Here’s a seriously fleshly threesome (until the cock on demand appears, then we get a foursome and a fivesome!) Yes, it’s Lexxxi Luxe, Sapphire and Cotton Candi, all cumming together on video – on MyBBWsite, but we thought we should tell you, too, in case you missed it.

OMG, it’s the holy trinity!
Lexxxi had nipple removal surgery!
Holy Cow! Holy Cow! Holy Cow!
would be more appropriate.
whole lotta tit meat rite there cant wait to see the full vid!!
You can see Lexxx’s nipps. They’re just really pale.
OK. I love this blog and visit often. However, I rarely comment. However news of this video requires a response. In a word, WOW! Just by my subjective taste this is one of the greatest pairings EVER!!! Let me put it this way, Cotton Candi is my favorite hardcore SSBBW. She is sexy and beautiful. Anorei (Lexi) is my favorite softcore SSBBW. Softcore no longer of course – and in a scene with the amazing Cotton Candi! Finally, you add Sapphire to the mix, the most fun and super cute sexy BBW around. Sapphire is simply incredible. She is easily one of my top 3 favorite BBW models!* Therefore, for me, this video is almost too good to be true. Thankfully it’s for real.
*along with Charlie Cooper and Renee Ross – that would be other dream trio.
This is da BOMB diggety! More boob per minute that anywhere else. I’d say get IVY BLACK in on this and SUNSHINE and you got big breast porn heaven!
Didn’t do much for me. The dialog was bad, bad acting, one of the guys looked like he just got out of prison. The girls came across as sluts. It was just fucking, nothing more. Plumper Pass had a trio of impressive ladies and could have made them out to be sensual, classy, funny, etc. But they didn’t even make the effort. It could have been way better.
The other girls look like xerox paper compared to Cotton Candy. Fit some tanning in those schedules!
@werker tanning is bad for your health!
@Sam yeah- the dialog was a bit awkward, they wouldn’t let me talk like I normally would, lol.
Glad most everyone liked it haha ^_^
The Most Natural Tits in One Porn Scene. All three models did an incredible job and I am very happy. No one else has ever had this much Natural Boobage in a Hardcore Scene. I think I’m gonna write the Guinness World Book of Records and see what we can do about getting us listed. Anyway glad to here all the feedback (positive and negative) and to 1 or 2 people who don’t like OOH WELL. There are 1460 other scenes on Plumper Pass for you to enjoy. The most by far of any BBW / Big Boob Site on the web
Glad that most of the folks liked it.
I just thought that it made the girls look less than classy. I’m not a fan of PP because of this. Yes, the scene featured three sets of amazing breast, but to me it came across as just three sluts getting banged. Most hard core comes across this way, showing little respect for the models. How about showing a classy scene? Is it because these sites don’t have any writers or girls that have taken high school drama classes? Good porn is more than just sex, but selling the fantasy. This scene was just sex. It was disappointing. So the models actually want to come across as sluts?
With respect to PP, I don’t understand why PP makes interracial sex as something taboo. Isn’t that racists? Why segregate the black guys? What about other races? Asian, Indian, Jewish, etc.
Sorry for the negative review. I guess I’m looking for something more. Something sexy, not just sex.
I LOVE COTTON CANDI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!