Having touched upon gorgeous, glowing, OO-cup & growing Anorei Collins’ pregnancy in my penultimate blog of her personal site…

…(my last boob blog of AC giving her a break from being pregnant (alas, if only such were possible!)), I was pleased to hear our now 8 months pregnant maternity matron of massive mammaries has begun lactating (having been only at the colostrum stage of lactation in those previous pregnancy photos) and her gigantic breasts are bigger than ever! One can but imagine what a pain in the tits the combination of macromastia and lactation must be for the poor girl. With heavy breasts engorged with milk as they are, I’ll bet she can’t wait for some boob weight relief once breast-feeding has begun!
Ah, but why wait for the baby to arrive when there are surely loads of extra large breast lovers willing to suckle her nipples right now? Having never had the opportunity to suck milk from the boobs of a pregnant woman in my life (no, breastfeeding as a baby doesn’t count and, besides, even if I was fed on mother’s milk as a baby she wouldn’t have been pregnant at the time, so… nerr! (‘though I strongly suspect my extreme breast fetish may, in part, be due to being bottle fed)), the rare opportunity to have a go on Anorei’s giant lactating tits to suck her milky nipples would find me very first in line!
However, having just visited her busty voluptuous AnoreiCollins site, I found my premature efforts at being initial volunteer for pregnant breast suckling had been preempted, as it seems magnificent, heavily pregnant and breast milk laden Anorei has a girlfriend willing to take over tit-sucking prenatal breast-feeding duties in my place! :~( Not only that, but Anorei appears to be expressing most immense sexual pleasure from breast-feeding as erotic stimulus as well!! Oh well, good for her, as at least this means we get to see Anorei Collins breast-feeding …even if it isn’t me nursing her nipples.
[Oh, and apologies for the lesbian bit as, just because there’s girl-on-girl tit-sucking action in this sensual series, that doesn’t imply women who love big boobs are lesbians. Anorei certainly isn’t, since we all know she’s got a boyfriend (who doesn’t like big boobs, btw), and letting another girl have a go on her tits wouldn’t make her bisexual, either. But, as much as I despise labels where sexuality is concerned, I still needed a sex term describing the content as succinctly as possible, and lesbian filled the bill. So, forgive me, it’s just a porn thing, “boobiesexual” not being a widely known niche.]
So, here’s questionably lesbian lactation loving lovely but considerably less busty Latina BBW Talia nursing nipples in pregnant tit-sucking Anorei Collins breast-feeding photos from AnoreiCollins.com:

Hi Reese,
I’ve been meaning to leave a comment for a while, just to say how much i enjoy reading through your blogs. Please keep up the good work!
Also, I’d like to say how much I like Anorei, not only has she got the most gorgeous chest, she is also really cute.
More of the same please!
I just died and went to heaven!!!!
Those monsters are beyond Maxi’s pregger tits.
Anorei’s kid is going to get crushed under those udders when it goes to have a drink!
I’ve never been more jealous of a woman than I am of Talia right now! She is so unbelievably lucky to be suckling on those amazing breasts! I wish I could relive my infancy with Anorei.
Anorei – you are SPECTACULAR! I hope you continue modeling for a long time!
Hmm- I was bottle fed too. I wonder how common that is among boob-men. You should do a poll!
Also? Awesome post.
Wait— Anorei has a boyfriend who doesn’t like big boobs? That boggles my mind.
Not really into BBWs, but Anorei is the exception. What a yummy cutie pie. Shame her bf is such a wanker. Dude, you’ve got the most epic tits in the world next to you. Anorei, come deal with a real man honey! I’ll appreciate the boobage, trust me.
cAPS was breastfed. (and loves big boobs)
I’d love to drain the milk from Anorei’s tits while feeling the baby in her belly kicking. What amazing creatures women are. :)
And don’t worry about the baby. It’ll be bottle fed it’s birth mother’s milk by it’s mom.
Anorei Collins is so beautiful those massive O Cup Breasts are delicious I wish I was Talia