As I don’t feel quite up to the task of blogging big boobs on this melancholy massive melons Monday, I believe I shall instead merely leave you all on your lonesome in a dimly lit room with the ever lovely Rachel Aldana and her titanic L-cup tits coming courtesy of

Rachel is a very beautiful young lady. Would be nice to see her also without pants… ;)
i just don’t like the way the photographer shoots her, totally not boob enthusiast style, even if she is amazing, it still doesn’t help her.
and enough with the photo-chopping shit its > horrible, its fucking horrible
Hey reese i think you should check out the scoreland site. Renee Ross is making her hardcore debut i think its worth a peek.
Rachel Aldana is a gorgeous girl, no doubt. But there’s something untouchable about her in every pic – even the candids. I can’t see her skin. There’s so much weird lighting and soft focus going on, she doesn’t seem real. I know she is, but I’ve never seen a good clear picture of her. I can’t possibly get excited over her and this is a damn shame. She’s exactly the kind of girl I’d normally get constant hardons for. But I’m not moved to spend any $ or even cop a DL of her stuff because it’s so glossed over.
I pray that somehow Cel from finds a way to get to shoot her so we can actually see her someday.
Reese, if you could only make that come true I would be the happiest man on the planet. Rachel and I in a dimly lit room….ah to dream !
curvelover I can only pity you. I can get excited over Rachel’s photos. And videos. As a matter of fact I get excited about her often. And what a delicious object of desire she is. Totally scrumptious.
However I have a bone to pick with the billings: if Rachel and Sapphire are both the same cup size, “L,” I will eat my hat. And neither comes close to my new love obsession, Anorie Collins. I’m dreaming about LL cups in my face every day now!
Thanks Reese again for presenting to us all these wonderful women with H cup and bigger tits!!! I can’t believe there are so many. A few years ago I would have thought it impossible to see H cups and now …. well, I’m edumacated about the possibilities thanks to this site! And when I know what these girls look like in clothes that lets me go hunting on my own….. heheheh.
once again no pink.Rachel why are you doing this?I mean costantly producing airbrushed shit.Reese why do you bother there are so many other models out there that deserve to be on your blogs than this awful teenage fantasy for boys who don’t know any better.rant over.
As always, perfect.
even that she is no one of my fav.. she is really perfect!
Hi all,
Just wanted to chime in on the whole “billings” side of the convo…Cup size can be somewhat misleading, when thinking of comparing apples to apples or in our case, melons to melons.
Cup size is based off of the difference between bust size and chest size.
So a 32L’s would be a little bit of a disappointment when we’re comparing to 44L’s for example…those 44L’s will look like they are blowing the 32’s out of the water.
Now body proportionality, them 32L’s on say a Busty Merilyn are as sweet as a spring morning after a cold winter. (I know Busty isn’t a 32L, just following along in the example.)
Usually models will fudge the numbers a little and list their bust size for their band size…oh darn, I’ve added another term…band size is the circumference around the woman’s ribs, just under the breast. So, a 32L would be a 32 inch round the ribs. Band size + cup size = bust size (or closely enough for our conversation here o.O) 32 + 12 (L cup) = 44
Now you’ll see the difference on the 44L…that 32 inch girl just won’t look like she’s got the flesh to compete.
So, lesson to walk away with is look at the bust or band size in conjunction with the cup size to judge the worthiness of your melon viewing pleasures.
Hope this helps, and hasn’t caused to many headache’s out there.