If you, or your partner, have ever tried doing a sexy dance and catching it in photographs, you’ll know how much that does not work.
You look like a twat. That is the law. You cannot stage how you look (suck your gut in, raise your chin, all the normal things that we all do, to look less like ourselves, when a camera is on the horizon). You are caught on camera with a leg in the air and you look like a dog, taking a piss.
It’s not good. No matter what you look like when animated.

So here’s a video instead, from TopHeavyAmateurs.com. Truth be told, except for her amazing rack, I think Anya Sakova still looks like a bit of a twat, doing this striptease dance. Maybe it’s just me.

Have you ever seen her on webcam? I was very disappointed the tits were good otherwise it was a huge let down
She does look kinda goofy, doing it, i agree.
I love Anya/Merilyn.
Her tits are something i never, ever get tired of seeing.
But i wish she’d eat a sandwich or something, because she’s become
like a skeleton with huge boobs.
Imagine if she put on some weight?
If her boobs are that size now….
Just amazing. Love the 4th pic of her on her back and seeing her huge breasts sink into her body… just that natural gravity to them makes that picture very hot. Love the slim and stacked models though I do wish Anya would gain just a little weight so I don’t see her rib cage as much.
Simply stunning rack, which forgives all sins, in my view.
Do define ‘twat’ here.
She is awesome but she needs to take it a step further and get with the hardcore already!
Agreed about doing a striptease. It gets even worse if the woman is wearing some lingerie that YOU bought her and she’s not quite sure how to get it off. I know, I know, the whole teasing thing is just SO much more erotic, but screw that, I LURVED seeing my ex totally naked. It took me nearly 2 months and a visit to the er for torn knee ligaments from getting tangled in the sheets to convince her that I love her naked body and that she didn’t have to hide ti from me.
As for the pics of Anya, the last two shots in the second row of pics make me giggle a bit. It’s her facial expression, like she’s just been walked in on by her auntie or something. Kind of takes me out of the moment.
She’s gorgeous but she never looks very happy. I prefer girls like Jolie Rain or Siri whom look like they’re enjoying themselves.
Tbh, pinup girls are rarely able to pull these things off well. They just don’t know how to move. The effect is more similar to watching Bill Cosby or Morgan Freeman try to dance than something that makes use of their attractiveness. Anya looks good n all, but she should leave this kind of thing to the pro camgirls with more aptitude for it.
To her credit though, at least she wasn’t standing around doing absolutely nothing like many models do :)
Love me some Anya/Merilyn (she even follows me on Twitter, so were best friends, I WISH!), but she seems a bit awkward. Big difference between being sexy and acting sexy. With that said….. I would love to bang her silly!
Awesome, she is incredible and has done some great stuff at score, i recomend checking out her score march2008 set and also check out the master cel sucking and playing with her tits.
she needs to take some stripper classes, just saying.
watched the clip again and while i agree she needs work on that routine who can detract from that amazing set of hangers… she has a great ass to she is the real deal fellas…
I don’t get the comments, I think she looks great as always, and was pretty sexy here. I sure couldn’t dance 1/2 that good. At least she is always trying something new. I don’t think she is too skinny, she is just in good shape.
To the guy who says she has a great butt; I completely agree. I actually love little butts, esp combined with big boobs. No thanks to hardcore though, I think hardcore is gross.
Oh good, her nose looks better since the last time I saw her (more fresh after surgery). Maybe it just needed time to settle, or something.
That said, Id do horrendous things to get with that woman.
Is this stuff from her new or old ?
This stuff is five or six years old. surprised no one else has picked up on that. Still looks fantastic though.