I was trolling through the new gallery offerings at the Plumper Pass porn megasite the other day, as one does, and happened upon a girl whom I’ve not featured here very much: 36JJ Denise Davies. Why is this beautiful busty British babe been such a stranger to MyBoobSite, you might ask? Well, in short, the answer is because she reveals my own shortcomings.
By all accounts, Denise Davies should be pretty damn close to my ideal woman. With those delightfully pendulous JJ-cup breasts and huge areolas perched upon a perfectly voluptuous body counterbalanced by a rather nice ass, she’s a prime example of one of those busty English girls who’d find me hitting on them in an instant. And, besides, she’s got a really pretty face, too (no, I don’t mean it in that way), and I could easily imagine myself staring up intently into those gorgeous green eyes whilst Denise straddled me to distraction.
However, there is one thing about Denise Davies that I’ve just never been able to get past; one which reveals the true depths of my shallowness. As hypocritical as this might sound from someone who usually champions any well-endowed woman generous enough to show us her tits and then complains when visitors post negative comments, I’m embarrassed to admit that the sole physical feature that’s caused me problems with the otherwise stunning Ms. Davies is her hair… *blush* …as it’s usually just too kinky for my tastes.
How shallow is that, to base one’s standards of attraction upon something as ephemeral as hair-style?! Precisely the same thing happened to me with regard to actress Nicole Kidman. Back when she’d had the crimped & kinky hair look going on, I never gave her a second glance. However, when she finally got it all straightened it out for her role in “To Die For“, I stood up and took notice! I know, I know – sad but true.
And so, not wanting to be a closet hair hypocrite any more, I’ve decided to sort myself out. The first step in my self-rehabilitation program – admitting my pointless prejudice to you all – now complete, I’ll move on to Step 2 which requires my full-immersion into Denise Davies porn. Perving over the following photos & videos from PlumperPass, however could I not have seen her to be the truly stunning specimen of big beautiful busty goodness that she is? It doesn’t make sense, really.
With sincerest apologies for such thoughtless neglect in my past (and the promise to be better about this in the future), I’m pleased to bring 36JJ Denise Davies back to MyBoobSite courtesy of PlumperPass.com:

I think she is pretty damn hot! I love her body! See? A guy can like BOTH slim and stacked AND thicker babes!
Thank You Thank You Thank You Reese! Denise is my favorite of all porn stars. She has such a sweet inocent face and extremely sexy body which she does such naughty things with! It is such a turn on. And I like her hair, its so long and natural like the rest of her.
Denise if by any chance you read this thanks for being so sexy!
I really like Denise, she is so hot!! love her areolas!!
thanks Reese!
denise please grow and milking your boobs.kisses
A great girl but a little weak on the BJ’s.