Well, it seems 32K Rachel Aldana’s record for Biggest Breasts in Britain has been broken. I learned this from some mysterious MyBoobSite reader who anonymously posted the following photo and story link in my forum blog…

(image courtesy of: News of the World)
…the busty usurper of the biggest tits title is a 26-year-old housewife named Donna whose massive M-cup breasts have caused her nothing but trouble. Donna’s problems began in her late teens when she was a mere size 10 with 32HH boobs enduring cruel teenage taunts about the size of her tits. She’d applied for a breast reduction op on the NHS at the time, but was turned down because she was too young. Her boobs ballooned to a bra busting 40M a mere two years later and, unable to afford the £500 ($800US) for a custom made M-cup bra, she resorted to the discomfort of wearing bras too small for her overly ample endowments. Even Donna’s partner finds her huge tits a turn-off because “they get in the way during sex” (obviously not a big breast lover as, for me, they’d be the centre of attention!).
In 2006, Donna was refused a breast reduction one again due to weight gain and must now lose 7st (98lbs) before the surgery would even be considered, and the fact that her breasts weigh 1st (14lbs) each in and of themselves certainly doesn’t help matters any. “I feel caught in a vicious cycle,” Donna was quoted as saying, “My boobs are ruining my life. It’s certainly not fun having the biggest breasts in Britain.” And, although I find Donna to be a most stunning woman with breathtakingly beautiful breasts and feel it would be a shame to lose them, I can only empathise and be supportive of whatever decisions she makes in their regard. After all, it’s her body and, despite what big breast obsessed individuals like ourselves might think to the contrary, her future health and comfort far outweigh Donna’s incomparably lovely 28lbs of breast flesh.
Record breaking big boobs aside, that fact that displaced former British biggest tits title holder 32K Rachel Aldana is a full two cup-sizes smaller is relatively inconsequential since, unlike M-cup Donna, we get to see Rachel’s comely K-cups topless! And, since I’ve received more promotional photos & videos from her new RachelAldana site compared to the meagre massive mammary selections I’d been able to offer in the past, I thought I’d bring her back to MyBoobSite. However, since I’d received complaints about Rachel’s rather extreme high resolution photos being too big (unlike her breasts), I’ve decided to scale these tit pics down a bit.
Personally, I like the hi-res pics, as they give us the opportunity to zoom in and get up close & personal with Rachel’s massive tits, showing detail down to the fine creases in the cleft of her cleavage and the two light hairs adorning one of her little nipples (erm, they’re just underneath Rachel’s right nipple, should you happen to be looking), although I must admit I’m still struggling to read that tattoo on her tummy. Eh, I suppose that if I get enough requests, perhaps I’ll post the full-res versions of these fine photos in MyBoobSite’s dedicated Rachel Aldana forum. Until then, a few reduced resolution sample pics from Rachel’s “Mint Green Blouse” series at RachelAldana.com…

…oh, and whilst I’m here, I’ve been sent some previews clips of the video accompanying this series. So, once again here’s 32K Rachel Aldana in videos from RachelAldana.com:

You know, i never get tired of admiring at Miss Aldana. And since Miss Jones fully intends to get her reduction I say Rachel’s record still stands :) Besides, she still seems to be growing herself.
Regarding her tattoos…and i use the plural here…the one on her tummy says “PinupGlam”, possibly “PinupGlam.com” – talk about dedication to the business…
Then I have to wonder about the recentness of the photos, because I distinctly remember seeing in a recent sample vid, under both of her forearms, a series of Chinese or Japanese character type tats. I believe it was the video announcing her website.
I’m impressed with how much Rachel’s modeling has improved. She seems to be over her camera shyness.
Someone needs to get Donna in front of a photographer before she butchers those beauties with a reduction. I want nude pictures and video.
She needs to drop her boyfriend. He doesn’t deserve a woman like that.
Seems to be hard to live for this woman, but if she was my wife , i couldnt accept a reduction ;)
Maybe Rachel doesn’t have the biggest tits in Britain, but they sure are the BEST tits in Britain… and anywhere else! Just spectacular. Thanks for the new photos!
I was going to make a comment but its like you robbed the thought out my head! Can we just agree to disagree on something even if you have to lie about it.
Rachel is still the best thing since the wheel!
Okay… plain M&Ms or Peanut? I like Peanut.
She needs to dump that freak who says any part of that fabulous woman turns him off.
Let my people go!
Both Rachel and Donna are very pretty. Both beautiful as same but different also.
UK is big boob capital of world?
Well Donna has a child. I’d like to see Rachel have a child! Then she can claim to have the “best” boobs. Until then I’m STILL more interested in the BIGGEST boobs, Vadd. And Donna sure qualifies.
If anyone has not clicked her photo yet, go see the VIDEO of Donna. She is kind of a plump dumpling, but I am not quite sure she is World league with her boobs. She reminds me a bit of Suzie Sparks. But Suze was just about a couple cups bigger and fuller. I’m wondering about this “1 stone” claim. I think they just made that up to approximate. No way she has 1 stone packed in there. I’m with the F.B.I. (federal breast inspector) I want to verify this weight claim. I still say Suzie Sparks was bigger.
My girlfriend was like this before I met her. Back problems and shyness and insecurities (was an F cup). However, she seemed to improve when I offered to give her regular back massages and foot rubs, and I compliment her a lot. From photos a year back, you can tell she seems more upbeat and has better posture, as well, she doesn’t complain so much about back or shoulder problems (i’m really good at what I do :-)
I think if most women had a decent guy that cares for her, and not be turned off by her, she would be in better straights. I mean, her man must have known her breasts were that big before they met, right?
Has anyone mentioned to this woman that if she just did a tiny bit of online, topless modeling, she could likely make enough money for a reduction or at least bras with no problem? Obviously she has no problem posing in nothing but her bra, its not that much different.
Heck, she probably wouldn’t even need to be topless. She could also do it anonymously, though those things would be hard to disguise. But its still something that I would do for my wife if she was in the situation that she wanted a reduction that badly and was short on money.
As for the porn idea I think that’s a good one. Donna could do G-G movies with Maria Moore and Samantha G. Just her boob size alone would make it work. She would not have to do boy-girl scenes which her husband would object to. She could make some money to pay for her operation.
Hey, or even girl-girl scenes with Rachel Aldana as a fund raiser!
Holy Shit O__O Donna is astonishing.
… i wanna punch her fiancé in the face thou.
her huge tits are a turn-off? they get in the way during sex?
flush that retard and get a man who appreciates your body … am sure that would ease the back pain A little bit. ;)
Perhaps all she needs is for MBS to take up a collection to buy her the custom bra she so well deserves.
Perhaps the best thing of all would be to buy her a course in making bras for the gorgeously endowed. It seems in Britain, she could make a rather large contribution to society, no?
I just saw the movie Aeon Flux with Charlize Theron. Great casting! But you know what, it made me think of that Laura Crofts video came movie. What was that called? The Real Laura Crofts was an enormously topheavy adventurer. I think they need to recast the ENTIRE adventure and cast Rachel as Laura Crofts! I finally put my finger on what I like most about Rachel Aldana. She’s Hollywood scale glamorous. Can’t think of many bust models who’ve ever been like this. She realy could break into Hollywood, I think.
donna is hottt
I wish I could download that video. Id also like stills of her in front of that sink. The side shot was great and her tits hung so heavy and full. Yow..
Rachel does have enormous breasts but I don’t think the title of “Britains Largest Breasts” was ever very factual. I think they just picked a bunch of attractive busty teens to put into an article. We’ve seen larger just not as nice and I’m sure there are girls out there that probably don’t want the attention for their chests and thus are never heard of, let alone convinced to strip down and have millions of people look at their naked bodies.
See Vadd I desperately want to have a fight there but even when you had a 50-50 chance you still picked the right/wrong one for a fight. I love peanuts. This is hopeless!
I know… I prefer women with small breasts!!!!! Now, I know this will cause a fight. Come on then give it your best shot!
1. I LOVE the hi-res pictures of Rachel, nothing pleases me more than to be able to gaze upon every single fantastic detail of her supernatural body. Anyone who has a problem with viewing them should get Firefox and the ImageZoom extension; you would be able to zoom in and out with ease.
2. Donna is not in the Guinness Book of World Records and Rachel still is, so Rachel still holds the record.
3. We have video proof of Rachel’s measurements, so we can accurately calculate her bra and cup size; we have only the word of the News of the World for how big Donna’s cup size is.
4. Whether or not Donna is a cup size bigger than Rachel (she definitely is a bit wider around the waist, but then she has had a kid or two, so it’s to be expected), she is LOVELY in her own right. I wish she would not hate her body and her breasts so much.
5. Donna’s fiancé IS AN IDIOT.
I can’t believe anyone would be so gullible as to be taken in by “Donna” and her sob story. Are you people completely incapable of critical thinking? If you have a physical condition which causes you great embarrassment, do you go public with it, and pose for photo shoots in revealing clothing which magnifies your “deformity”? Do you claim the title of Biggest, Fattest, Tiniest, Ugliest, or whatever, to the world, as if it were something for which you seek world renown?
Use your heads! Does the phrase “attention whore” mean anything to you? My god, you men will believe ANYTHING a woman tells you, if she’s “hawt”. Idiots! How do Rachel Aldana, Maria Moore, Samantha, Sapphire, Ines Cudna and any other big tit model manage to struggle through life? Are they crying to the public about their “back pain”, and “childhood taunts”? How do they make it through each day, having such a handicap? LOL!
That goes for you too, webmaster. “I can only empathise and be supportive of whatever decisions she makes in their regard. After all, it’s her body and, despite what big breast obsessed individuals like ourselves might think to the contrary, her future health and comfort far outweigh Donna’s incomparably lovely 28lbs of breast flesh.” Well bless you, sir! This woman would laugh her arse off at you behind your back, but I’m sure that wouldn’t diminish your very noble intentions.
Get off of this politically correct crap of “Woman always right, Man always an evil bastard”. You who want to be chivalrous are nothing but saps. Women have contempt for you. Act like a man, grow some balls, and use your brains. You might even get laid without having to spend anything.
OK, so one was enough, here are the hi-res pics.
~Reese! :~)
Nice boobs… but if she’s suffering… what an idiot the boyfriend is, though.
Great Rachel Aldana’s series, and I think that pinupglam tattoo is just a temp.
i really don’t know where this garbage come from i think karola and maggie would have something to say about this.she isn’t even close
to karola.
Now this is what you call a pair of juggs!
She also has a website at terifox.co.uk and is on Real Wives channel on Sky. Can you do a feature on her to see if anyone else has anymore material! She will be a big star!
I just noticed something. Rachel doesn’t have pierced ears (or anything else visible). Though her face captivating enough on it’s own.
For some reason, I just find that unusual.
Donna is cute and her massive boobs are hot. But yes, she is overall overweight, and I agree she needs to lose some before considering a reduction. Because if she doesn’t, she will have essentially ruined her figure.
Even now for example Queen Latifah misses her big ‘ol puppies (http://www.makemeheal.com/news/queen-latifah-breast-reduction/308). But at least Latifah lost 25 lbs. before getting hers reduced.
Rosanne Barr/Arnold didn’t. Not that she was ever attractive, but she probably had more of a shape or a potential shape before. Now she is just big overall.
Donna also needs a more supportive boyfriend. Not necessarily a big boob fiend who would want to keep her at M-cup size no matter what. But someone who is willing to work around whatever logistical issues they create in bed. And show her that they – and she – are beautiful.
She also probably needs some counseling with a psychologist or support group. I don’t say this to mean she’s nuts or anything. But clearly the reactions of the outside world has taken its toll on her mood.
It’s true I’m a guy and I love big natural tits. I don’t have to endure those kind of stares, though I do get stared at for other reasons. I won’t go into it, but to say I’ve learned that eventually you realize that the ones staring are the ones with the bigger problem than you, and not believe their bullshit. It comes from jealousy, envy, fear, and closed-mindedness.
I also agree that if money is her problem, there are many websites and magazines who’d pay her to go topless. But she should take that money first and invest in a personal trainer and nutritionist. Her carrying around that weight can’t be good for her heart OR her back OR legs. Then once she’s lost a healthy amount of weight, she can get a really good bra and see how that feels. She may realize she is the hot shit and be happy, or her tits may still be too huge and saggy for her liking. At that point she and the doctors will know how much to reduce.
Just IMHO.
Cuzz… vsichni! :) ja teda vubec nevim o cem tady mluvite a co tady reshite… ale Donna je roznodne lepsi samice nezli Rachel…Ktera je mozna hezci. Ale s Donnou by to byla asi urcite vostrejsi jizda! ;)
Guess my post didn’t go through.
Not everybody wants to do porn.
How much do you people think we get paid? Topless pics, that is if you can find a company that only wants pics anymore. Pays only $100 to $200. Breast Reduction surgery cost about $20,000 in the U.S.
But a peron can get all plastic surgery financed. You can make payments. No need to go public.
Where do you people get your information that models are making so much money we can pay for a major thing that cost $20,000?
If she did hardcore, it generally pays $500 to $1000 per scene. Well, by then she has a full blown porn career.
If her boyfriend loved her so much and didn’t like the boobs then he would pay for it. Obviously he doesn’t love and accept her and probably never will. Is it his kid? If so why aren’t they married?
There is much sadness in her eyes.
I personally like the hi res images of Rachel too.
Hanzi, in English for the rest of the class?
Re: Donna — I have to side with Samantha on the family dynamics situation. There is clearly more going on with these two than just big boobs. I don’t want to be one to succumb to stereotypes but I think this dude is ethnic, and from appearances some type of Muslim race. No, probably not related to Dodi Fayed, I think England has heard ENOUGH of that character. But all the same there is a large Muslim subculture in England that is not in the news. And if not a muslim he LOOKS it. I think it’s a progressive thing for a Muslim guy to come forward with a woman this voluptuous and unashamed to show her charms. I think this news deal has as much to do with HIM and people that watch this news as it does about HER.
Re: Rachel — drool, drool, drool…. Oh! Um, yeah what was I going to say? Oh yeah posted last week about Christy Marks and how she reminds me of Dianna Poppos (her face) and how she is part of the New Guard of models. Well Rachel CLEARLY fits right into the void Chloe Vervier leaves behind as she ages. Black hair, perfect body, HUGE boobs, and a dainty face quite pretty. Much like Chloe. Are you serious Guinness gave her the World Record? That just makes a joke of it I guess. In fact I am incredulous! There can be no “Official Record” from Guinness because Guinness is about WORLD records. They cannot officially sanction a Britain ONLY record. I think the General Manager at Guinness wanted to give a few judges some R & R and sent them to gawk and RAchel for fun. I bet they even got to cop a feel!
Site with vid of Donna talking about her funbags. While wearing a bra of course.
Dude’s right, she is quite open for someone who feels trapped by them.
I can’t help but feel that this is Reese’s attempt to upstage me, at the behest of his wife of course. I wrote that forum post he linked to.
The comment above by ‘Non-Believer’ sounds extreme and maybe it was meant to sound that way, but he makes one good point: it’s embarassing to see men ‘chivalry’ by refusing to criticise or question women. To be honest you can’t take what they say at face value.
Finally I agree that this business about ‘Biggest Breasts in Britain’ is pretty silly – there can be no such official record and if there were, I’m sure I wouldn’t find them attractive.
Thanks Andrew, that was my point exactly. There is no sanctioning body for national records. Except in athletics. I believe Guiness is the only record keeping body (no pun intended) that archives anatomical records. Like I heard something happened to the tallest woman in the world…. anyone want to talk about leg fetishes next????
Breast reduction isn’t that safe either. I was shocked to hear of women dying from the procedure.
I have to agree with the tone of your post. I think there is something not quite right about the couple. It seems very sad and a little grimey to be honest! I think maybe she was pressured into it by her bpoyfriend thinking they can make a lot of money with her breasts. But, it will only be a great source of regret for both and the extended family! I feel very sorry for them and the children who will have to suffer the teasing and the comments from other people. They obviously haven’t thought this through.
What the hell are you going on about!!!
As for him being a Muslim well if he was a Muslim or a Jew wouldn’t he have forced her to cover up and never show her body in public let alone in a filthy fourth rate tabloid news paper like The Sun! I thought that was the whole deal with Muslims and Jews!
Oh, and Charles you can see a Cross around her neck so I would assume that they are both Christian! If he was a Muslim or a Jew her head would have been chopped off by now in order to get the cross off!
Charles, what the feck are you on about?
How can you tell if someone is religious (and if so what religion) by their appearance?
Yes he is an arse for not liking his birds massive tits, but to go off on an anti-muslim rant on a bloody PORN site….?
PS. I think all religious people are idiots, you should grow out of fairy-stories and invisible friends at an early age.
PPS. That Chloe girl on the link!!!! No SHE has (hopefully still) got a figure! Wow!
I just hope she gets them out, a size like that is something unique!
reese, please please please get donna her own breast files page asap! :-)
Let’s see if I can keep it to 5 words or less for you: muslim guy + girl with 2 stone boobs = not all muslims are fundamentalists! Yeah! That’s good news.
Unfortunately he doesn’t know how to speak kindly about a gorgeous and adorable woman in front of the press. Still an idiot, but progressive!
Donna is an incredible and incredibly brave woman no matter how you slice it. She will persevere. I still think a girl-girl bra modeling session with Maria Moore or Samantha would be just the support she needs!
You didn’t answer my question: How can you tell a) if someone is religious, and b) what religion they are purely by the colour of their skin?
Or are you so thick and backwards that you think that everyone with brown skin is a muslim?
I’ve white skin, so am I catholic? jewish? Pastafiarian?
(it’s the last one….)
No, it’s rastapunkian, get it straight.
Geez can anyone more distort the point….
I’m not saying he IS religious. Just drop it. You want to take this conversation I don’t want to take it. But there are certain ‘looks’ to men that suggest ‘Muslim.’ This is not to say I know ANYTHING about this guy. Except that he needs a crash course in breast appreciation.
The point is simple Bltx: people of christian OR muslim upbringing do not need to be fundamentalist. And as a matter of fact it thing big breasts are a wonderful way to celebrate some common ground.
da best. Keep it going! Thank you