When I encountered the following photo & video series on BoobsGarden (home of the lovely Wanessa Lilio, I might add), I was magically transported back to my teenage years. I had this wonderful semi-girlfriend at the time (i.e. although we engaged in occasional sex play, she was always “properly” dating someone else (I didn’t have a problem with this, as we were more like best friends (or “fuck-buddies” with benefits) than an actual couple)). One of our favourite pastimes was a game we called “perve pool”; similar to conventional billiards, but using our hands in lewd and lascivious ways to distract our opponent. If I was taking a shot, she’d come up from behind, purring and sliding a hand seductively between my legs before taking firm hold of my cock through my trousers. It it was her turn, I’d counter by fondling her ample breasts beneath her tube top whilst rubbing my erection against her backside. Ah, indeed, those were the days.
Back on topic once again, it was Aneta Buena who inspired this particular digression. Seeing her poised at the billiard table, coyly slipping her tits out in a most seductive manner, brought the memories flooding back. Granted, if my semi-ex had started to tit-fuck the pool cue like Aneta does in this shoot, I’d have been able to use quite another stick for the game (although chalking it, as Ms. Buena does with her right nipple, might’ve proven a bit unpleasant). Still, pool would be the last thing on my mind if there was a beautiful babe with big boobs sprawled across the table. With that thought firmly in mind, here’s Aneta Buena from BoobsGarden.com…

…but, wonderful though the photos may be, it pales in comparison to seeing Aneta and her big tits in motion. To that end, here’s a selection of video clips from the series, again courtesy of BoobsGarden.com:

Aneta’s a beautiful, big-boobed babe, but I’ve never really paid much attention to her, because she seems to be completely overshadowed by her buddy, Bea Flora. Bea is one really nice babe, as we all know from past blogs here. But I think Ines is even hotter, because of her dreamily well-proportioned nipples, areolas and breasts, and having a blonde, suntanned body helps too. But since she’s “only” an EE cup, she doesn’t get as much exposure here as she should, IMHO. Oh, well, just check ’em all out on busty.pl.
BTW, if we were trading big titted babes, I’d have to have at least three Anetas or two Beas for one Ines. :-)
I dont know free anetas boobs are preety sweet.
Wow, she looks absolutely great. I always thought she wasn’t much special but I guess I was always looking at some other girl in the clip.
I can’t believe I never noticed before.
yeah johnny she sure is something else and so seductive im impressed with her recent sets on boobs garden. keep up the good work reese
Aneta is the business. Nice one.
Really nice, as mentioned above I kinda missed her in the past. Great body though, nice and soft but not fat. A tum and hips to die for, and I havnt even reached her wonderful chest yet lol……..
Jack: I’m totally with you on everything you said.
Aneta is greatly ignored among the busty.pl girls, she has a great body with a little something for everyone: great hips, a great, nicely shaped ass and an amazing rack. ¿Who could ask for anything more?….
These Boobsgarden shots of Aneta are really not flattering her very much. It’s weird, Aneta’s turning into a repeat of Anya/Merilyn – both looked FANTASTIC when they first came on the scene (busty.pl in Aneta’s case, THA in Anya’s) – but almost all subsequent people who’ve shot them have failed to capture the original charm. And somebody with a figure like Aneta’s, tit-only shots just don’t do it for me. Her lower body is, to me, incredible, and I really want to get a look at the whole thing.
thank you guys. ;) its me (Aneta B.)
“And somebody with a figure like Aneta’s, tit-only shots just don’t do it for me. Her lower body is, to me, incredible, and I really want to get a look at the whole thing.”
I couldn’t agree more. I would love to see more full body shots. I love her thick figure!!!
heaven on earth!! Love it Love it Love it!!!!!!!!!!! Sure I’d like to see more of Aneta too. I’m not sure I’d be able to tear my eyes away from her boobs anyway
I agree with Jack and Gustave. Aneta has it all. She has the deslicious belly I want to lick and suck on all day, luscious hips and thighs for holding on to. I would have her pregnant so fast; I couldn’t help it. She would be mine.
Wow! She is a goddess. She reminds me of Christy Canyon.
Let me fuck you with my big 7 inch cock. U could tity fuck me and then suck my hard juicy cock. U r so sexy I could fuck u on top of that pool table.
new year 2010 to all in big boobs ***
come to cebu and work in top boob model,s like my girl,s from japan nore sex d.v.d with men just giel,s
all girl fun on the sand and sea
get working out get the body redey
Aneta is the type of woman who walks in a room dressed up with a cardboard, and her face still rings the message to every male around…. But no, its not her looks that put her aside in the seduction scale, it is just the way she smiles…. compared to a smiling aneta, 99% of the big-boobed modeling crowd look like naive overgrown minors
Aneta is the type of woman who walks in a room dressed up with a cardboard, and her face still rings the message to every male around…. But no, its not her looks that put her aside in the seduction scale, it is just the way she smiles…. compared to a smiling aneta, 99% of the big-boobed modeling crowd look like naive overgrown minors