Just a friendly heads-up on tits-out in America: Be sure to keep a close eye on the news next week, as the grassroots movement “Breasts Not Bombs” will be taking on the Governator at the West Steps of the California State Capitol building at noon on Monday, November 7th, a day before the state’s elections.
The topless demonstration is intended to reveal what is truly decent and what is not, in a manner certain to attract Mr. Schwarzenegger’s attention. Citing such genuine indecencies as special elections, school budget cuts, violence against women and discrimination based upon sexual orientation, the group hopes “to expose the real boobs among us”.
They’ve extended an invitation to anyone who wishes to make their own titular contribution to the event, as well as the press and the general public. As much as I laud their fine efforts, I must stoop to admit my own shallowness in saying that it would be worth attending just to see a full frontal view of demonstrator #3 in the photo below… ;~)

Love to see them do that in Iran, with their spiritual brothers.
HELL YEA! california is were the titty’s should be shown. its known as the golden state, a sunny cool place with beautiful women…actors and movies stars a state built on entertainment. arnold schwarz (aka) “the terminator” lol just let it happen… man! i wish i could talk to him! anyway’ keep it up ladies im pretty sure he will consider. after all they’er just TITTY’S! lol. ladies let your hair down and show them titty’s!! they wanna do it! and we wanna see it!
BUSTED!! :~(
Well, it appears the law was not kind to the “Breasts Not Bombs” protesters at California’s State Capitol building yesterday. Sherry Glaser, founder of the group, and Renee Love were both arrested after baring all for their cause. As an American living in England, where we get boobs on our breakfast table each morning, I find it embarrassing that the government (and, seemingly, much of the population) of my homeland finds the female form so abhorable.
One bright spot, however, was Senator Gloria Romero, who joined the protest to announce that she would introduce legislation to decriminalize the baring of breasts in public. “While it is legal for men to go shirtless in public in California,” she said, “women risk being classified as sex offenders for baring the same body parts.” Click here to read the full story and see photos from the protest, or click here to see a video clip from a local news broadcast.
~Reese! :~(
Damn. The development in America makes me sad.
But hey, the third one of those ladies also caught my eye.
Huh, I’m surprised there aren’t more pro-Nazi rants here