Ashley certainly has been coming out of her shell since joining Score, starting off with her eagerly anticipated nude photo shoot and now, in a brand new video gallery entitled “The Ashley Sage Ellison Interview”, we get to hear this gorgeous J-cup British babe speak in her endearing English accent for the first time ever! However, if the two preview video clips provided are anything to go by, this is one beautiful busty voluptuous blonde (well, half-blonde, at least, considering her funky new two-toned hairstyle) who chooses her words sparingly, uttering a meagre total of twelve throughout the course of the clips whilst simultaneously uddering about with her heavenly huge boobs (the mere presence of which would no doubt indeed put me at a loss for words as well). Nonetheless, it’s nice that they got her talking (although the absence of an interviewer with questions does bring the veracity of the title into question). And so, here’s the lovely 32J Ashley Sage Ellison in her first speaking role ever in these “interview” videos that come courtesy of

Unfortunately…. there was something wrong with the clips I downloaded. Only got about 2 seconds of each. I’ll keep trying.
I feel I know and understand her inner soul so much better now :-)
She has a horribly annoying voice. I first heard it in the First Time DVD… was almost a turn off….almost. And I’m not talking about her accent. I’m a big fan of accents. It’s the voice.
I would loved if the clips were longer just to assess her personality a bit better. Yes, I know I can always subscribe but will notmgive Score Group a penny in hard currency.
She is definitely one to watch guys I think she is ready for greater things.
Thought she spoke on her own website, “I Dream Of Ashley” or whatever it is/was called? She certainly did on the preview clip for it.
Nothing wrong with a Yorkshire accent!
Finally got the clips. She’s cute! Not annoying at all. What’s annoying are these girls with super high pitch voices. Pure fluff. Those squeaky girls annoy the crap out of me! No, Ashley has a nice sounding voice. You can tell the air is coming from her chest, not the squeak box. “I live in England at the moment?” Is she planning on moving soon? Good she must have gotten my invitation to move in down the block here is the US of A!
“Nothing wrong with a Yorkshire accent!”
Oh, it that what it is? I was wondering. I can generally tell north from south UK accents, but had never heard anything like hers.
First time I ever saw this girl, I was shocked because she looked EXACTLY like a girl I had spent a single night with a few years ago… She looks so much like said girl that I had to wait to hear her voice before confirming solidly that it wasn’t her.
She is one of the more unique women i have ever seen, and her voice will appeal to some more than others.
Ihope everyone can keep their comments positive or to themselves. She seems like the type that could be discouraged by negative reviews. Lets let her enjoy doing what she seems to enjoy and be happy with whatever she wants to share with us.
This babe has a voice as cute as the rest of her. In fact, I can’t find a single flaw with this girl!