If you will be so kind as to indulge me for this one post, I’d like to get into something a bit more personal than usual. A lot of what I feature on MyBoobSite is pure fantasy, as far as I’m concerned, even though the women themselves are real. True, I do know a number of the models that I blog here, but that’s mostly through such sterile communication media as e-mail…so it’s rather unlikely that one of them would just pop ’round the house for a chat, let alone a quick shag against the cooker. ;~)
This one’s different, however. I was initially tempted to entitle this post “Angel is the centerfold”, after the 1981 J. Geils song about a guy who’d much later discovered the object of his school-day desires appearing nude in a porn magazine. It didn’t quite fit, though, as I’d only met Lexi – the star of today’s blog – at a party I’d attended a year and a half ago. In fact, she was the one I’d mentioned here quite a while back whose 38H breasts exceeded the G-cup limit of my bra-sizing tape measure!
But it wasn’t just Lexi’s tits that I was attracted to (despite the superb corset she was wearing); she was intelligent, articulate, funny and a genuinely warm woman. This stunning Scottish lass had it all – along with that all-important bonus of big boobs – and we got along famously. After that first encounter, we saw each other at a few subsequent parties scattered across the country, but never quite got it together. No, the closest I’d come was to nestle my nose at length in Lexi’s H-cup cleavage. *sigh*
Then, just last week, I was chatting with the webmaster of Sarah Jane Morgan’s KinkyVoluptuous.com website. We were just starting to find that we knew a lot of people in common, and then he mentioned Lexi. I was gobsmacked. Not only did he know her, but he’d also photographed her for the site! That was it. I just had to get onto KV to see what I could find. Thus, without further ado, here’s a sampling of their photos of the lovely Lexi (with whom I really must get back in touch)…

…but she’s not the only curvaceous beauty on the site. All in all, there are 104 models at the moment with nearly 10,000 pictures! Frankly, with that much original and exclusive content, I’m surprised Kinky Voluptuous doesn’t have a higher profile in the on-line world of big boobs. While there are a few well-known women like Denise Davies, Melonie Rose & Mercy 44FF on the site (and is this Lisa Sparxxx I detect covered in custard?), it’s mostly all-new never-before-seen big tit talent averaging a G-cup in boobage! Take a look:

Lexi’s built like a brick shithouse. She might be a good candidate for mybbwsite. It’ll be nice to see more of her in less (and less constricting) clothing.
It would be nice to know what’s so kinky about the site, other than it being a breast fetish site. Or is it a food fight fetish site? (I’d like to lick off some of that custard!) Or is it just a name.. (no doubt about the voluptuous part!)
Did you notice that the pattern on the wall behind Lexi bears more than a passing resemblance to breasts? A breast obsessed plasterer? Heh.
Speaking of voluptuous, Siliconefree.com has a new model named Reny, who has a nice pair, and of course with Siliconefree, they’re _always_ gonna be Big with a capital B. With some of the models, such as Karola, they’rs so big that they don’t make bras that size, so asking for statistics is pointless – how to you measure a cup size that has to hold 4 or 5 liters? But I’d like to know what size bra Reny wears, and I’d like to see every model on Siliconefree have some statistics and maybe a short bio.
I emailed the webmaster that the pages aren’t labeled, so there’s no indication of what movie you’ve just d/l’d after several tens of minutes (to keep track of where I’m at I have to write it down on paper). I never got a reply, so I guess that doesn’t do any good. Any ideas. Reese, on how to send them feedback?
Thanks for the comments about Lexi! I agree that she’d make a nice addition to MyBBWSite, and it definitely would be nice to see more of her in less!! The best thing of all, however, is that I might seeing Lexi again IRL this very weekend!!! :~D
As for what’s so kinky about KinkyVoluptuous.com, I’ve decided to answer your question in the form of interpretive dance (no, just kidding, it’s a blog entry). Check it out here…
The “Dark Side” of KinkyVoluptuous.com
I did notice that the plaster pattern in Lexi’s room resembled a breast. Then again, I tend to find breasts in everything. Thus, watching clouds with me and guessing what I can see within their abstract appearance tends to be a bit of a breeze. :~P
As for SiliconeFree.com, have you tried both of the e-mail addresses listed on their contact page (they’ve also got an on-line feedback form there)? Apart from that, snail mail or a telephone call to the UK or Switzerland, I’m at a loss, as that’s all I’ve got for them.
~Reese! :~)
P.S. Of course Lexi’s built like a brick shithouse – she’s from Scotland! ;~) I was thrilled to find lots of other Scottish girls on the Kinky Voluptuous site, too. Just what I needed to help me through the withdrawal symptoms after my recent visit there.
Im blushing after all the nice things you have said about KV…and I hope “Very Free” now has a better idea of what puts the “K” into KV!
In answer to your Lisa Sparxx / Custard question – I hate to disappoint you…the model is an old friend who is sadly no longer in the business. SarahJane and I used to also run http://www.bigwetandmessy.com (does exactly what it says on the tin) which was VERY niche. The problem was that the shoots took so long, the mess was unbelievable and took so long to clear up…and the poor ladies used to get very cold standing around covered in Goo….so that even a photo-perve like me couldnt bear to see them suffering!
Anyway, thanks again for the “boost”!