Here is Brook Ultra, for the first time on Score.
Brook is quite beautiful with a sort of 1980’s look about her, (Like in this advert.)
She has long, light-brunette hair and green eyes. Her slim and stacked body is beautifully tanned and subtly tattoed.
Those boobs are pert and perky.
All I know about Brook is she is listed, on a all of my reference sources, as a 30G (AKA an HH cup).
And that is where my reason for callling her a dreamer starts to become obvious.
If that’s a G-cup, I’m a monkey’s uncle.
These blatantly augmented breasts have a dark line, particularly visible on the left tit, which I generously thought might be a bra-wire pressure mark.
I looked at the underwear-clad photographs and the wires on the push-up bra are nowhere near where the mark is situated.
It is a strange place to have a scar from a boob job. Maybe it is from some other kind of surgery. Again, quite a weird place to have your operation scar, surely?
Some people really like the fake tit look, which is why Brook is here.
I really do know that some of you don’t like it, too.
My next problem with her is in the video, where she actually says those tits are “all natural”. Dream on, girlfriend!
Anyhoo… Brook is quite gorgeous. And one would not be ashamed to be seen out with her looking as she does, like she has large knockers in a Wonderbra, when she has a low-cut top on.
It wouldn’t be too awkward to take her home and see to that tight looking pussy, whether or not she keeps the upholstery on.

If you have no idea where the title of this post came from, click here.
Sorry, but these are not just fakes, but pretty cheapo, pathetic fakes at that.
I really feel sorry forr this model that she had to mutilate her body like that.
@ nick I’m sure you would know what may have or haven’t been done
Anyway she is very pretty lovely boobs fake or real and from what I can see the tat looks great
@ Boobman (more accurately, Fake Boobman)
So u like this cheap, obvious (underline obvious!) and offensive fakery? There is no accounting for bad taste…
I repeat, I feel sorry for women such as this one that have to mutilate their bodies like that jkust because there are juvenile, inexperienced freaks out there that go for that stuff.
What’s the diff between fake boobs on Western European Women, and the mouth extensions (that look like there is a whole plate into their lips) of savages in “dark” Africa?
here goes 4,000 years of alleged civilization…
@nick,, some of us like augmented breasts,, its all about taste… might not be your cup of tea but I think shes incredible…