Big tits thanks to all of you who helped ID busty Ellen last week as being… *cough* …Busty Ellen from (as if it could have been any more obvious for me). I’ve since been to visit her website and the first thing I ran across reminded me of a boob joke my father once told me: A couple were having their wedding rehearsal at a church with their guests sat watching and following along with the script. The moment the reverend announces, “You may kiss the bride,” a man jumps up and starts running from pew to pew, pinching all the girl’s nipples. When the shocked reverend inquires of this inappropriate outburst, the man replies, “It’s right here in the script! As the couple kiss, it says, ‘(a nervous titter runs through the congregation)’.”
Meh, I was never that good at telling jokes anyway. Still, when I first heard it, this was precisely the sort of mammary mental image that sprang to mind…

…but before you get a chance to ask me why, in my imagination, all the girls had their tits out at a wedding rehearsal (that manner of big boobs behavior should be reserved for the reception, right?), let me rather quickly move on.
I must admit I was somewhat surprised and pleased to see Busty Ellen fulfilling two of my more bizarre sexual fetishes on her site; that of a girl pretending to have a penis (as initially inspired by my other (new-)half but then turning into a whole world of female phallic fetish fantasy in the form of my funny fake herm blog) and that of a girl masturbating with a bottle (the latter of which we shall never speak of again) at…

…right, then, considering we’re under a super injunction against bottle fucking (I was going to say gagging order there, but that would apply to something else entirely), I suppose I’d best approach this from the busty teen pretending to have a tool on her twat sort of pseudo penis play angle.
Then again, fake cocks aren’t the only types of tools Busty Ellen seems to be interested in, as nipple clamps, getting her tits in a vise, latex gloves, breast bondage with masking tape, paint brush boobs and getting busty girlfriend Carol Goldenrova to masturbate her cute little cunt with a caulking gun are amongst the many other big tits teen tool time vices I’ve seen on her site…

…ah, but even her busty lesbian tool fucking fetish isn’t something I fancy (although I can’t help but wonder what the pair got up to with that cordless power drill in the end?), as I’m only interested in girls with tools of a more “anatomical orientation”. There’s just something so sublimely sexy about a girl with a pretend penis, regardless of whether she’s trying it on to imagine what it would feel like to have a big cock of her very own perched above her pussy or using it as a practice penis for a blowjob, titfuck or other sex skill she may wish to perfect in these Busty Ellen videos from

lol “Nervous titter” XD
What’s wroong with doing it with a bottle?
In one of those shots the way it’s angled and she is sitting with the dildo it looks like she’s a hermaphrodite, the type who look female, have proper breasts etc but only male genitalia! Nice photographic trickery, presumably by accident.
I like the pout she has when masking-taped.