A Very Special Big Boobs Birthday

Just hoping you’ll join me in wishing happy birthday to a busty babe who’s been who’s been a big supporter of My Boob Site since the very beginning. Although the event itself is still a week away from today, I wanted to allow enough time for tits loving well-wishers to extend their birthday greetings. So click the banner below for my special porn video countdown to the “up and cumming” 43rd birthday of Samantha 38G on My BBW Site:

Foursome, Threesome, Twosome, Onesome – Samantha38g Birthday Sex Countdown

Click here to wish Samantha38g a Happy Birthday on MyBBWSite!

7 thoughts on “A Very Special Big Boobs Birthday”

  1. Happy Birthday, Sam! I’ve been a fan for a long time now. You are truly gorgeous! I love the fact that you visit this blog and comment, too! Please don’t ever stop!

  2. Happy birthday Samantha. I am turning 43 myself this year. I feel the same as ever, and while not as gorgeous as you, still look fairly young and in shape. 40 is pretty awesome, I hope you are enjoying it as much as I am.

  3. Thank you Luvs for all the Bday wishes.
    Took me a couple of days to recover from it. hehe
    Big Boobs + Bday = free drinks


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