In a comment posted on my Sarina lactation blog yesterday, my mate Cel piped in to point out that I shouldn’t forget that Sarina likewise appears lactating on his XX-Cel site under the monicker of Monica…

…humblest apologies, Cel, but I honestly hadn’t noticed (so thanks for pointing that out!). The trouble is, whenever I visit I find myself totally wrapped up in the blondes (ooh, now there’s a pleasant thought!). Although there’s an excellent variety of well-endowed women on the site, it was the double-barrelled busty blonde combination of 32J Davina & 34HH Leah-Jayne who’d served as the inspirational sirens to draw me inexorably inward into Cel’s breast-worshipful domain and, since then, I’ve been unable to escape their haunting blonde song.
Try as I might (and, believe me, I have – once going so far as to force myself to blog a big tits trio of non-blondes from the site), I just can’t get over the blonde thing. Cel hasn’t helped in the matter, either, fetching in models like Laura Orsolya & June Kelly all the time. Why, he even exacerbated my condition by having lovely little E-cup blonde Katrin declare her love for me! It’s just not fair, really. So forgive me for my oversite but please consider my excuse by allowing me to submit some amply-endowed evidence for the reasons behind my distraction.
First up is Anastasia who, like Sarina, is prone to lactation at the moment. This was the first time I’d seen Anastasia since back when she was pregnant and found myself totally gob-smacked by her transformation into the slim-n-stacked busty blonde beauty we see before us today still milking her tits postpartum in these pics from…

…next up is Pamela, who’s strictly here today by virtue of being a blonde beauty (oh, and the beautiful big tits of FF-cup calibre certainly play a not-insignificant role in my attraction). Here’s a bit of 32FF busty blonde Pam once again courtesy of…

…sometimes, though, it’s not even the tits that draw me in. For example, our next model Julie has what I would consider to be comparatively small breasts – however, it’s her pregnancy-induced swollen pussy that’s got me just wanting to dive between her legs and attach myself like a sucker-fish to those delightfully distended piss-flaps (yes, in addition to my big breast fetish, I love big pussy flaps and cannot resist the temptation of sucking luscious labia lips into my mouth, the bigger the better, and plunging my tongue into her vagina to taste the succulent goodness therein). *sigh* On that thought, here’s pregnant blonde Julie from…

…last but not least in our bevy of blondes is G-cup goddess Faith for whom I need no excuse for featuring with her having been a fixture on MyBoobSite since the beginning. And so, as a final feature in defense of my distraction by blondeness, 32G Faith at

I am not a blonde worshiper but there are definitely those blondes that standout in the crowd one being the beautiful Vix the others being Samantha38G and my blonde favourite Faith. She is a knockout. And she is also one of those rare girls who can carry it off without make-up too, which is obviously quite difficult for blondes. I never realised that she had such a nice bum too. What a cracking arse.
Reese when are we going to get Lorna Morgan back in the Blog?
Wow – Faith seems to be having more and more fun posing. Good stuff!
See, THIS is why I love this site. You always bring me (us) amazing, busty, beautiful women that I have never seen! I know Faith- she is in my top five for sure… maybe top three… the others are new to me and just breathtaking. And wow! Slim and stacked (even if one is pregnant, she is still slim)!
Milk of women is the BEST; beatiful and lovely, please make more videos and pictures. thank you
You need more lactation, I cant ever get enough!!!
Busty blondes. I love them. If that seems like some form of favouritism on my part, let me add that I’m married to one. You will forgive me if I therefore tend to prefer blondes… and I’m not even a gentleman! And then, to top it all, we are presented with Anastasia: a blonde, stacked, lactating dream of a woman. Wonderful!
On a different note: Reese, Vix, and all the regular contributors, may I wish you all a wonderful Christmas. Finding Reese’s blog site this year has been an absolute joy. It has been wonderful to share my love of big boobs with fellow admirers such as yourselves. May the new year bring us all more boob-filled moments of ecstacy!
I don’t celebrate the Pagan festival everyone calls Christmas but, for those that do and use this time to see loved ones and stay with family over this time, have a good time and all the best for next year. That’s to all the regulars and 30jjgc club members, Reese & beautiful Vix. Also to the newcomers and those who visit but don’t leave a message- start doing it, join in its fun! Have a great time and hope all is well for the future!
Should I be so bold but to suggest that we could do with a lick of paint round here Reese or a new design!
Guys here is a present from me! Check out the size of these puppies!
Oh, by the way Reese she is blonde with a little extra love aroudn the middle just the way you like them.
It appears, from post, that Sam and I are the same person!
Happy Holidays to all… and Merry Christmas!
We may be the same person but remember that you have a vote on 30jjgc so use it when the time comes to vote and don’t rely on me!
Do not shirk your duty to the Gentlemans club!
hhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmm yoiu re very sexy