A Slow Comfortable Screw Against the Wall, as I am sure you have (at least) heard of, is a cocktail made from sloe gin (Slow), Southern Comfort (Comfortable), vodka & orange juice (Screw from screwdriver), and Galliano (Wall as you also put it in a Harvey Wallbanger).
And now we know why it has such a boorish name.
It must be really annoying, if you tend bar, to have people coming up and requesting such a beverage as, as amusing it may be for the customer to try and say it without going all silly-buggers, it will not be the first time that you, as bar-keep, will have heard those words on any given night.
Of course, that is why it is named such, I am sure.
If it were called a Southern Gall* or somesuch then there would be no such issue.
Comfort is not the main consideration when using the furniture used in these photos and video.
Sex is the main (only?) consideration. It’s generically called a sex-sofa. The clue is in the name, I guess.
Recumbent on the couch we have Barbara Angel.
Czech-born Barbara will be 25 on the 5th of March, next year.
Those big boobs? They are incredible 32 𝙸-cups.
This sex-sofa is also a fucking-machine. (As in a machine that fucks you, not a machine you are particularly annoyed at.)
Our big-breasted, brunette babe does not appear to be annoyed by this feature of the furniture at all. In fact she appears to be orgasmically happy with it’s machinations, as it pounds her pink, puffy pussy.

* I am thinking, now, that there may already be a cocktail called a Southern Gall.
I’ll have a quick look…
Nope. Can’t see one.
wow that top middle pic is gorgeous. lovely deep cleavage, and just love the sideways overspill there.. ie you can only just see her left arm , as those beauties are spilling out everywhere.