I need to get a t-shirt with I Love Sluts emblazoned upon it, as my lust for promiscuous girls grows greater by the day. Having recently reacquainted myself with my first sexy slut girlfriend who oft been referred to as a whore slut and cum dumpster by the self-same disrespectful guys who’d enjoyed the profoundly penetrable pleasure of fucking her pussy and now living with my deliciously slutty wife over whom I am so sexually obsessed that I was inspired to write the first love poem of my life in her honour does nothing but fuel my passion for promiscuous women all the more. Nonetheless, despite being happy with what I’ve got at home, that doesn’t stop me from the lewd and lascivious vigilance of always being on the lookout for busty sluts upon whom to lavish my attentions, the most recent one being a voluptuous busty blonde beauty with massive tits of soft, milky breast flesh surrounding her large areolas and a cum-hungry pussy who loves nothing more than having all of her holes filled with cock at every opportunity…

…her name is Jenny Seemore from the aptly-named Come Depot website and her horny disposition, huge HH-cup breasts and voluminous vagina have successfully supplanted super slut Kelly Madison to capture the 2nd place position in my personal slut lover’s toplist (after all, the only guy Kelly fucks any more is her husband even though she does share him with other girls in threesome sex situations). Ah, but first I should let you in on the sexy story which led to my serendipitous discovery of this new beautiful busty super slut supreme of my fetish fantasies’ wet dreams:
Well, those of you familiar with my pussy cream pie fetish will be well aware that the one thing I don’t like about sex is cumming simply because this represents an “end of sports” in most cases. Sure, I like cumming as much as the next guy (or girl), but much prefer the foreplay beforehand and the fucking prior to orgasm. Lately, though, I’ve been beset by sexual fantasies involving creative things to do after I’ve cum, and my biggest orgasm fantasy fetish of late is post-coital pussy creampie consumption and, much to my profound pleasure, my lovely wife obliged me in my cum eating fetish the very day after I’d told her about it!
We had been lying naked in bed when she got up with her “fancy a fuck?” face grinning sexily in my general direction. I got out from beneath the covers and she mounted me instantly for cowgirl style sex, wasting no time fucking me silly and suppressing her own orgasm. Taking hold of her big boobs bouncing above me as she drove her pussy like a pile-driver over my cock repeatedly. The feel of her soft breast flesh yielding beneath my fondling fingers combined with the hopelessly horny sight of my penis disappearing in her pussy each time her moist meat flaps embraced my erection giving way to a downward thrust of her slippery sexual sheath sucking my cock back inside her cunt was all it took do get me exploding in orgasm within mere minutes of first penetration.
After I’d cum, I just laid there sexually spent and totally transfixed whilst my freshly fucked wife scooted forward on her knees, straddling my face and hovering hornily above me with her cum filled cunt creampie ready to deliver squirting semen into my open mouth with her big boobs jiggling away in the periphery framed in the flowing golden locks of her long blonde hair as she reached both hands between her legs to take hold of her sperm laden labia lips in pussy spreading position. It only took one hard squeeze of her tightly toned pelvic floor muscles to trigger the strong vaginal contraction required to get her pussy squirting cum in my mouth after which I eagerly licked her labia clean and pressed my own lips against her saliva slathered cunt flaps to suck the remainder of my cumshot from her vagina as she came hard ejaculating more of my own semen into my mouth (’twas one of my bigger cumshots since I don’t think I’d had sex for a week prior to her jacking off my penis with her pussy).
I could feel the freshly ejaculated puddle of cum pooling in my throat as my tongue recognised the familiar taste of my own semen from back in my horny teens when my alarmingly frequent autofellatio mouth masturbation habits invariably came to a sticky cum swallowing conclusion. Ever since that erotic experience in eating out her cummy cunt in post-fuck creampie cunnilingus until she ejaculated the remains of my coital load into the gaping cum hungry pie hole provided, I’ve searched in erotic earnest for an example of this internal cumshot pussy squirting cum eating cunnilingus feeding fetish on-line only to come up dry (as it were).
Then, finally, just as we were getting ready to leave for a swingers’ party on the coast (and, fuck, my thighs are still sore from kneeling behind my naked wife as she bounced above a new-found boning buddy holding still from her humping just long enough so I could add my penis to the fucking cock already occupying her inviting vagina as it arose in double vaginal penetration position before me), my first person sloppy seconds pussy eating fetish found fruit in the form of a deliciously dirty video clip Jenny had posted on her website wherein she fucks her husband reverse cowgirl style and then forces him to swallow his own cumshot from her sperm gushing cunt in the cunnilingus cum feeding conclusion of this most amazing sex video!
Thus, those of you who feel cum swapping is a perverted and sick sex act should turn away now, as I feel my prosaic ponderings rapidly drawing to a close. Those with an open mind, however, prepare to fall in love with my new second favourite super sex slut of all time in these extremely hot forced female to male cum swapping videos “cumming” with loving lustful courtesy from sensually seductive, sublimely beautiful and wondrously well-endowed 36HH sexy cum slut wife Jenny Seemore from ComeDepot.com:

It’s so much sexier when you combine it with a cuckold fantasy… watching some guy fuck your wife and then eating the load out after.
oh man! thts hot! XD
Fuckin nasty. What the fuck is wrong with you assholes. Can’t a man just see some nice tits for fucks sake?
Gwad that is hot.
In a couple hours I’m gonna let the old lady ride, and insist on a cream pie for desert. Every now and again she’ll cum so hard she squirts right in my mouth after she settles down on my face while my tongue splits her labs and hits her clit jus right……..
great idea Reese; I’ll show the ole lady your site after I clean her up!
I wouldn’t mind seeing a picture of your wife. If it is no to much to ask. Wouldn’t want to over step my bounderies.
Oh, totally not my cuppa.
Gotta agree with MaGnUs and JC. If I wanted to watch some faggot suck back a load I wouldn’t go a website that showed women with huge tits. What a fucking queer.
I just love big boobs jummy :)
Great fucking big boobs
Wow, Hellbound, don’t agree with me. I just said this is not my thing, I never insulted anyone.
This doesn’t belong on the boob site… it’s just wrong. Whether or not that’s his own jism, it’s way out of place here.
Please stick to boobs and leave that stuff on a different type of blog… ewwwww
Dude, you’re stuff is getting nastier and nastier. Gross, you’ve lost your way…
In between peeks at juicy (bo)(ob)s you prissy boys and girls need to wake up and smell the hot)(pussy!
Blow a load of jizz on top of your favorite pair and let her lap it up and it’s juzz fine, you share a little of your milk shake with her and you’re a faggot? I dunno Hellfire don’t bug me a bit.
Matter of fact I’m gonna go pester the gf as soon as I stop typing. I just remembered that she wiped a pair of cunty fingers under my nose as I left the house this am.
Later dudes, I’ll reek of poo tang and cream when I get back.
Yeah, to each his own but this doesn’t really belong here.
Now thats a nice hot dirty big tits slut. I love it! Where are these women? WHERE I tell you? WHEEERRRREEEE!?!?!?!?
Eww dude WHAT THE FUCK…………. im gonna go wash my eyes out with bleach
Oh well … where do I start? So much hate and bigotry here. :-(
If you don’t like it — don’t do it. Easy as that.
Those disgusted outrage commenters most likely secretly sneaked in behind the backs of their wifes or girlfriends anyway….
… and now you DARE to post insulting, small-minded and intolerant complaints? Chicken-heartedly hidden behind anonymous posts?
Get a therapy before your homophobia and/or self-hatred kills you — or someone else.
Reese: Thanks for sharing — and sorry for those rants, but morons like “Hellhound”, “Disgusted”, “Keri” and the like just make me mad. :-/
Maybe those of you who are disgusted by it and are throwing around words like “faggot” so easily are the ones whose manhood is shallow and have a heavy case of homophobia.
Its porn guys, and in porn people cum (or it wouldn’t be any good). Cum happens and it was never meant to be a drink but its pretty damn hot when a woman does it. SO what if this guy likes doing it. Its not my thing but guess what the whole scene was pretty damn hot.
Reese keep doing what you do and it IS ok to go outside the box because thats where the really great inventive stuff lies.
OK, I won’t post derogatory comments because I’m a sane adult, not a petulant child, but c’mon. This is a big boob blog, why are there posts/comments about guys drinking their own cum and cuckold wimps drinking some other guys cum? Really guys? Being not into that means your homophobic?
Let’s get back to the big boobs. Guys with cum drinking fantasies, I think you’re on the wrong blog.
So cream pie fetishes are not for everyone. Personally, I love watching my big tit wife squeezing my cum out of her soaking wet cunt as she squats over me after riding me cowgirl, but I’m not as dedicated as Reese in sampling the goods.
Isn’t the wonder here though that we are privileged to share the sexual experiences of a couple who are obviously deeply in love and lust with each other? To me it is exactly what makes Reese’s blogs stand out. So, kudos, as far as I’m concerned.
And last, Jenny is simply the most gorgeous blonde, big tit slut that I have seen in a long time… other than Vix, of course. ;-)
Jesus. If some of you think this is ok, you really need to get laid. By a woman. Eating cum is not what a man does. It’s what separates us from homosexuals. That might be your thing, but it’s not mine and not for most guys who visit the site. I like women. I don’t like guys. And watching some guy eat a load turns my stomach. Personally, I’ve had enough of this site. There’s thousands like it on the web. Without the fag overtones. Whatever blows your hair back though. You should question your sexuality if you think this is good.
As I mentioned to MaGnUs regarding a comment he’d posted on another blog, it’s not about the cum drinking – I could simply autofellate if I just wanted to do that – it’s moreso a matter of seeing your freshly-fucked wife’s or girlfriend’s cum-filled pussy up close & personal as she expels your ejaculate with firm squeeze of her pelvic floor muscles or, even better yet, through the natural vaginal contractions of an orgasm brought on by post-coital cunnilingus. ;~)
Oh, and a question for you: If a guy licking the cum out of his girlfriend’s pussy makes him a fag, does that mean that girls who perform cunnilingus on other girls in porn are homosexuals as well?
~Reese! :~)
Reese, whether they are real lesbians is an issue for contention, but a woman performing oral sex on another woman in porn is a lesbian fantasy being acted out for their viewers to enjoy. Is that even debatable?
What else can be said about a man drinking his own cum, or watching his wife getting fucked by another guy and then drinking that guy’s cum. I’m no prude, and people should do what they want and get off how they want if they are consenting adults. But let’s call a spade a spade, it is gay or at least very homo-erotic. It certainly isn’t straight for men to drink semen.
I feel like I stepped into the twilight zone. This blog is seriously slipping. I thought this was “myboobsite” not “myboobsite for the occasional cum drinking male”. You have other blogs for your other fetishes, great. I just came here for tits man. Don’t lose focus of your core audience.
I’m sure you have google analytics or omniture, and you’re no doubt an affiliate to many of the porn sites you blog about. You have to have some sort of revshare deal going on. Keep blogging about cuckold/cum drinking men and see how your traffic fares after a while on a website you started centered around big boobs.
A girl with great tits sits astride your face and lets you look and play with her fanny. Joy!
Excellent stuff! Something diferent for a change… That’s why I love this site and have been a regular visitor for years… I totally agree this is NOT for everyone and tough shit for those who don’t like it…
Those who have a problem with the cumeating should just focus on the boobs. Jenny is well equipped to please most lovers of big boobs I suspect!
I love the post torsten you really showed a decent demo of how ignorant people think there smart.
Most women today go to hell because of what they do with their boobs. Boobs are for nursing children and the pleasure of the woman’s husband. All sexual activity outside of a legitimate marriage is seriously sinful.
I am not trying to be derogatory, but only tell people the truth. Our sex saturated society has gotten so far away from God that most people don’t even know what sin is anymore.
See: http://saa-recovery.org/ForWomen/
How big are your tits, Amber?
Just thinking about the “homosexual comments”. Surely male homosexuality is about guys liking other guys. There is only one guy here, and a goddess of a woman. Where is anything gay? Ah.. I hear you say “it’s the cum eating”. Well tell me this, is it gay to do a woman up the back passage just because gay men indulge in the activity? And anyhow who cares if it’s gay or bondage or even bestial (not really my cuppa) as long as she’s got big tits. As someone earlier stated “this is a big tits blog”!!
It might not be for everyone, but the site is called “My Boob Site”. He’s entitled to post what he likes. It’s not like we paid a subscription. I do like the variety, personally. The sex act aside, showing a vid of a dominant, busty woman, is sexy to many guys. And making a guy do that is about as dominant as it gets!
im 42F and want a bf like this guy
I’m a bbw girl from Montreal and i search a man for shit on his mouth.
We can all argue whether or not this belong on this site and that is up to the people who maintain the site. I was going to say that this should be a problem because it’s kind of stated in the title…however, I would agree that when the average person thinks of cumswapping or goes to do a Google search for it, they are looking form female Cumswapping. I was going to defend the poster because as Bi-male, I’m perfectly fine with this content, especially if there was a heads up….though there was enough forewarning in the article itself and honestly, I would have just clicked “X” and ignored it if I wasn’t into this. Still, there shouldn’t be a big deal over this, unless this happens often on this blog (which I am not sure since I don’t come here that often and this is my first time looking at comments here)
In my 2nd sentence. I meant to say “Shouldn’t be a problem”. I need edit buttons, yo!
I for 1 dont mind the content, if you dont like it dont watch it. I would prefer to see more movies were the girl has the guy cum on her tits. Then the guy licks them clean of his own free will. Im not into the Femdom thing but my wife loves when I titty fuck her and lick them clean. I think it is erotic as hell.
Creampie eating is hot, no matter who’s doing it. Keep posting them if you like. Those who don’t like them, skip to other entries. It’s quite elementary. Speaking of elementary, Hellbound is still there mentally as well as anyone who would use the term faggot in derogatory terms.
Depraved, twisted, perverted and filthy…
(Wish my mrs would do this to me!)
hey every body complaining just don’t watch it.
there is this women in ___ ________ California name Katherine __________ who is 42 and a swinger she will let a stranger cum inside her before her husband eat her out I know cause 1 night I WAS the stranger [mod edit: No surnames or locations, please, it’s the swingers’ code! ;~)]
WOW! Jenny’s HOT!
Is she still active?
I’d sure like to fill her up for her cuck’s next feeding as she feeds ME her sweet milk.
i want to enjoy fucking
I love this. These videos are hard to find but they turn me on like nothing else. I love blowing a load on my girlfriend big tits and then licking it off. It’s even better to lick her pussy after it’s full of cum. I do fantasize about eating her after she’s fucked another guy, but so far I’ve never seen her do it so I have no idea if that’s just fantasy or not. Though my girlfriend has said that she’d be willing to fuck another guy while I watch someday. I can’t wait. Till then, I will eat her cum filled pussy whenever I can.