Tina Small
I received an e-mail from my mate Pornster last night asking, since I was a boob-lover like himself, if I’d ever seen the woman in this photo. I replied that indeed I had, and that she was none other than Tina Small, a classic big tit model from decades ago who has since disappeared from the scene (more’s the pity). Rumour had it that her massive breasts were genuine, having been a sufferer of virginal breast hypertrophy - the condition I’d mentioned in my TW Girl blog a few days ago. Some time after the photo Pornster had sent me was taken, Tina underwent cosmetic surgery for a breast reduction and uplift. But, before you jump to conclusions, I’ve included some photos below of what she looked like after the surgery…

…alas, I only wish there were more to share, as there’s no one on the big boob scene today who can quite compare to Tina Small. *sigh*
November 4th, 2005 at 4:54 pm
Hm, I like the pictures BEFORE her surgery more (unfortunately not shown in your post). These pics are screaming they are implants, but with that longish tube-like look her breasts had before the surgery, they could have been real.
November 4th, 2005 at 5:20 pm
Thanks for dropping by and pointing out my oversight, which I shall rectify forthwith with some pre-op photos of Tina:
January 23rd, 2006 at 5:36 am
Shannon’s got a prettier face than either Maria or Darlene, and Darlene’s slimmer than shannon or Maria. But Maria’s boobs are biggest, so like you, I, too, would choose Maria over Shannon or Darelene.
As for Tina Small, the pic on the lower right of your followup comment and one other I have might have been the original and real Tina Small. But all the pics from Xavier’s ‘Every Inch A Lady’ pictorial are of a foam rubber prothesis she’s wearing. I believe the general concensus among the natural breast lovers who post to the newsgroups is that they don’t allow her pics to be posted to the naturals newsgroups.
One never sees her shoulders because that would reveal the straps holding her prosthesis on. And the weight of those foam rubber tits is not as great as the Real Thing, so they don’t sag enough for their large size, and they don’t have the dynamics of a real breast, pressure on one side of the boob moves the whole boob, not just a portion of it, like it would if it was real. It looks to me like the foam rubber fakes defy the laws of physics for real, heavy boobs made of flesh and blood. But he did a good job of making those fake foam rubber boobs. If you want to see more of these foam rubber monsters, visit farangdingdong.com where little Thai DingDong girls grow monster boobs roughly the size of beach balls and pose for the camera with these huge bras, big enough to use for a pup tent! (just kidding, but they are tremendously huge, but barely big enough to hold all thet foam rubber.)
February 18th, 2006 at 7:53 am
ich finde die sehr großen brüste von tina small sehr geil sie sind so schön groß möchte sehr gerne dadrinne kuscheln