Well, another Christmas has come and gone. Time to take down the decorations and get back to the business of big boobs. *sigh* And it looks like Sapphire from Divine Breasts is getting ready to do just that, but not before mixing Christmas with pleasure by getting her HH-cup tits out for us! [I know, I know – I’d promised Jana would be my last holiday-themed blog – but since Sapphire’s not wearing a Santa hat, I made an exception.]
Sapphire seems so sweet in this series – cuddling & cradling those little stuffed bears in the comfort of her colossal cleavage – that is, until you look further on to see that she’s merely lulling her plushie friends into a false sense of security before crushing them under the weight of one of her enormous breasts (just check out the look of shocked disbelief on the other bear’s face, realising that he could be next! or am I imagining that?)!
In the end, she only gets around to removing two dangling baubles (from the tree, not her chest!) before going for a leisurely lie down on the sofa (and, having just survived another Christmas myself, I know exactly how she feels). Tell you what, Sapphire, if you’ll just lay there, alluringly topless, smiling sweetly, your big, beautiful breasts flopped jauntily atop each other, I’d be more than happy to come by and tend to your baubles for you! ;~)
Here’s the gorgeous 36HH Sapphire from DivineBreasts.com…

…unlike Sapphire, Pam Parker isn’t even pretending to tend to her post-Christmas clean-up in her most recent videos at DivineBreasts, instead simply lazing about on the bed and playing with those big tits of hers! Granted, if I had breasts like that, I’d no doubt do the same (also granted, my long beard would look suspiciously out of place (and likely get constantly caught in my cleavage)). Here are a few boob-jiggling tit-sucking video clips of the suppine Pam who, like Sapphire, comes courtesy of DivineBreasts.com:

Sapphire’s become a regular, and so has Alicia 36JJ — each of them having enough titmeat to drive us boob men crazy.
Reese, blog us with some pics of Peggy, the new amateur from DivineBreasts.com. She’s got some really massive mammaries!
Wow, Sapphire looks delicious in these pics. Happy Holidays from across the pond Reese.
sexy pics..i was wondering if you can get some more bozena pics please and/or video!
Sapphire is so pretty and has humongous breasts! I can’t get enough of her. Any word on whether she’s done any more hardcore videos? I love watching those huge juggs bouncing as she gets reamed…
Sapphire looks amazing even before she takes off her top! I think it’s the shape of her HH tits that does it for me. She is gorgous and always nice to see someone smile.
Where have I been that Pam Parker is new to me? Those tits are (to use an over-used word here) AMAZING!
Love that Sapphire! Man that’s a nice set of melons… and she’s got a very nice smile to boot! I’d love to be those teddy bears stuck in the middle… sweet.
Sapphire has gorgeous boobs. They almost look better in tight clothing than they do fully exposed.. Almost. :P
Haha, looking at that video of Pam Parker makes me think that it must be so easy to be a big boob model. You have some videos taken of you playing with your tits and sucking on them a bit and the fans go wild. In some cases it’s not even necessary to show your face. Obviously I’m not complaining at all though, as boob jiggling videos are something I will never tire of!
This is by far the best breast blog on the internet.
Pam is really great, isn’t she? Hey does anyone recognize the background song that’s playing during these vids? Tks.
I love your blog site. Sapphire has been my latest discovery. I think she is the hottest big tit plumper since Melanie Anton (maybe you could get some of her). I see were Sapphire has a new video out called Bikini Busters. Can you get clips from it.
Thanks Steve
love pam parker she is so HOT.Haven’t seen much of pam this year only been on DB a couple of times. dies she appear on any other sites apart from this one and i’m live.
woah shes a babe she rates very highly on the stroke-o-meter SCHWIIIIINNNNG
this is extremely naughty. You should be ashamed