Next up to wish us all a Merry massive mammary Christmas is lovely LL-cup Anorei Collins as a super busty sexy Mrs Santa Claus with her gigantic boobs in Christmas bows as if proffering them as a pulchritudinous present to us big breast obsessed brethren and sistren (well, it should be a word since the former is sex specific!). Tits the gift that keeps on giving indeed. However, the real Christmas present in this sexy series is the gift of genitals – yes, we get to see Anorei Collins’ pussy for the first time ever at Big Tits Glamour! Of course, members of Anorei’s webcam site will have seen it all before, but seeing her gorgeous genitalia in high-resolution makes all the difference in the world with this wonderful woman extremely well-endowed with not only what may well be the biggest tits on My Boob Site, but adorable Anorei also appears to have luscious large labia lips spreading out beneath her big pussy fingering digits! And so, with the full festive feminine package of Christmas boobs and Christmas pussy on display in horny holiday spirit, here’s beautiful busty voluptuous 38LL Anorei Collins from

She is definitly making my Yule Log grow…She is a vision…and not very old…does anyone know how young she is???…the good Lord gave her to us for pure enjoyment…
If Sweety Anorei is single I would try o her my woman!!!
Now, that is an excellent rendition of the saying “..with bells on”
What a dream !
I would like to beleave in Christmas Mother and I would be ready to cross all the world to meet her !
Thank you Reese
Did she do video in Christmas clothes ?
@ Tim C. “she is 23 years old”
@rex “she is not single, but her man is not a boobs man…so, u can hope..somehow..someday:)”
“but her man is not a boobs man…”
And maybe Anorei prefers it that way, since so many others are making such a big deal of her bust…?
— but from my POV, it seems like quite a waste, not to be with a man who celebrates her marvelous body!
She’s just… amazing. I’ve just been reading Sierra Skye’s blog where she’s talking about how much she hates her body. I love Anorei’s, and hope she does too.
Her man is not a boobs man?
That’s because women typically want men who don’t want them.
How unbelievable.
I wonder if she has ever asked a man out (a stranger, not somebody she just happens to already know). I doubt it.
Even the most attractive women haven’t got the guts to face rejection, all the while expecting every man on Earth to go through it, to ‘get’ them…
I imagine that she “wants a man who loves her for herself”, in other words, if you show any sexual attraction to her breasts, she won’t be interested in you – because after all, what woman would want to go out with a man who found her sexually attractive! Such a crime!
Such is the insanity of women…
You certainly don’t need to be a boob man to find Anorei attractive. She’s very cute and has wonderful curves everywhere. That being said, I do love her boobs!
Great, of course. Cute girl, huge boobs. What I’m curious to see is, in her imlive profile, she states she does fisting/insertions. Don’t put something down you clearly are not doing.
@Mentok I do self fisting and large insertions only in private shows
As far as the fact that Jeff is not a boob man, hehe. He’s an ass man, he’s definitely attracted to me, and we’ve been through a lot together, boh as friends, and now as partners.
As far as the boobs guys go, hehe, I’d date one of you, lol, I’m not opposed to it, I simply need a little ‘eye to eye’ time during a conversation ^_~
I don’t know guys, to each thier own i guess. I just can’t get into her at all, not sure what the deal is to be honest, could just be that girls like this are common around my parts, those with giant boobs AND a nice body aren’t. At first I thought it was that she was on the really big side but I’ve gotten down on pics of girls that were bigger. Who cares what I think, keep showing your tittes as you can see there are plenty around here that apreciate it.
Wonderful! Anorei is such a gem. Hope she’ll keep on showing her sweet pussy for us… :)
Ho! Ho! Ho! Finally some snatch. I’d want her to be gift wrapped underneath my tree. She is absolutely yummy. ;)
“I just can’t get into her at all, not sure what the deal is to be honest, could just be that girls like this are common around my parts”
Man, where on Earth do you live? I’m on my way!
P.S. Merry Christmas everybody!
Am I the only one who noticed how sweet her face is? She is not only sexy, but adorable too!
[i]Anorei Says:
December 22nd, 2009 at 4:12 pm
As far as the boobs guys go, hehe, I’d date one of you, lol, [/i]
Done and done! :D
Visit Texas Anorie!! I’m good at eye-2-eye time. Be sure I get a lot of time to stare eye-2-breast too! Love ya.
She is just awesome. I would give anything to have a woman like that in my life. You can tell she is a sweetheart too.
Oresama: yes she’s totally cute. That cleft chin is adorable. But I am still waiting to find out how big AROUND one of those boobs is. Can’t wait till she breaks out that tape measure again.
To Anorei: You are truly amazing. I know that I don’t know you on a personality level, but I am in love with you physically. If that makes sense. You have a beautiful face, the most amazing body, and you are down to earth. Which is really too much for me. All my life has been rejection due to my weight, but I have a feeling that if a girl like you were living near me, I would be married already. Having serious struggles with pornography led me to believe subconsciously that the women I see aren’t real. Which obviously isn’t the case with you. Having seen you respond to someone in this post added to the confusion within me. You are truly gorgeous and if I ever met you, I wouldn’t know what to do with myself. Please never stop doing what you do. You give me hope :)