That showcase of the latest big tits talent – Divine Breasts – is at it once again with yet another new discovery. But before I move on to Esnia, I wanted to share a couple of clips from a video in which the site makes good on its promise of showing extremely big breasted girls in everyday situations.
In particular, it’s my favourite DB model Alicia 36JJ hoeing about in the garden. Honestly, I selected this video for no other reason than the fact that I’m particularly fond of big boobs in overalls (although I must admit that the pseudo tube-top she starts off in is rather alluring as well). The overalls are quite ill-fitting on her 36JJ rack, of course, but that’s precisely the way it should be…and it’s only a matter of time before she dispenses with them altogether in favour of some topless gardening action!
Needless to say, she eventually tires of the gardening lark, too, instead opting for a bit of tit-play with her tool! I did get a bit worried in the last of the video clips below in which Alicia embarks upon a simulated tit-fuck with the wooden hoe handle, but then thoughts of lovingly sucking the splinters out of her JJ-cup cleavage with my mouth and then licking her wounds better with a lingering tongue quickly quelled my concerns. And so, a selection of Alicia 36JJ videos from…

…moving on to Esnia, this pleasingly-plump addition to the DivineBreasts family remains a mystery in all but name. I wish I could tell you more, but even the stats elude me on the newcomer who joined the site less than two weeks ago. Perhaps if she sticks around we’ll find out more but, until then, we’ll just have to be content to enjoy Esnia’s firm, young breasts and ample form as perfect complement to nicely round-out the more voluptuous end of the spectrum at

Alicia… If I was that hoe handle, I’d’ve thought I’d died and gone to heaven!
But if you think the handle’s going to give her tits splinters, just imagine what it would do to your hands! Gardeners don’t allow their tool handles to weather and splinter. Proper tool maintenance would require repair of a splintering handle, or if that doesn’t help, then it’s time to get a new hoe. (That’s what the pimp said…)
But to begin with, Alicia’s not using the proper tool. She should be inside, using my tool. Mine’s a woody, and it doesn’t have splinters! :-)
As foir Esnia, they’ve been hinting that a new model was going to appear. I guess this is it. She looks like a really cute little package.
Now, why didn’t Alicia just get a nice, big cucumber from her garden and practice with it? It doesn’t have splinters!
I’ve perused Esnia’s pulchritudinous pictures. Now she’s your ultimate schoolgirl fantasy. She’s petite but built like the proverbial brick shithouse, and she’s got the cute face and the big gazongas, like every schoolgirl fantasy should have. Not to mention she’s legal… And she dresses like a tart! No hassles with tight clothes and neckties, etc. Right? Well, if you just can’t get past the school clothes, then dress her in those, too. She’s still nicer when she’s nekkid!
Really weird not so erotic shoot for Alicia but she’s hot as hell. She should stick to lingerie, busty bras and generally feminine naughty bits though…
Esnia is a real plush bodied pretty…she seems like a real fun girl to fondle and to romp around with…she seems to enjoy the camera and it likes her…I especially like the one photo of her gripping her massive mams and I am here imgaining that warm hooter hug toward which the phot hints, her on her knees before me, while I sit on my couch, sipping my cool adult beverage, enjoying her servicing me fully….would like to see a shot of her from behind…maybe on all fours, at a 45 degree angle…for a veiw of it all…
Dean Denhomme makes a good point; the model seems to enjoy the camera. I see sooo many models who, during the action, have that blank look on their face, like when’s the next break, or where am I going to spend the money I’m gonna make on this session, etc. That’s not what we’re wanting to see, obviously.
Most of us get enough of that shit at home. :-(
Meine erste sexuellen Erfahrungen hatte ich mit einer sehr viel älteren Dame mit extremen Hängebusen. Was mich anfänglich etwas irritiert hatte, hat sich im laufe der Jahre bei mir zu einer Leidenschaft herausgeprägt. Üblicherweise muß jede Frau mit schweren Brüsten den Tribut der Schwerkraft zollen, aber in Ergänzung zu den üblichen Hängebrüsten meine ich die extrem langen, weichen schlauchförmigen Brüste, die eben nicht dem entsprechen Mainstream entsprechen was zu 99% in den einschlägigen Internetseiten zu finden ist.
Im Laufe der Zeit habe ich viele wunderschöne Erfahrungen gesammelt und wünsche mir eine Email-Freundschaft (Mann/Frau) mit der/dem ich tabulos in vielfältiger Weise diese ungewöhnlichen Leidenschaft in Erlebnissberichten und Bildern dieser vielleicht extremen Leidenschaft fröhnen kann. Aber, möglich ist natürlich auch einen realer Kontakt.
Das wäre natürlich eine sehr schöne Sache.
Etwas zu mir: 44 j – 180 CM – BLOND ( GLATZE) Lebe in Norddeutschland
In Lübeck an der Ostsee.
Negative Bemerkungen zu diesem doch ehr speziellen Thema sind für mich bedeutungslos.
Aber jeder/jede der Konkret mit mir diese Leidenschaft teilt möchte, darf mir gerne Mailen.
Meine E – mail :
Alicia if i lived next to u i would be there licking the sweet off ur big tits bb.