After being confused by Japanese boobs (porn), I decided I’d best look for something more “normal” to my taste in tits at the busty Asian Giants site. So I came across this busty Japanese lactation video preview and, all well & good, but, cross referencing it to the site, found out the full video was 110 minutes long! Is it healthy or even possible to lactate for two hours straight? Meh, maybe she doesn’t spend the whole time milking her tits as, big boobs though hers may be, surely she’d run out of breast milk less than an hour in! Not having seen the full mammary gland milking movie, who can say? As all I’ve got is this minute and a half clip of some milky juggs Japanese big tits anonymous babe lactating and breastfeeding her beardy boyfriend in her busty Asian lactation video from

Her name is Kanae;
Didn’t expect a post pregnancy vid. She is looking mighty fine— She does have lactation vids somewhere, however
To answer the question, the average women who breast feeds takes about 20 minutes to pump each breast empty.
Given that the average women does not have huge tits, it is safe to say that women with huge breasts have a greater capacity to carry more milk as long as they continue to pump and breastfeed regularly. How much a woman produces is based on supply and demand. If a woman fully empties her breast regularly, her body will respond by producing more milk (since the body is tricked into thinking “You used it all? Guess I have to make more next time).. But let’s say she only empties half her milk, her body will respond by producing less since not all the milk was used (Body thinks “I have all this milk left over! Guess i will make less next time”).
So 110 minutes would not surprise me if a woman regularly lactates and has huge tits to store milk. It’s not unhealthy, although demanding boobs to hold so much milk might over inflate them (looking way sexy) but then when she is done lactating, her boobs might sag.
A woman can continue lactating regularly for years as long as she continues to pump or have someone to nurse. This is common in some cultures where mom’s would continue breastfeeding beyond three years. And there are also couples who enjoy breastfeeding there spouse regularly.