Amanda Torres is from Bucharest in Romania.
Listed, here on XX-Cel as a 38JJ, but elsewhere as a 36H, Anastasia will be 27 next month.
A 36 H-cup bra equals a 45″ chest measurement.
38 JJ’s would be 50″ all around.
I suppose the brunette babe may have changed shape and size between the two measurements being taken.
I’m guessing most of us don’t weigh and measure the same year on year, though.
Looking at Amanda’s huge, dark areolae, they have the eye gravitate towards her nipples.
That imperfect (for want of a better word) shape, as in: not being a more smoothly formed, can be due to their being excessively sucked.
I know this from personal experience.
Nipples, when over-sucked*, break apart, sometimes to the point of bleeding. Then, within next to no time, they repair themselves. It’s almost as if they were made to do so. (They were.)

*Yes, you can have your nipples oversucked. Trust me. I breast-fed my kids.

The first time I ever saw Amanda in a Score layout, I was like, “Ugh, they are dredging the barrio pretty far now!” She really was kind of a butterface! But there was no denying her big juggs. Well now she has really improved her look, and she looks so much better in front of the camera. And those massive melons seem to be even BIGGER!! First pic — torrid1 — does it for me. That vast expanse of DEEP cleavage is what it’s all about!
This woman is Romanian??
Her look and name is certainly Latina, from the barrio, as Charles says.
Exactly. Barrio indeed. So why the hell are fed this pack of lies that somehow she is from… Bucharest Romania? You really don’t have to be a Linguistics Prof at Oxford to know that her name is Hispanic, She looks 100% Hispanic (nothing wrong with that), and therefore she is NOT from any town in Romania, incl. Bucharest, OK?
I have a friend with a Polish name. His wife has a polish name. As do both their sets of parents. And his children. Except for the parents, they are all English not Polish.
Oh, come on now! You don’t think Latins ever emigrated to anywhere besides the USA?? LOL. It’s possible you know.
Beautiful woman! Would love to personally oversuck those titties! Wonderful.
Hey guys,
cool down. Believe me, she’s not Latino, doesn’t speak one word of spanish, and all the info I give out on my site are 100% true.
Except the models names of course… I can’t believe that someone actually thinks that they use real name in porn ! :DD lol
I have absolutely nothing against these models not using their real names, but you could have avoided all this if you chose a country of origin which, while quite different than her real name, matches her looks, which are 100% Hispanic, and therefore her fake name perfectly matches her face and body.
BTW, there is another free site, name available on request, that I visit regularly, has a great alphabetical library of models, and that site insists in claiming that 99.9% of their models, regardless how they look, come from just one place, the tiny Czech Republic! It does not matter what they look like, they all come from there. Yeah, right..
wonderfull areolae,, pancakeers.. agree with Charles that cleavage is incredible.. gotta be a foot long… @cel, did you get to fool around with those titties??
Well Nick, sorry to burst your bubble, but it is true, for the past 10 years or more, I would say that 80% of the big boob models that you fawn on have been from Czech Rep.
Check on my website, there is over 200 models and all the countries are listed. CZ is the one that comes up the most.
Romania is a close second.
I think I only lied twice on the country of origin, and that is because the model herself asked me to, because she didn’t want to be known as “from this country”.
So once again, I confirm that Amanda is 100% Romanian, and there is no reason I would say she’s from “Colombia” for example, just because she matches what you think a Latina should look like.
What a stupid debate.
Yo! since my bro hugey fell off the titty planet???????????????????????? Time to rock this place! But vix and reese I was a huge fan of MYBOOBESITE 2006 to 2009 but then you started focusing on chicks with no tits! and that’s when I split! Time to get back on track BIANCA BLOOM! alicia loren! Kristina milan jinx! lantti irres! miosotis! abbi! enough with these flat chested wana beeeeeees I love amanda! Looks alittle dark to be romanian no? Looks latina to me?
I would believe she is Romanian, even though she might look hispanic. Past 8 years I worked very closely with Romanian people including travels there and it was quite frequent to meet people of Amanda’s look (except the tits) right in the street. Our country sales manager had exactly that hispanic look and you can be 100% sure she was Romanian.
Nah, cel I actually think she is Chinese. Or Japanese at most. Talk about a STUPID debate, YOU were the one that underlined the need of the models not to reveal their real names, so WHY do you think they would bother to reveal their real country of origin?