I can remember drawing pictures of naked women as a child. I quickly learned to start out with the breasts, as these were always the most prominent feature (if I didn’t, I’d then have to erase the lines that defined the torso, as the boobs inevitably overhung these by a rather significant margin). As I grew older, I stopped drawing nude pics, instead focusing my efforts upon the pursuit of the real thing.
Some people never change, though. Take the guys at ThrillCurve, for example, who are still drawing their own naked, well-endowed women to this day. One imagines someone like Gary Bromsla (of NumaNuma fame) and his team of cyber-geeks behind this one. As much as I’d toyed with the idea of Brandy Robbins being CGI, I never thought anyone would do this for real, let alone set up a dedicated adult website for it!
But there you have it, ThrillCurve.com is just that – a collection of 3D computer animated big boobs. With their various fantasy scenarios and comic-like storyboards, I suppose it’s only a matter of time before they come up with video games following the theme (and who, honestly, hasn’t wished they could add several cup sizes to Lara Croft?). For those who still feel this is a piss-take, here’s the proof:

riiiiiiiiight, allthough I have absolutely nothing against CG, not at all and I also have no problems with animated femal bodies, but this kind of crosses my line :P
I’m sure there are people with a CG-boob-fetish, but I have seen far superior 3D art in my life.
I somewhat want to consult your email about the website question??
These pictures were obviously produced in Poser, which I also own. I just can’t imagine paying anybody a monthly subscription to see something I can make myself.
Ain’t nothin’ like the Real Thing, baby…
Those are pretty terrible renders, as far as any CG goes. Something along the same lines, that is done properly is http://www.foxtrot3d.com (which is free, for now). The 3d renders are done quite well there. The idea of 3d porn is still somewhat silly, but I guess it has it’s place in the world too.
Isn’t Poser the best. Check out what I made. http://www.boobjiggle.com. I even have stereoscopic boobs. If stereoscopic isn’t good enough for you I also made an actual love doll out of silicone!!
my dick is so hard from looking at you. i want to screw u like there is no tomorrow. im goin to do u so hard that u will start cring.
nice tits to. i want to suck those babies so badly.
email me.
hi sup
Nice tits! I’m average size,but I can use it well.Please send me a reply!
I saw that boys dick I just stick it in my pussy