Lately on one of the big breast forums I frequent, there’s been a bit of a hubbub about this new model who’s apparently poised to give Anya a run for her money. Her name? Aria Valentino. And it’s not just on the forum, as I’ve been receiving these incessant e-mails from one bloke asking if I’d blog her! And so I shall.
Now, while Aria is slim-n-stacked with G-cup breasts, I’m necessarily not sure that Anya has anything to worry about. Sure, Aria’s a beautiful babe and all that, but, frankly, Anya’s got bigger tits! And besides, judging by her galleries, Aria spends too much time outdoors and is just a bit too sporty for my tastes. I’ve got nothing against sport, mind you, but I personally prefer a woman who just lies in bed naked all day. Oh, that and the fact that I feel sports bras are an abomination to boobs. :~P
Eh, I’ll let you decide. Here’s 32G Aria Valentino from

I’m really not sure she’s a G cup, what you think ?
Personally, I do not think she can give Anya a run for her money. Please do not get me wrong she is a nice looking lady and nice breasts but Anya is in the premier league. This girl is first division. Anya’s body is the best in the busines. A girl to give Anya a run for her money would have to be almost unnaturally perfect to be better with breast size (contrast) to match. This lovely young lady doesn’t quite cut the mustard.
Thats just my opinion anyway!
No way does she compare to Anya. Not even in the same league. Anya is much bigger and fuller – pictures of her make my knees buckle. Aria is average at best. Anya’s place is secure.
Anya definitely doesn’t have anything to worry about with this one….
She’s hot but Anya’s way hotter. Also her boobs look fake, to my eyes at least.
Come on you are not serious right?Anya is a godess this aria “thing” is no match for our anya .Anyas breasts are bigger than her .I see no competition here.Anya/Merilyn wins by far. Hands down.
Very blessed in the looks department. Nice body; no Anya though, 32G? can’t fool us Reese :)
One thing though, is she needs to work on the picture quality, I’m seeing some blur on the pics.
She’s terrible, what a dog, not to mention flat chested too. Yuck……that athletic body, no way…..
Are you guys kidding she’s HOT!!!!!!!
I’ll take a more voluptuous woman by choice, but this chick is uber hot and great looking with a nice rack too.
I’m not sure if it’s fair to start off comparing this girl to Anya. Simply because,… well duh! Although she is hot, and not much smaller that September Carrino.
I think this girl is currently better suited to the 24 and under crowd. But, I do look forward to seeing her in a few years.
Cute girl. Big tits. What’s not to like? Sure Anya has bigger tits (spectacular, I might add) but this is not competition! I say bring them ALL on!
You’re just greedy!
It’s true! I am! Can you blame me? :D
Nice boobies :)
I stumbled across pics of her a week ago.
Her measurement is probably American so F in UK or something. But all the same she is incredibly. I never cared to much for Anya her lack of ass bothered me unlike Jana Defi or Faith. I can’t see Aria’s ass but the rest of her body is certainly shapely.
Anya’s got nothing to worry about. No contest.
What a lovely woman!
Between Aria and Anya…i prefer Anya (Merilyn)
Aria Valentino is perfect. If some guys don’t want her, I’ll take one for the team. Athletic and top heavy. Yes! I’ll drill it like a dentist. Get Aria and Anya to do some athletic stuff and ballroom dancing to tone up the legs and the ass and BAM! Two of the sexiest bookends on earth.
If Aria is athletic enough to dance with that rack, I’ll take her in a heartbeat.
There’s only one dance I’d like to do with her.
Yeah . . . Anya totally rules! Aria’s nice, but I DO have a problem with the “32G” claim. As if! 32DD at most. For the record, the only models I’d put in the same league with Anya would be Ana Pastel and Yulia Nova.
Aria is awesome in her own right. Not fair to compare her to Anya, whoever started that comparison is wrong to do so.
As for the bra size, hasn’t anyone ever seen those 5-girl Score comparison shoots? They’re such a revelation. You’d be surprised how big or small tits look depending on who they’re on or who they’re next to.
Aria may actually be a G cup, she just carries it so well because of her proportions. We don’t even know how tall she is. Also bear in mind that so many girls whose tits look huge naked, what looks big to our eyes is really hanging skin. So when you stuff the boob itself, unstretched, into a bra, it measures actual depth of boobflesh.
Just a warning to those thinking of paying for her site. When you do, you get signed up for about 9 other sites at the same time, all charging $40 bucks each. And they keep spreading your card number around. I have had to call each of these blood suckers to cancel my account, and the next month, more charges appear on your card from other sites, that aren’t even porn sites but “help” sites. Buyer beware.