The world’s biggest boobs?!
My mate “Very Free”, whom you may have noticed posting here from time to time, has been relentless: For the past few months, he’s been goading me into blogging Karola from, claiming that she has more massive mammaries than either 38MM Liana of LushBoobs or 48NNN Serenity Davis of eMelons - in fact, quite possibly the biggest breasts in the world! He even sent me this photo, saying that Karola was the only one he’d seen who could rest her head on her tits like a pillow.
Now, I’m no stranger to the Siliconefree site, it being the home of one of my other long-time favourites - 36HHH Zina - but I hadn’t really noticed Karola before. So I went for a visit to check her out…and I dare say that VF may well be right! Karola’s magnificent monsters appear even to dwarf the monumental ladies of BoobsXL - yes, 90L Sabrina Meloni included! And, although I was unable to locate Karola’s bra size, I have it on good authority that her breasts weigh a staggering 4.5Kg (10lbs) each!!
Apart from that, very little seems to be known about the colossal Karola, save for the 1,172 photos and 112 movies of her at So, considering that a picture is apparently worth a thousand words, I’ll rely upon the following to tell the rest of the story…

…and since VF was kind enough to provide a review in his most recent e-mail, I’ll let him introduce the videos: “I give her movies a C grade or lower, for she has little acting ability and her props are mostly just too small tops and shirts. But her massive melons make up for the inadequacy of her performances. They are absolutely amazing to see in motion!” Thanks for that, VF, I most heartily agree:

February 2nd, 2006 at 2:06 pm
Not very attractive though, is she?
February 2nd, 2006 at 2:15 pm
Are you somehow meaning to imply that she’s not the pinnacle of classic Eastern European beauty?!
February 2nd, 2006 at 5:50 pm
NEVER , NEVER have i seen such a montruous pair of boobs, still can’t believe this woman, totally hypnotizing ……¿Where is she from, does any of you know ?
February 2nd, 2006 at 8:42 pm
Well, she DOES have the biggest fucking tits I have ever seen, I think! BUT… I prefere quantity AND quallity. Someone like Faith or Ewa don’t have nearly the tit size but they are drop dead HOT. Eden Mor is pretty damn stacked AND she has a perfect body AND her face is amazing. So, I’d reather take a complete package, even if it does mean losing a cup size… or two… or three… or five!
February 2nd, 2006 at 10:50 pm
I think she’s from Germany or so…but anyway, I have “known” her ever since I discovered SiliconeFree years ago, but despite those massive boobs I don’t really find her attractive either…
Sizewise I’m not sure if she is reall bigger than for instanse Norma Stitz…!? Who I personalls find sexier as well….so what do you guys think…?!
February 3rd, 2006 at 12:35 am
I would have to agree with mangafreak that Norma Stitz has the biggest tits in the world! If you want to see some freaking titties type in norma stitz or go to melonie rose’s site to see her! She looks a lot better than Karola!
Reese, I would love to see Norma Stitz!
February 3rd, 2006 at 5:35 am
or just go to
February 3rd, 2006 at 12:43 pm
Phew, it’s hard tro live up to Reese’s kudos. I’ve listened to Karola’s movies, and she does not speak German or other western European language. The best I can determine is she’s from Poland. As for breast size, she weighs one on a meat scale, and it says an honest 4.5kg, or ten pounds. And seeing them in motion is really convincing and udderly amazing. I’ve never seen a movie of Norma Stitz but I’ve seen plenty of her still pics, and both her and Karola have the same body shape and size, and both have “E. Norma Stitz”, AKA enormous tits. Really, really enormous. I take away points from Norma for having areolas and nipples which are too small in proportion to her massive mammaries. And I give more points to Karola for having very large areolas and nipples, however due to Karola’s light skin and the massive size of her breasts, her areolas are stretched to the point where they’re barely visible. Karola’s amateur movies leave a lot to be desired, but it just heats my blood up to see those incredibly massive boobs in motion. And heartwarming, too. She shows that there’s a real person behind those huge tits, even though I can’t understand a word of her language. Her movies waste a lot of time showing her doing house chores, but there’s some things that just flip my wig. like in the kitchen when she closes the silverware drawer, she bumps it closed a bit with her tit, which is hanging way down there, that low, at her waistline. She knows they’re there, but they’re so big and ever present, that she has to ‘make room’ for them in most everything she does.
There are other women with breasts bigger than Norma or Karola, but they’re mostly victims of some medical condition that’s caused them to be ‘gigantomastic’ - huge breasted. Ting Jiafen and Peggy Horne are two examples (Peggy, after having 5 kids, was about 8 pounds each, and Ting claimed 22 pounds, and it looks like it, too). But Norma and Karola are just a few of these women who have managed to live with their incredibly large breasts and capitalize on their size, and make a bit of money (and gain notoriety) from them. has some other massive mammaries, such as Kati and even some pics of Wonder Tracy. I think June Kelly is on there too. Enjoy.
Here’s a good reference that gives a long list of big tit models. I clicked on Nicole Peters and found that her birthday is coming up in a couple weeks. Happy B’day, Nicole, and I wish you many more, and hope you keep modeling even after you’ve had a kid or two and your awesome breasts are even bigger.
Reese, why don’t you do a short blog on Yulia Nova? Click on her name at the URL above and check her out. She’s not well-known outside of Japan. She’s a bit on the slim side, but oh, those two beaut’s! Wow..
February 4th, 2006 at 2:14 am
Okay, I checked the movies again and it’s my bad — she is not from Germany, but from Switzerland! Close though…!
She and the guy behind the camera are exchanging a few sentences in “Swiss German” and since the site owner is actually a Swiss guy too, it might as well be him shooting the videos anyway…!?
February 4th, 2006 at 11:07 pm
Gawd, I’d love to bury my head in the cleavage between Karola’s boobs, and wrap those monsters around until I could suck both nipples at once! They’d be such a _nice_pair_ of ear warmers!
After I posted, I viewed the vid clips Reese posted of Karola. I can’t figure out a couple things. I’ve never seen any videos of her in bed, all they showed on was her on the couch. And I can’t figure out why Reese’s are .WMVs; all the videos on SF are .MOVs, which require us to download Quicktime, which is a part of Itunes, and takes up so much drive space. Luckily I recovered some by deleting the Itunes part after the installation. And another thing that I don’t like is that most of the videos are Zipped into .ZIP files, which gain nothing during compression, and just make one more hassle for the viewer who has to unzip them.
Man, what an incredibly gargantuan pair of earwarmers.. That is if you watch out so that you don’t get smothered by them!
But what a way to die!!
February 5th, 2006 at 8:25 am
Since when is QuickTime “part of iTunes”…?! It’s always been part of the Mac OS as well as a free download for windows computers…
And how much disk space can a simple app as that take anyway…?!?
February 10th, 2006 at 4:58 am
Close to the world’s largest breasts but, the world’s largest breasts belong to an african american woman named Norma Stitz. Her breasts weigh in at 28 lbs. each.
February 18th, 2006 at 12:43 am
What……I love huge boobs!
February 27th, 2006 at 4:38 am
I love huge boobs myself , and all I have to say is , Karola , Kati and Sandra ………’re my kind of woman !
March 3rd, 2006 at 9:49 am
She is amazing. What a beautifull women and those tits are the most beautifull in the world. I want to marry Karola. I saw her photo’s and movies on I’am in love.
March 16th, 2006 at 2:33 pm
Good god! That’s horrible! It’s like something out of Little Britain! How in God’s name is somebody supposed to get off over something like that!?
March 20th, 2006 at 9:27 am
I think she is an angel
April 19th, 2006 at 11:00 am
Look at this site.
Karola is SUPERIOR to all Women and man.