29 year old, Polish stunner Abbi Secraa has the most amazing figure, which can only really be appreciated when she raises those M-cup tits high enough to show her wonderful waist : hip ratio. She measures up at an astonishing 57-25-37.
These particularly cute pics of Abbi, have her made up and ready to please in a sheer lacy top.

The goddess that is Abbi gets in the shower and presses those gigantic globes to the glass on her site AbbiSecraa.com:

GAWD my idea of heaven would be a sex sandwich with Abbi and Miosotis as the bread and me as the filling! Abbi has really developed (seriously!) as a model and performer since her debut as Nelli Roono. Early on she never smiled and barely acknowledged the camera. Now she smiles and gives her sweet, sexy looks. each video and photo set gets BETTER and BETTER! WOW what a WOMAN! I’m in love,!I’m in LOVE!!! Get me on the next flight to Poland!
With all apologies to Milena, Abbi Secraa is the single most gorgeous woman from head to toe I have ever seen. What an incredible body!
Would love to see her do a pegging video.
She is 29? But she said at her website she was in her mid 30s, I thought. Where did you get her measurements from? I wonder because she keeps her numbers secret in combo to her work of art as she said. She only twittert she was around an L-cup. So how is that I like to know?
Really hate to be the bearer of bad news, and burst everyone’s bubble, so to speak, but she announced on her site recently that she is going to be having breast reduction surgery. A real bummer, imo. She had such a unique body type, with those huge all natural breasts. She was one in a million. It was said she did the modeling so she could earn the money for the surgery. However, I guess if she feels she needs to do it, it’s her decision. At least we will always have the photos and videos she has already done, but it still bums me out that there will be no new material of this goddess. I guess she will now be fondly looked upon as one of the legends of the past.
@ luvembig :(
Sad indeed, but you are talking about her as if she were dead. :lol:
@ Luvembig I’m going to take the optimistic approach to the update on her website and say that she isn’t having breast reduction, It’s just a theme (visit to the doctor) for an upcoming update where she has another female massaging her breasts…………Probably a way of trying to satisfy hundreds of requests without it being pornographic. I think the breasts reduction thing has been blown out of proportion and has been misunderstood.
29? HAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Fantastic pics and what a shame about the reduction, its certainly bad news for us tit-men but its come as no suprise. Dors did the very same and it was just time before abbi followed suit, lets face it how much longer could she carry those immense juggs around before health issues kicked in? I guess the good news is that shes done many shoots and left us lots of material to enjoy and i suspect we will be enjoying it long after her reduction. Thanks for the good times abbi and good luck.
Hey vix. Bit cheeky this but any chance your going to do any new pics? Be great to see you again, just gonna search you now and enjoy some of your sets.
@ ca
Didn’t mean it to sound that way. However, it may be the end of her modeling career because on her site she made a reference to thanking her fans for the past three years for making it all possible and how much she has enjoyed it, etc. Then she mentions the reduction and something about watching where she is headed next. I know, kind of vague, but it looks like the Abbi we have known up to this point will be different if and when she returns. I’m just really bummed about her having the surgery. Her boobs and body certainly are (were) one in a million. Such big breasts on her overall small frame. IMO, tragic indeed.
lol at Abbi being 29. Is that in dog years?
I miss Dors….
Well, I guess if these gigantic things make her back ache, who are we to stop her from having that surgery. But if it’s not for medical reasons, she should know that most of these r3eduction surgeries look really botched, I have never seen one where the tits look good after they reduce them. The nipples look cross-eyed, out of place, and the whole breast does not have a natural sloping look any more, even tho it sure is 100% natural (what’s left of it).
She should also know that she really does not have a slim waist, so if she goes for a big reduction, it may not look good.
maybe it’s better for her to lose 20-30 lbs, depending ion her height, and then instead of reducing the already naturally shrunk tits, just lift them.
I too am tempted to call into question the claim Abbi is 29, but I’m too much of a gentleman to do so. Maybe it’s the tenth anniversary of her 29th birthday?
Don’t any of the admirers of Ylinska/Abbi see it? The change she’ll be going through soon after her reduction surgery would make a touching and poignant documentary film! It would start with her personal reflections recalling her teen years and developing such large bosoms. Then anecdotes, embarrassing moments and relating her many emotions as she advances into young womanhood. The second part of the film will show her adjustments to her life after the surgery. Hopefully, she’ll find contentment not encumbered any further with huge breasts. Initially, she could sell a DVD of the movie via her website. I’m sure, besides myself, her many thousands of followers on Twitter and Facebook would also purchase the film.
See my comment above and see the new update on her website :) I’m sure she will have a reduction at some point…….but not yet!! :)
@ David, I love the idea of the first part of your documentary film ( recalling her teen years, her development, her everyday life, etc.), however I would never buy a DVD that has material of her post surgery with her scared and altered breasts! The thought is enough to make me cry!
Those tits are the breadwinners!
It would be like Eddie Van Halen cutting off his hand.
Career over.
You don’t see naturals like Abbi’s, Lindsey’s or Dors’, too often
in life, why mess with something so unique and sexy?
If Abbi does go through with this, she needs to shoot a ton of vids and
pic sets, beforehand.
She needs to go all out too, with intense masturbation, dildos, HC, etc.
But then release these things, slowly, not all at once.
That way she can have her small breasts, but still bank the money, in
the meantime.
like your thinking razor,, you should be her agent..
Dla Ylinska
After your breast reduction
Men won’t be in awe
But I offer this one consolation
You’ll have no trouble finding a bra
prosze odwiec
certain women get it in their mind that changes are needed; it’s not a haircut, honey. plenty of women bare this burden. it’s all right to go away.
its not all right to say youre going to downsize, first. just go away in mystery.
She’s having breast reduction and I’ve just renewed for another month after seeing possibly her BEST VIDEO EVER the final exam video it am still having trouble walking after seeing it