I’ve fucked up royally, and I can only hope that you’ll accept my apologies. You see, this blog was originally about a new site that had been set up for 32G Anya Sakova and, considering that the three other sites currently hosted by the provider in question are indeed personal sites with original content within which the models themselves participate and receive compensation from every sale, I automatically assumed that Anya’s new site was personal as well. However, such is not the case.
It was Jelena’s comment that first raised doubts about the veracity of my mistaken claim and prompted me to begin researching this further (and, although I’ve edited this post dramatically, I’ve left the comments intact so you can see the progression). Then, when Johnny told me that the content on this new site was nothing more than recycled photo shoots that had previously appeared on Divine Breasts, I took matters into my own hands and went into both sites to perform a critical comparison.
And indeed Johnny was right, as I was able to match every photo set from the new site to ones that had originally debuted on the previous. I also received additional details from Jelena who, after having spoken to her good friend Anya, was assured that she didn’t even know about the site nor does she receive a penny from it! It’s a shame, really, as it runs totally contrary to my personal crusade of finding a means through which models may be assured long-term security from their hard work.
As Samantha pointed out, however, what happened here is standard practice in the porn industry. A model is paid a fixed sum for a shoot and that’s that. It’s the photographer who owns the photos or the content provider for whom they were contracted that then retains the legal right to sell those photos on or to as many websites as he or she wishes. While I do not dispute their right to earn a perpetual living from their efforts, I also believe that the models themselves should be able to share in the same opportunities.
Now, I realise that it may take some time to see such a sea change in the adult industry, but I, for one, will keep banging on about this until some measure of equity is established and the hierarchy levelled out. At present, the whole industry remains biased toward the promoters and webmasters, with the models and often even their photographers being relegated to the bottom of the food chain (since the latter frequently relinquish rights to their images in exchange for a fixed fee).
Granted, this is true in all media at the moment. If a newspaper or magazine photographer snaps your picture and you sign a release form, they have the legal right to reproduce it as much and in as many publications as they want with no compensation being afforded to you. Many even do this without the benefit of a release! My point is that this in unfair, especially since it’s the person appearing in the photos who is first and foremost responsible for the sale of such publications.
Indeed, we’re got a long way to go…
I also must apologise for not having researched this matter more thoroughly prior to posting my original blog. However, I feel the need to defend myself somewhat in that regard since the most I usually receive in terms of promotional material consists of a set of a dozen or so photos or a handful of 10-20 second video clips from a given series. Considering the hundred plus sites I’ve represented within this blog, it would be virtually impossible to ensure lack of duplication without joining each individual site prior to blogging it and drawing comparisons to the content of all of the other sites who happen to feature the same model(s).
I’m on my own here, guys, and as much as I’d love to have a team of researchers who check out every last detail whilst I work on my writing, editing and coding, that’s simply not the reality. I’m simply a one-man operation doing my best to update MyBoobSite as often as I’m able and for me to attempt this degree of verification myself would mean that entries would be few and far between.
This isn’t the first time I’ve fucked up, though, and probably won’t be the last. If you’ll recall my excitement this time last year when I discovered a video gallery of Sapphire having sex, I blogged it as soon as I could in order to share this wonder with you all. Soon thereafter, MyBoobSite reader Kurt, who’d signed up to the original site featured in that blog before a correction had been made, told me that he was unable to find that video there. Contacting their webmaster, it became evident that someone had pirated the video clips to create the erroneous gallery (and this, while not legal, is almost impossible to prosecute).
So I hope you can accept my contrition and believe me when I say that it was never my intent to deceive. On the contrary, I hold MyBoobSite’s readers in the highest esteem (notice that I said “readers” and not “porn surfers who just pop by to perve at the pics”) and strive to continually provide you with the freshest feast of big tits dairy goodness that I can find. I’ll make many more mistakes in the course of this quest I am sure, but rest assured I’ll keep working hard at it until I get it right.
Honestly, I was going to simply delete my original post completely and replace it with this explanation of why, but then I realised that I’d be depriving dedicated Anya fans of the photos I’d included therein. Thus, I’ve taken the time to seek them out from their original source and repost them with an accurate acknowledgement to DivineBreasts.com:

I hope she doesn’t ever go with Score. Their layouts are boring and unimaginative. Their lighting is harsh and unflattering. Their wardrobe selection is ill-fitting and makes you think that clothes are just colored pieces of cloth that get in the way.
What a goddess! I haven’t seen her in a while, so amazing. What wouldn’t I do to be with this amazing hottie.
Maybe Anya will finally get her own personal beaver to grow back now too. That bald, razor-stubbled hootchie she got talked into looks like a skinned-chicken. She’s too beautiful to not have a very nice bush. I disagree with ErikZ and like a woman in a state of undressing just as much as blatantly naked…has he even seen the brand new Score layout with Ana Song (seductively introduced with a silk shirt, black fitted skirt and F_ckMe vintage-style pumps)? Unbelievably hot.
i hate score too, the try too and and fail even harder. plus they seem to turn out all of there models. anya is awesome though.
BTW where is Anya Sakova from? The ending of the surname looks like the typical ending of Czech female surmanems, although she might be form some other country.
The sooner this girl does HC the better IMHO
I don’t know what to say…I am speachless.
Anya always causes me to loose my mind, my mouth hangs open and I am in total awe of her beauty. I totally agree with Muz…
I love pics where the t-shirt is half on/half off. Revealing just enough but not too much.
Excellent Post Reese!!!
Last time I checked her site or Googled her, her breasts grew one cup size. Some sites have her as 32 GG…she grew an extra G!
By all means, all the best to Anya with her new venture. It would be great if this gives her some control of her career, but I hope that she will not be giving up her other modelling opportunities.
I can only afford to subscribe to one site at the time, so I choose to spend my money on sites that present a greater diversity of big boob models. In contrast to some of the views expressed here, Scoreland consistently meets most of my requirements.
I have just had a look at some of Ms Sakova’s photo shoots in SCORE and Voluptuous, and to me she looks just fine in them. Each to his own, I suppose.
Congradulations to Anya. I wish her all the luck and success.
She is a beauty and a natural wonder.
Score Group is great for finding great models. It is where many of us get our start and is awesome for exposure and building a name for yourself. After that it is up to the girl to capitalize on the opportunity to be an adult star.
Hey guys, email the Score Group with suggestions they have always been willing to listen to the fans. On my last shoot for them, they were working hard to bring new ideas and fun onto the sets. Very open to listen to any suggestion I had.
Bobby, I believe Anya is from Ukraine.
Thats such a shame that some people shoot content of Anya, make site and claim it to be her *personal*. While these people earn big bucks pretending to be popular and famour Merilyn – model herself gets nothing!
It makes me really mad. Being close friend of Anya its painful to see how some tricky people use her name to make a fortune.
MY DREAM HAS COME TRUE! She is absolutely the most perfect creature on earth! I just want to suck her tits and fuck her so badly! She is the epitome of perfect. Thanks Reese! You have answered my wishes! I LOVE YOU ANYA!
Is Anya not receiving the same ongoing revenue share that Micky, Emma & Vix are getting for their sites? Please let me know, as this is a most important issue for me. The primary intent of the Playmate Sites is to provide a simple means through which individual models can establish their own personal websites without the assistance of a webmaster or the up-front expenditures required to secure merchant account services. Granted, this same opportunity is afforded to photographers and content owners as well, but, knowing the situation as I do with the other three girls, I’d like to find out what is genuinely the case is for Anya’s site.
~Reese! :~)
I LOVE pic 9. Her hair, eyes, ass, and of course her TITS look PERFECT in that pic.
Hey Reese,
This is your BEST post of all time! YOU DA MAN!
Further to Samantha’s comments about her positive relationship with the Score Group, I would just like to add that Samantha herself looks better than ever in the September issue of Voluptuous. Great cover and a wonderful photo shoot (with some stunning individual photos that I will treasure), and accompanied by an interesting interview as well.
As for Jelena’s comments, it would be dreadful if this is indeed the case. Can the Playmate Sites check and do anything about this?
When models work for a company, all models sign a release form, giving the company all the rights to do with the images and videos as they please. I am sure she didn’t turn down the modeling fee for the work.
Yes, sadly it is a one time fee and no residuals.
I too was bitter for a while, then looked at it as paying my dues or interning. Learned alot on each shoot, how to model, about lighting, video experience, photography. All stored away in my head for when I started my site.
Remember not all models are cover girl material. Many gals will work for free to get a magazine cover. It is not easy to get such an honor. The exposure and fans that Score Group brings to a models career is huge. I am grateful to them for helping me start my career.
She has an awesome fan base because of Score, now she can work hard, add her ideas and creativity to create a site that Reese has given her the opportunity to build.
Reese you are awesome. So now all the gals have the opportunity to make a brand and money for themselves.
It is much easier to start out with your image already famous, than to start from scratch with no name.
I wish her and all the other models good luck.
Thank you Frank. I am proud and lucky to have another cover.
The new Anya site you refer isn’t really her own site either in my opinion. The content you show for her new site is simply pics and videos from her time on Divinebreasts.com. Which is really uncool to the consumer because we have already seen the content and they are trying to double dip our pocket books by selling us reused material.
The Score folks fall short at least in the Anya shoots because they at Score attempt to coach her way too much during the shoot and I’m sure they are doing it with body language and English which she doesn’t understand very well, so she often looks confused and frustrated in her pics and even in some of her videos.
Against better judgement, I decided to join the website in your most recent Anya blog (boy did I make a mistake). What I found was exactly what I assumed I would find and even stated in my previous post to this blog. All of the content was taken from the website that I will not ever mention again…what a scam! Did these folks genuinely believe that Anya fans wouldn’t notice and stick around for more than one fee…what the hell were they thinking? I guarantee that I will not rejoin or continue to be a member of any site that I know these jokers are affiliated with period (and I everyone knows which sites I am speaking of…heck the sister site to Anya’s new site was even mentioned in this blog).
Moving forward, please consider your readers a touch more by doing a bit more research on the sites you blog before you blog them. I bet and would hope that you wouldn’t spend your time or ours, on a blog for a site with 100%, yes that’s right 100% reused material. The fact that new material may be in the works and or on the way is immaterial at this point for me (new site with no new content = no more business from me). It may not mean much to you and as difficult as it may be, I will truly consider not ever revisiting MyBoobSite.com (best in the business) because as lame as it may sound I feel a bit betrayed by the whole situation. Since in the past, you have blogged about the sister site and even posted the very same or very similar pics in the past (with the only difference being the website). In the future, I would like to be assured that I’m not wasting my time reading about material you have already blogged on and of greater importance spending my hard earned dollars joining sites with repackaged used material. I know this comment may not actually make it past the screening process, but I hope my opinion is considered none the less.
p.s. Anya’s Score site is more hers than this one! And at the end of the of it all, there is new exclusive content (videos mostly) each Monday!
I’ve spoken to Anya and she assured me she doesnt even know about such site and of course she doesnt get a penny from it.
So thats what i was thinking – someone shoots content of her and sell it – WTF!?
I hope you will be able to investigate. There is nothing wrong with calling site Anya or whatever but hell please dont claim its her personal.
With respect to your well-expressed feelings, please understand that (in case nobody else has noticed) Reese has a lot of irons in the fire as of late. Perhaps you might consider cutting him a little slack.
Several blogs, the TPG, The Breast Files, the top 100 list, and other things I’m sure he doesn’t tell us about. Sure, it isn’t all done in one day. But he’s got a LOT of surfing to do just to get one good, FRESH post out there.
As i’ve said before, there are people who wait for his post, just to paste it directly to their own blogs. How many times have many of us “seen it here, first”?
Have you considered looking for interns?
I want to refer to the comments of mr. bobby who says , to which country anya belongs. In her first photograph, she looks like apakistani woman. Pakistani woman wear duppatta like this .
munsif ali-pakistan
Reese, it’s not only standard practice in the porn industry but standard practice in the photography industry in general. Professional photographers always retain copyright on the photos they take for clients, unless it’s negotiated otherwise (and that’s rare). This is so they can capitalize on charging for re-prints and use the photos in their portfolios and/or promotional material. I’m surprised your surprised. It’s the Big Bad Internet, everyone is trying to make a quick buck off of the latest hot item. Hopefully Anya will set up her own real personal site and receive full benefits from doing so.
Anya is not Pakistani, christ – LMAO!! She’s from the Ukraine.