن اراها اشعر براحه كثيرا بدرجة اتمنى لو معاها في كل ثانيه ومكان
شو نفسي انيكك – ادفع نص عمري يا كيري واحط زبي بين ابزازك- بموت في جسمك صدرك الله يجمعناي معك في الدنيا يا شقفه اخخخخخخخخ
here in egypt we love u soo much,,,ur pretty face and ur dam hot body looks eastern ,,, however i love ur styel soo much and i hope _dont know how_ to see u in real oneday,,,
أحب أشوفك باستمرار لدرجة البحث عنك في كل موقع
hi i love kerry marie and her big boobs.she is very sexy i have never seen.
I didn’t know Kerry Marie was of Greek ancestry, cheers for that. I just assumed she had some forebears from the Indian sub-continent. They grow them big and beautiful down there.
She’s definitely one of my favourites.
That “hair” shot from xx-cel.com is just amazing. I can just imagine lifting her shapely legs up and licking her calves and ankles and ogling her big boobs as I get to work on her.
Keep up the great work!
I find Kerry Marie very attractive with her beautifully bountiful curves. But her lovely face is so innocent-looking that its hard for me to look at her in a prurient way! She looks like a very good girl that walks on water. Nonetheless, I like her pretty big eyes. If I could get over her “unblemished” looking appearance, her body would bring me to my knees.
nice girl
you are magnificent
i love you Kerry Marie cuz i`m big one from your crowd of attendance to you and i will pushing you always to the best & thank you sweet heart….!!!
i love u kerry and mellie i wanna watch u all the time
i wanna do sex with u i cannot stand i will fuck a girl today i love u very much my lady plz send me some pic and videos
u have the biggest boobs in the world
Heidi Ho gewd neighbours, Kerry Marie is such an angel. Her glamourous body and curves are way too amazing. I have been following her for a long time. I guess she’s just a lesbian for i never found a pic for her with some guy .. good work guys :)
H Kerry-Marie. You are the most gorgeous female on this site & my, what lovely body you have. I am falling in love with you. I really wish we could meet & have a relationship!!!Will you be putting anymore pics on here?xx xx xx
Kerry Marie is a treasure. Would love to see her in gang bang
Hi kerry-marie. You are the best. I hav never fancies someone as much as i fancy you. My name is mark, I stay in London but come from scotland. Could you posibly e-mail me some pics please??
i love you very mush
WOW!I am breathless,those are amazing boobs great work kerry,u are a superbabe.
je taime assi fort
hi kerry how ru . my name is agwa.i love u so much nd i hope to spent with me one week or spent all my life with u nd fuck any one want to make sex with u nd realy i will fuck him because i love u so much nd i can not let any one talking about bad or tell u that he want to make sex with . i get all your pic nd not so many videos so i realy want to talk with u this if u want to share me love .so can u send my your e-mail to talk if u want and i will wate for u not week or month or year but i will wate for u all my life kissssssss for u nd i hope to talk with u……………by
أحب كاري ماري هذة جدآآ جسمهاا بلدي نفس اصط زبي الكبير بين بزازها وادخل واطلع وادخل واطلع لحد ما اجبهم وبعديها امسك طيظها ادخل فيهااا زوبري لحد ما تشهق وبعديها اخليها تمصوووو يا مين يلا يمني عليهااا اخليها تحيح الشرموطة المتناكة دي
i love you very much. my ex- girlfriend looked like you. i can suck ur boobs and lick ur pussy forever. would love to see your xxx pics
I love Kerry Marie>> I dream suck ur breasts becuse ist very nice> I hoop link ur buosy i like it. Please Kerry come suck and link my Dick ist need you sure. When u see it u well be need it all the time.
I need fuck u kerry…!!!!
Kerry….. greek ancestry?? Never….. her mum is indian, mind you her dad may be from greece….
Any man that can honestly look at Kerry Marie and say that she’s not sexy is nothing but a faggot PERIOD
never seen such a great grapes
I think its a majority rule here that Kerry Marie is gorgeous. The first thing that drew me to looking at her pics was her face, lovely. Of course a fraction of a second later I noticed her mounds of joy. I also find her funny and sweet in her movies too. She is the total package when it comes to hot women.
Lmao though at the comments posted here. Some people seem to think this is Kerry’s site lol. Guess they didn’t read the whole blog.
as for busenschatz, he can go blow a donkey.
say Reese, s there any way busenschatz’s reply can be deleted? It’s kinda fucked up that google’s third search result for Kerry describes her as an ugly desparate ho and all
I love your boobs message me a contact
I love u
I love uuuuu
Ilove uuuuuuuuuu
I miss uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
So Kerry’s gone Polish….I am a little surprised at you Reese saying she will be the boobs there…On/In your side panel here you have the biggest boobs on the Polish site, namely Abbi Secrra aka Nelli Roono
Please upload a 3D Stereoscopic Video of Kerry Marie. I am a big fan of her