A few months ago, one of the good folks at Score kindly sent me a beautiful porn DVD entitled Mamazon (although considering the titular contraction of busty Amazon women with massive mammary glands, I’d’ve called it Mammazon instead)…

…it’s basically a romping big tits fantasy flick wherein, to quote Score, “Four explorers, searching in the jungle for an artifact that can make all women stacked, are taken prisoner by six tribal babes with huge tits. Have the explorers finally discovered the source of this valuable treasure? Maybe, but first, they’ll have to survive wild group sex with their horny captors! Alexis Silver, Kali West, Rachel Love, Daylene Rio, Alia Janine and Shyla Shy star in the most spectacular sex adventure ever filmed! Dare to explore the carnal secrets of the Mamazons!”
Now, although my busty fantasies tend toward the more realistic in terms of being things I could actually achieve in my life (as alluded to in Tuesday’s gangbang blog), I must admit that this busty Amazon video brought me juggs full of joy (or should that be jug-fulls of joy?) and took me back to my teenage years when my mates and I would go see a feature film based strictly upon the horny hope there’d be girls with big tits baring their breasts in it (then again, if there’d been mammary movies like this one about, we probably would’ve exploded like jizz bombs in our seats at the time! (obviously forgetting the fact that we’d not have been allowed into XXX-rated films anyway)). But, extremely well-produced epic erotic adventure aside, it was the funny big boobs porn bloopers and outtakes included amongst the bonus selections that made this DVD and extra special tit-lover’s treat.
But, alas, my poor elderly Mac just wasn’t up to the DVD ripping task and, although the new gay laptop can rip its way through DVDs again and again with relative impunity, there’s no need since some Mamazon video galleries have now appeared on their Scoreland site! And so, for those of you who fantasize about being captured by a big tits tribe of well-endowed Amazon women who practice tribal lesbianism as a rule but aren’t ideologically averse to fucking your captive cock should they fancy a busty lesbian tit-sucking break, here are a couple clips of the whole colossal cleavage cast plus a few individual scenes starring Daylene Rio, Alexis Silver & Shyla Shy, Alia Janine, Kali West and Rachel Love in the Mamazon video at Scoreland.com:

NOW thats what i call porno 1.
brilliant stuff my ultimate fantasy.cheesy storyline that ends up in an sexual frenzy pure entertainment with a happy ending always.
reminds me futurama with the big amazonian woman planet.
if only it existed for real with just me on the planet surrounded by all the beautiful women.
shandy want snoo snoo.
Yes, very nice. More “fantasy” posts!
i own this…it’s GREAT! Alexis Silver was a revelation to me…VERY HOT! Rachel Love, as always, is total jerk-off material!
Kali west was 6 months pregnant durring filming. Not many people know that.