I started My Boob Site for two reasons, really…
Reason #1 – My Obsession:
Since the age of 16, I’ve been udderly (sic) besotted with large breasts. It all started with an unexpected encounter with a good mate’s girlfriend many, many years ago (forgive my repeated use of “he” & “she”, but I want to avoid using names to protect the not-so-innocent). The three of us were sitting in my parents living room watching the telly one weekend whilst they were away, and the conversation curiously turned to penis size.
She said that her boyfriend was huge, but it didn’t really show unless he was in a state of arousal (i.e. a grower, not a shower), whereas she observed that I looked fairly sizeable all the time. The naughty minx then decided that the only way to accurately judge would be to get a ruler, which I promptly found in the kitchen drawer.
He was the first to be assessed. She knelt down in front of him, unzipped his trousers and administered some “manual stimulus”. Although his response was predictable, I didn’t expect the results…nearly 11 inches!!
I was next, after she nervously asked her boyfriend if she could “de-pants” me and he surprisingly agreed. She lowered my trousers down to my knees and sat down on the couch next to me. Because of the earlier “show” between the two of them, there was no need to provide any additional stimulus. I measured out to 8 inches (and must say that ever since that comparison I’ve felt somewhat inadequate, despite protestations to the contrary by subsequent sex partners).
After she’d obtained her desired scientific data, she remained sitting next to me on the couch, casually gliding her fingertips over the underside of my cock. Within minutes, her playful stroking had turned into a full, tight grip. I couldn’t believe she was actually jacking me off in front of her boyfriend! Even moreso, I couldn’t believe that he hadn’t said anything!! However, much later, I had learned that he was quietly seething inside the whole time…but that’s another story.
As the situation seemed quite comfortable, I let me hands begin to wander. Moving one up beneath her t-shirt, I began stroking the underside of one of her huge breasts (for a girl just a year older than myself, she was quite well-endowed). I moved upward, playing my thumb across her nipple. As soon as I felt it grow erect to my gentle touch, I couldn’t contain myself any longer and exploded, showering the front of my own t-shirt with cum.
We cleaned ourselves up and continued watching the telly. The film was “Snoopy Come Home”, and I still get terribly turned on whenever I so much as hear the theme music!
After that first surprise encounter, the three of us shared several menage et trois experiences over the following month or so – each time enjoying further indulgence in her magnificent breasts – and, ultimately, she became “my first”, taking my virginity in my own bed whilst her boyfriend looked on.
Although she & I stopped having full-on sex after those menage et trois days, we remained the best of friends – “body-buddies”, even, because we’d sometimes get to fondling each other to the point of mutual masturbation during our frequent naps together. While we were never “boyfriend & girlfriend”, we still shared everything together (which, thankfully, included her marvellous breasts!).
I’ve been totally hooked ever since. Rather than joining “Boobaholics Anonymous”, I decided to deal with my addiction by sharing it with others. And, of course, this includes sharing photos & videos of those women who feed my obsession. Isn’t the saying, “Starve a cold, feed a fever?” If so, join me in my breast quest and I’m sure we’ll come up with a cure. ;~)
Reason #2 – My Other Half:
The second reason for starting My Boob Site is my wife, Vix. It’s rare for me to be surfing the internet for porn without encountering her photos! In fact, a recent Google search for “tits” returned one of her websites as #5 on the first page of results!! Some guys worry about their wives catching them surfing porn…whereas mine pops up, tits out, all the time (albeit on the other side of the computer screen)!
Vix started out with a simple charity site called “VixPix – Tits Out for Multiple Sclerosis” (having been diagnosed with MS herself back in 1998), got loads of positive press coverage and supportive e-mails, and has so far raised well over £5,000 (about $10,000US) for the Multiple Sclerosis Resource Centre. A year later she got to thinking, “If I can raise so much for charity, why not earn some money for myself as well?” Such was the inspiration for her new site, Tits-Out.com!
Those who read the words as well as look at the pictures will understand why it’s getting more and more difficult for Vix to get out to work. Thus, it made sense for her to find something she could work at from home. Adult webmastering seemed a natural extension to her on-line charity work but, even more importantly, she really seems to enjoy it!
With her charity site, Vix had to remain fairly reserved because of the mainstream audience. However, she’s become far more adventuresome with Tits-Out.com! In addition to the hundreds of photos, she’s also begun shooting some extremely hot videos. Honestly, I can’t get through her “sloppy lotion handjob” video without having one off the wrist myself! This begs the question: Is it wrong to wank over your own wife’s porn?! But I digress…
The best part for me is that I usually get to take the pictures (and parts of me occasionally crop up in her videos as well)! I also thoroughly enjoy helping to build her galleries and publicize the site; which I suppose I’m doing here. Oh well, I guess it’s only fair to make Vix “my first” in losing my blog virginity. After all, she’s extremely supportive of my predilection toward large breasts, having one – or two – of her own (sometimes, I think she enjoys them far more than I do!).
So, without further ado, I give you the very first busty beauty to grace My Boob Site – my lovely wife, Vix!

i love big boobs too!!! especially milf with huge boobs…omgoodness would i love to burry my face in some big tits!
Tube tops and cutoff jean shorts…save the money on expensive dresses and give me tube tops and cutoffs!!
hi yours tits are very beautifull…
jaime le sex
yulia nova pics ,please!
What lovely boobs you have on your pages. The women are absolutely stunning, well done.
do ya boobs hang low and if so rub em all over me
I lucked onto this site today and it looks like I’ll be here all weekend!!!!
I’m in heaven.
My very good friend’s wife has MS and I know your times can be trying.
Good luck and I’ll add you to my prayers
i have been all over the world and never seen a women as bfautiful, sweet, and giving as you. i plan on making a lot of donations to ms by way of your web site, after all it is for a great caus.
Yummy! A smile with my head cupped into your breasts and a giggle as I work my magic might be nice…
I just actually read what you started to try and make this site become.
I did the same about 6 years ago and failed. I owned toptit.com. titsppv.com, hugebreastpics.com and many others. It seems you are doing well, the blog thing was minimum when I tried…The funny thing is I am totally out of it now and I’m a registered nurse…a Murse, or as I like to put it, a nursenary…but I still like porn, and I still think I could be good at purveying it. I’m tired of taking care of old people…I want to take care of people that have a chance. I actually love porn, used to be a tv producer, and was an initial voting member of icann…you know, internet comittee of assigned names and numbers…that governs the internet?
Regardless of that..I’m tired of being a nurse…I like helping people, but I don’t like being a slave!……Do you guys need any quality help?
I have a creative, perverse mind…but I can always twist it so it’s just under the wire, and is acceptable. As for life…I don’t have to twist it, everyone likes me…damn I need a new life/job!…need some help?
Jack Mooney
Just to say hi and to wish you and Vix all the best….she is gorgeous mate, you are a lucky man (but you know that already!!). I have loved the female bosom since I was a teenager, I was a major fine of Debby Ashby (“Britains Bonniest boobs”) and had the sort of fantasies about Linsey Dawn McKenzie that ain’t publishable on a family page like this one. I am proud to declare myself facebook friends with the lovely Ms Mckenzie, as well as the deliciousness that is Danica Danali.
Thank you for setting up this blog….I offer thanks as a lover of big naturals!!