I’ve not always been a porn magnate. In a former life, I was a bioacoustic engineer and software developer who dabbled in experimental electronic music and produced a few albums in my spare time (in fact, the more resourceful amongst you can probably find some of my old tracks from the ’80s on-line). My “porn” at the time, rather than being populated exclusively by big breasts, was anything that included a vintage synth. Give me a copy of Keyboard featuring as a covergirl Kate Bush with her Fairlight IIx (the latter chock full of Page R goodness – mmmmmm) and I was well away.
During that time, I remember going to the NAMM shows to peruse the latest developments in the world of music technology and seeing veritable shed-loads of scantily-clad women – albeit none whom I’d consider to be particularly well-endowed – on hand to promote the guitars. “Why don’t they put girls behind the synths?” I would wonder, until concluding that keyboards don’t naturally lend themselves to the glamorous and provocative poses that guitars do combined with the fact that all keyboard players are, after all, perceived as nerds. Thus, no synth babes (unfair, isn’t it?). :~(
Well, in today’s post, I seek to rectify that oversight with the lovely Alicia “36JJ” Loren from Divine Breasts perched behind her trusty Yamaha PSR-200 (how’s that for product placement?!). I just wish there were a soundtrack accompanying this series so we could hear the chromatic cacophony that ensues when Alicia crushes the keys beneath her huge JJ-cup breasts! This would give us an entirely new paradigm through which to measure breast volume, rendering audible feedback that, apart from the F# nestled between her cleavage, Alicia’s big tits spanned an effective range of two octaves (a far more accurate measure than cup-size, imho). ;~)
So, in compensation for all of those years of deprivation at NAMM, here’s 36JJ Alicia Loren with her tits tickling the ivories at DivineBreasts.com…

…oh, and don’t forget that Alicia does regular webcam chat shows for her fans as well under the guise of alter ego Simpatique at ImLive! Perhaps if we ask nicely, she might be willing to play one of her titty ditties live on cam (“Air on a J-cup”? “The Well-Tempered Cleavage”??)!! As a veteran videochat host who’s won countless Hall of Fame awards on the site, I’m sure she’d do her best to oblige.
But even if she doesn’t have her keyboard handy, it’s still nice to be able to get up-close & personal with Alicia in an intimate setting within which she’s far more sexually adventurous than in her modelling. To wit, her profile reveals that Alicia is into everything “from normal sex to oral sex, bondage, etc. with men or women, toys and I’m always open to new suggestions. Let me show you how good it is to play with some 36JJ breasts and a wet, nasty pussy!”
Enough said. My mind is now reeling so much from the mere thought of Alicia playing with her pussy whilst those JJ-cup tits dangle down to her crotch that I’ve forgotten about synths altogether! So, if you want to witness a sexy side of Alicia Loren that’s never been revealed anywhere else on the ‘net, you just need to take a wander over to her ImLive Fan Club and let her know what you’d like to see:

Two and half octaves just using her breasts, very impressive!
Possibly a more interesting measure of bust size; my girl is a perfect fifth ;)
“Alicia Keys”… Haw!
I gotta admit, Alicia has crept into my top 5 in the last few months. She is just gorgeous.
Awesome stuff man. Does anyone know what happen to Hippy Chick & Pamela Parker? Bringitonproductions is gone and I was wondering if they are still modeling? thanks
Alicia’s magnificent 36JJ breasts are always a sight to behold. Having said that, she looks rather tired in this photoshoot. Glad though that it fulfilled a long-held fantasy, Reese!