Do-it-yourself porn is nothing new. I know it started waaay before this, but I vividly remember back in the late-’70s when I stumbled across a handful of semi-nude Polaroid pics my brother had taken of his girlfriend (obviously to share his good fortune with others, as she was blessed with quite a bit more than a handful herself!). Then came home video cameras, and I was fortunate enough to have had one of these, albeit of the black & white variety. Well, I say I had one, in the sense of having purchased it, but it was my friend Jim who had possession of said camera most of the time, borrowing it from me incessantly to secretly videotape him and his wife having sex (and, no, he never showed me the videos).
With the arrival of the internet, digital cameras, camera phones & web cams, making your own personal porn and then sharing it with others became a breeze. However, it wasn’t long before the more prolific producers of such realised that, apart from the perverse pleasure they derived from their amateur exhibitionist tendencies, they could make some money with it as well! Following the lead of professional pornographers, all they needed to do was set up a simple website and then use a service like PayAsYouClick to handle the credit card transactions, thus instantly becoming one of the hundreds of amateur porn sites that PAYC promotes (and a rather clever cross-promotion scheme it is, as, once someone signs up as a member of your site, they’ve got unlimited access to all of them).
However, there are those who still give away their homemade porn for free. I was reminded of this when my wife, Vix, began soliciting penis pics for her cock blog. Blokes began e-mailing their endowments in for Vix to dutifully display at the end of each blog entry in a sort of classic “readers’ wives” fashion, albeit with willies rather than wifely bits, and I must say she’s since amassed quite the collection (in fact, if you’d like to contribute your own cock to her cause, you can find Vix’ e-mail address in the upper right-hand corner of her blog). But Vix certainly isn’t the only one promoting free porn; the proliferation of sites like NewbieNudes is a testament to the growing popularity of such amateur exhibitionism. Curious as to what motivates such generous individuals to flash their flesh for free, I decided to enquire of one busty young lady who does precisely that.
I first learned of Amateur Naughty Michelle when she’d signed up for my 100 Best Boob Sites toplist. As I am wont to do before approving new members, I clicked her link and suddenly found myself faced with a stunning 27-year-old girl with fabulous breasts and a penchant for Hello Kitty (as aptly evidenced by her crop-top and panties – oh, and possibly the cat ears are a bit of a giveaway as well). She instantly struck me as a consummate seductress who shared a most intimate relationship with the camera, whose creative clothed shots with but a glimpse of breast-flesh were every bit as arousing as her topless pics. It seems this amply-endowed Australian amateur also had a bit of an experimental side, judging by her sexually adventurous fetish photos of breast bondage and spanking. And, for those of you so inclined, I should probably mention that Michelle’s got a rather nice ass, too! ;~)
After casually perving my way through her pics, I began furiously searching Michelle’s BlogSpot pages for a link through to her pay site, but I couldn’t find one (although the absence of a watermark on her content should’ve given me some clue). There were a handful of affiliate and topsite links, but she seemed to have no site of her own to promote apart from her blog. Why would this sexy siren with genuine pornstar potential not have a website? Or, at the very least, appear on someone else’s?? I realised that the only way I was going to find out was to ask…
…so I did. And the lovely Michelle promptly replied: “I like to do the blog because I like to be a tease lol. In real life I am more shy, but online I can be just how I want to be and I love it. I like the fact that I make people happy and especially that I may even be turning people on. ;) I just love teasing the camera and all the feedback I have had has been mostly all positive. I would love it even more if it was really popular. I want as many people as possible to read my site, but I am still busy trying to promote it and its a little tricky to bring the crowd in.”
Well, Michelle, I think I just might be able to help out a bit with the latter. So c’mon, guys, give Amateur Naughty Michelle a visit and, if you like what you see there, be sure to leave a comment on her blog! This idea of populist porn powered by kind words rather than commerce could well be the way to the future. For those of you still needing further enticement to embrace such a radical concept, just grab ahold of these:

Man, is she firm or what?!
Wow she’s definately a keeper :) I hope you will continue to follow her work. Very nice breasts and the perfect ass you can just… well you get the picture :)
I said some nice words on her site aswell. I hope she will get more admirers after this :) Great find Reese!
Re: Amateur… It used to be that the word amateur connoted that the participant wasn’t in it for the money. But with adult entertainment on the ‘Net, it seems that thare are so many “amateur” for-pay websites that it’s pointless to try to use amateur as an indicator of their cost. Like, is now, etc. The only thing I associate with ‘amateur’ is that often the photography isn’t very professional.
Aeneas said, “Man, is she firm or what?!” Maybe she’s had a boob job — her boobs are quite a bit younger looking than a 27 yr old. Still, she’s got a great body and a cute face. And her boobs are still great looking, even if they might be augmented. I wish her best of success with her endeavors, and hope she can make some money on the side, maybe modeling or with webcam sessions.
I’m with Sempa: GREAT find here, Reese!
My favorite pics so far are michelle_01, michelle_03 and from her site also Picture 544. I especially like the michelle_03 pic because of the LETHAL combination of her eyes, that gorgeous lipstick, and those amazing breasts!
Site definitely bookmarked.
my god. what awesomeness.
Hello there:)
Awwwwww I am so very flattered by all your lovely complements,
thankyou very much:)
I am very turned on having my pictures on this great website along with all the sexy big breasted babes!!!!
sexy naughty kisses for all
oh my fucking god.
she is incredible.
too bad the pics are low quality but the body is high quality.
i’d pay for good pics of her.
She is one excellent Aussie. Those curves are out-of-fuckin’-control.
Some reason I picture her a shy girl around most people. Something about the camera that ignites that spark in her. She seems to have a good relationship with it.
I agree, she could use better photo-producing software. Digital cameras are affordable.
The “Hello Kitty” fad is pretty lame, though. I see it a lot nowadays. Girls must think it has amazing sex appeal.
Wow!! She reminds me of an ex-girlfriend! Great ass AND tits!
Simply Perfect.
Just checked out her blog. I’m surprised you didn’t mention the blonde pics, Reese…
One question… in pic #12, in the background…
…is that a person holding a baby?
Shit buddy! I can’t believe you scooped her 3 days before i did – i thought i found her first – damn – you are too good – too good for your own good… Don’t worry – i’ll find the next one first – you can bet on it… i hope…. cheers.
Jes: Curiously, Michelle is one of those rare girls who does it best for me as a non-blonde. Sure, the blonde pics are great…
…but I like her even more just the way she is.
JQ: Sorry about the scoop. Was totally untintentional, I can assure you. Then again, you have more recent pics than I do. You’re right, too, Michelle is most certainly THE total package!
~Reese! :~)
I am so proud to be an Aussie right now. I thought all the sexy, (naturally) big-busted women only lived in Europe. Michelle is a dead-set hottie!
Kudos on finding her- she’s got a devoted fan in me from now on! My only complaint is that she doesn’t post more than a couple times a week- what can I say, I’m greedy.
I’m not from her part of the world, but I’m living there now, and I do feel a special affection for hot Aussie and Kiwi girls. And I would bet anything those boobs are not augmented!
(and if Goodo reads this: what about Angela White??)
Hell yeah… Aussie aussie aussie ;)
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is inapropriate
i could fuck you all day long, because your soo damn sexxxy
Beautiful.. just absolutley beautiful.
you are so fucking hot but you should make a video of yourself masturbationg you would look so hot doing that i love keep up the good work you are beutiful
Oh, very, very sexy. I love finding sites of other busty babes because we’ve got to stick together. It’s not easy being huge and hot and getting everything you want because men throw themselves at your feet. Oh wait, maybe it is!
She looks fantastic !
the first two pictures look like one of my ex girlfriends…
but none of the others.
she’s still quite attractive though.
great chic
What a hottie!!! awesome melons!!
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That’s simply sexy and making me wet