Oddly, there are some people who are offended or even outraged at this sort of behaviour. I know I’ve mentioned this before, but when FF-cup buxom blonde Big Brother housemate Kinga Karolczak pretended to masturbate herself with a wine bottle nearly two years ago, a fair number of viewers rang up the UK’s Channel 4 demanding that the “indecent” show be taken off the air for good! Sure, it’s fine when housemates are walking around topless, fiddling with each other beneath the sheets or having sex in the hot tub on national television – but masturbation?! No way!!
Personally, I find it rather sexy to see a woman horny enough to pleasure herself with whatever she’s got to hand. Quite the opposite of offensive, really. What I do find offensive, however, are comments like those made by PR magnate Max Clifford when he said in an article about the Kinga incident, “If [Karolczak] slimmed down a bit and someone taught her how to work the media, then she could have a year where she could make almost £1m.” “Slimmed down a bit”?! Kinga’s perfectly stunning the way she is, thank you very much, and the fact that she’s got an established fan base on her personal website and has landed a recent movie role just goes to show that not everyone shares your impression of what constitutes an ideal woman, Max! :~P [Bugger, I’ve wandered off-topic again, haven’t I?]
Back to solo sex with bottles, then: I suppose not everyone is fortunate enough to have a Rampant Rabbit laying about, so what’s wrong in finding phallic household items to fulfil the task?! Creativity in action, it is!! Of course, there are plenty of long, hard, cylindrical implements from which to choose, making it relatively easy for females to select a suitable synthetic sexual substitute to address their penetrative proclivities (that said, it was probably some clever bloke pumping his penis repeatedly into a pot of Play Doh which led to the discovery of the Fleshlight!).
Endless options aside, busty blonde Ines Cudna seems perfectly content with a simple glass bottle as her masturbatory toy of choice in this recent series from Boobs Garden. For some reason, Ines decides to wrap up her tits in a protective layer of cling-film before settling down for a leisurely bottle-wank (odd, as I don’t recall her being a “squirter”!). She fashions a short skirt out of the cellophane as well; so short, in fact, that it’s not even long enough to cover her pussy (well, I assume Ines made it herself – either that, or Britney’s come out with a new line of clothing)! Whatever the case, here’s 36F Ines Cudna flaunting her lovely flesh once again for BoobsGarden.com…
…on to the videos, I found myself somewhat torn today in deciding what to feature. Of course, I felt obligated to show you the videos clips that went along with Ines’ cellophane tube-top bottle-wank series – especially for the clip where the friction of the glass pulls at her prominent pussy flaps as she drags it across her crotch – but then there was also an excellent yet unrelated video gallery of Bea Flora sharing a bath (and her big boobs) with Aneta Buena! Unable to make up my mind, I figured why not post both? So here they all are – Ines Cudna plus a bonus of Bea Flora & Aneta Buena – in their respective videos for BoobsGarden.com:
The video doesn’t work :-(
But the pix are nice :-)
oooh – it’s the two girl vids that don’t work.
I hate to say it, but as soon as I saw there were vids with Aneta Buena and Bea Flora, I went right to them, bypassing Ines’ set. That third vid of them rubbing their breasts together in the hot tub is simply amazing. WOW! That is an amazing pair, or two pair I guess. Heh heh. Very nice.
My god this woman just keeps getting better and better.I have followed her career avidly.And she always blows my mind aswell as my nuts.So girls if your having proplems with your fella’s erection problems,get him a Ines Cudna dvd or a few pics and im sure he will deliver the payload.
Nothing wrong with Kinga….she looked great then and great now!! Wouldn’t say no!
As for the vids…..have to agree with BigBoobFan….the two of them rubbing tits was awesome!!
Just pretty much a pity that the vid’s don’t work. Would’ve loved to take a peak at those lovely Polish chicks in action.
I must however also admit, that I’m more into Bea Flora than Ines.. Ines’ a horny devil, but Bea complete many of us. =)
Ines vs Bea Flora http://galleries.busty.pl/hosted/047cdj/hosted.php?id=987575
Bea Flora is an absolute babe !!
I used to be Facebook Friends with Ines (pronounced as I-ness, not I-nez), back in ’07 before she was deleted for using FB as a ‘porn’ hardcore chat site (?). So anyways, i know all you fucking perves are dying to know if she’ll ever do hardcore? I asked, she replied, “…I won’t rule it out.” In other words, when guys stop jerking off to her magazine photos, THEN she’ll d9o hardcore, but Ines is a very horny girl, and that she finds it amusing that you fucking web site idiots keep listing her as an FF when she only has DDs (34 DD to be exact!). ha ha ha..
wow,fucking samantha 38g ass and bunny de la cruz pussy is feeling heaven.my jizzzz is only for these 2 chubyyyy