The sad news came early Saturday night. I was snoozing not so quietly on the couch when V nudged me awake, handed me her iPhone and somberly said, “Sorry to wake you, but you need to read this.” Struggling to focus, I began reading what was essentially Dors Feline’s retirement statement and, while I could go into great detail over the issues which ultimately prompted her to choose real life over her porn life, I believe it’s best if you read it in her own words. As for me, rather than ranting on as I usually do about the importance of respect in porn, both from fans and the adult industry at large alike, I shall instead provide a Dors Feline retirement retrospective on some of the sites upon which she’s appeared as she shot to big boobs stardom as beautiful, buxom voluptuous cleavage chameleon of many topless and nude modeling modes, ranging from busty goth chick to big breast BBW goddess over the course of her all-too-brief two-year career, before settling into her quirky alternative big tits identity at her own personal BustyDorsFeline site…

…to relish but a few of the fond memories Ms Feline’s massive mammaries have brought MyBoobSite in the past (that last one having only appeared on our Twitter feed). And, whilst we may take some consolation in the fact there are still unreleased photos & videos yet to be published, there’s no denying our most delightful Dors shall me sorely missed. :~( Thus, I’m afraid, this is a goodbye to our lovely Dors Feline with all our best breast wishes that her chosen life be blessed beyond what having big boobs may bring as I bid her an appreciative adieu for having been so kind and generous in sharing her body beautiful with large breast lovers the world over, and close with some of the stunningly sexy blonde Dors Feline photos from

Sorry to hear that about Dors… Hope shes doing fine :)
Over the years I have chatted with my share of models or want to be models. I have also stood my ground and went toe to toe with alot of arrogent idiots on blogs and forums of all kinds about just these issues. Why does there still seem to be an over abundance of trash talking thieving and utter disgrace going on? These women who decide to model do so of their own choice and courage. Accept them for who they are, and what they choose to share with us. Stop asking them to do things they don’t want to do, or show more than they want to. Stop making rude comments, or telling them they’re too fat, too thin, too tall, too short. There is a REAL person on the other side of this world wide web who did this for herself and her fans, and it hurts us all too lose a friend becouse of real @$$ holes. I’m so mad right now that I don’t even know how to say all I have to say.
May you find peace and love
FUCK!! She was HOT!, with a capital “HOT!” A fantastic body, gorgeous face, beautiful breasts and, personally, I LOVE those tats!
It really makes me mad when I hear about models being mistreated and insulted. Sadly, there’s a lot of “men” that need to learn what a REAL woman is.
Best of luck, Dors! You’ll always have a fan here.
Ordinarily I don’t have much to say, but this has really set my blood boiling and I have something to say.
After reading Dors very passionate and heartfelt goodbye, I think many out there should be ashamed of themselves and quite possibly deserve a good old fashioned mob beatdown. I have several friends in the UK Glamour industry and this happens more often than not. A certain sector of guys (who also are unfortunately the majority) mouth off and rather than appreciate a truly beautiful work of living art like Dors, they have to mouth off anf treat her like cattle. These women often overcome amazing shyness to do what they do for our enjoyment and as such, they deserve a proper wage and proper respect. Just because a girl gets her tits out doesn’t mean she is automatically a sex object. SHE DESERVES THE SAME RESPECT YOU WOULD GIVE YOUR MOTHER OR SISTER!
Thanks to assholes ridiculing her, treating her like a cheap tramp, and industry types trying to rip her off, she is now gone from the industry. I can’t recall any other model retiring and full on “telling it like it is”, but bless you Dors for having the stones (and tits) to do just that. Every girl in the Glam field or in any adult field period should read that message and use it as a true guide to life in the adult industry.
I’m off my soapbox and still truly pissed about how she was run out of the field.
Since people decided to comment, literally yelling (unless CAPS lock is simply cruise control for cool), I am posting my two cents.
First and foremost, this is the internet. The internet is very serious business, for nobody. Anyone taking anything on the internet unlike a grain of salt is beyond help.
I have absolutely no sympathy for anyone in this respect. Dors (or whatever her real name is) decided to model (or in other words, get paid while someone simply takes pictures of her). Not that difficult, given you have the right photographer to coach you through it. Yes, there is more to the job since she had a web site: answering questions, blogging, web camming(??), etc, etc. However, in the end, you’re selling naked pictures of yourself on the internet. How on Earth would one ever think that they wouldn’t receive a thousand emails a day from random pervs asking pervy things??
Again, I reiterate, this is the internet. People are mean because they think it’s funny. People bully others for the same reasoning. I’m not condoning their actions, but they can do whatever they want. It’s an unregulated phenomena. The whole point is you can do whatever you want!
For somebody to get into the porn industry and have an actual web presence, and then retire due to spammers/trollers/pervs is somebody who needs to learn how to react to what they are presented with.
How are guys mouthing off to naked girls anything new? Ever been to a strip club? And don’t give me that “This is art” crap and that they shouldn’t be treated the same way. Why not? They’re doing the same thing. Just one is doing it in front of you, the other is doing it behind a camera.
Am I going to give somebody the same respect I give my family members? Probably not, and if you asked a random stranger in the street if they would, the answer would be no. I treat whomever however I want. Again, it’s the internet. I’m not /really/ telling somebody that. It’s not like I’m in their face calling them a slut. It’s online. Who cares!? And if you do care, you have absolutely no business being in the internet business.
So instead of thanking the “assholes” who call her names, ask how often she has sex and what cock sizes she likes, I blame her. No shit you’re going to get asked all of these things all the time, along with even nastier things. But that’s the price you pay for making money off of people subscribing to see a bunch of 1’s and 0’s that represent a picture of you.
P.S. If people acted that way to Dors Feline, or anyone, in the street it would be completely unacceptable, and I would feel bad for her. Again, this is the internet. The more popular you get, the more you have to deal with this shit. Everybody else has to, and they do just fine. Why can’t you?
Would you be wanking over pictures of your mother or sister???
Where’s the respect when you’re looking at Dors’ pictures with your trousers down?
Ummm, I won’t comment on the whole retirement thing as people already have said plenty about that – but I will just point something out…
A few paragraphs into the article, Dors writes:
“But for those who stole my photos […] You are the worthless parts of the world that should check in to therapy”
This sentence is then immediately followed by a stolen photo!!!?!
It’s an image library shot that has been used without permission as it still has the watermark on it!
Ummm, irony much?
I’m really gutted a real that Dors is retiring, she is one HELL of a gorgeous woman with in my opinion a PERFECT body.
I hope she is successfull with what ever she does in her future, she will be missed x
Someone is a bit melodramatic. I do not understand how someone can enter a field of work where showing your tits and pussy is “work”, and then is somehow appalled that perverts send her messages. HELLO!! Everyone who is looking at you is a pervert. In fact, your entire existence and fame is due to said perverts wanking over your tits.
No one is suggesting rude comments are fine. They are not. Models are real people, with real feelings. We should always be considerate of that. Anyone who verbally attacks or threatens a model is a jerk. However, let us be for real. You are in the masturbation business. You job is fodder for a wank. Let us stop acting like this is miracle work here. It’s not. You mean perverts have an interest in you! No shit! No one came to see you because they appreciated you for your brains Dors. It was because they were all perverts and liked your tits. That’s it.
Regarding the same respect I would give my mother. Sorry, that’s a negative. My mother doesn’t flash her tits and wank herself on camera for money so guys can play with themselves. Sorry. She’s not getting that kind of reverence. If you elevate Dors to the same level as your damn mother, then it says a lot about your mom, doesn’t it? Of course this doesn’t mean she should be disrespected. That’s not what I am saying. Treat everyone accordingly, but to suggest I treat her like my mom is a bit silly. Sorry, I don’t wank to my mom.
This is why I respect Samantha 38G. She explicitly states that if you have a problem with the reactions you will get with showing your tits or don’t have tough skin, then go do something else.
Anyway, good luck to you Dors. Thanks for the mammaries.
Ha! I think several people need to put the soapboxes away…
I didn’t bother to read the statement she made, but I will say as a creative type myself you need to treat extreme praise and extreme criticism with the same response: ignorance, because neither is helpful to you or your ego. You can’t get all worked up about things; if you put something of yourself out there it will probably polarise people, assuming it reaches enough of them. Just filter that shit out and keep on moving… because the biggest problem with people who sit online moaning and criticising is that they seldom realise all those wasted hours could have been used to do something good, like learning a new skill or finishing a project of some sort. Ah well; having the freedom to waste time seems to define the world as it stands currently, and little can be done about that.
Back on topic.
Sadly, just as Dors does a set I like she retires. In those blonde/pink shots she looks absolutely fantastic, best I’ve seen from her. Picture 15? Forget about it! Just the right balance of sultry, slutty and seductive in all these shots. If she’s definitely out (and let’s be fair, some people leave and then return because the pay can be quite good) then at least she’s is leaving on a high note.
i think it goes beyond the comments, it goes into money, many many ruthless bastards steel pictures and make money off of them, and thus she was deeply hurt by such a stupid society, and i don’t blame her, the world in which we live in has crooks everywhere.
support your pay site porn, or else get bugs viruses, and what you deserve
I’ve got to agree with much of what mentok & Joey said. Anyone posting anything on the internet, or becoming well known, is likely to get as much negative reation as positive reaction – you can’t please all the people, all of the time. If a team likes the cheers, it’s got to accept the jeers when it underperforms. Yin/yan etc.
Dors mentions negative comments about weight, but how many tubby, or plain fat male porn stars are there? They’re not exactly wank fodder for the girls are they? Fortunately for women, a large number of men like the fuller figure.
That said- Dors was pretty unique. Attractive, vivacious, independent, with a strong, & I’d say, personally styled look. A wow factor from start to finish.
I hope that she recovers from her op fully, & am sure that she’ll be successful in anything she turns her hands to.
My life has certainly been better for seeing her! Mwah, & good luck.
Joey – spot on. Liked Dors, but please, get real.
She admits to having a fake persona to make money, they complains that she can’t keep “faking” it, well boo go play dungeons and dragons then to role-play. Guess the money isn’t worth it which is the most telling thing, if she was making above average money don’t think it would matter. She got her reward, easy money if she had the mental fortitude.
I agree with a few others that Dors sounds a bit like a drama queen.
I never comment on models pictures or attempt to contact them (except Angela White…that was a fluke & she was nice), but if your a plus-sized woman posing naked, that not all guys have an appreciation for, your going to get your share of negative comments.
Heck, if your a skinny woman posing naked & spreading your legs, you’ll STILL get your fair share of pervy & negative comments.
It’s not art, it’s the sex industry.
The internet is loaded with trolls, enter at your own risk (if you have thin skin).
She mentions Scoreland was fair & not part of the problem, so why quit the biz now?
She just did several shoots for them, that were, at least, professional.
I don’t completely understand her desire to throw in the towel, in light of this.
It’s the adult business.
People don’t look at your pictures & think, “what a sweet girl.”
People fantasize & masturbate to your pictures, and move on (or go to sleep).
It is what it is.
Ditto to what Joey says! It sounds like she became a little jaded after dealing in the world of porn. It is a shame that she was taken advantage of but this is an unfortunate part of the world of erotica.
Thanks for memories, the pictures and the videos!
Reading Dors’ signoff, we see that she’s offering a list of do’s and don’t’s for other women getting into this world, this biz… and certainly that’s very useful advice. I take it there isn’t any guide which offers such wisdom. Like a website where models could share their experiences, and offer suggestions and warnings. There are books about how to make it /survive in the music biz, and I could conceive of similar books about how to make it /survive in the porn model biz.
Very sad news. Loved Dors from the very start… loved that she was different from the others and did her own thing… gonna miss her tremendously. Hopefully she can find balance in her life going forward, it sounds like it all got to be too much in the end.
Best of luck Dors, we will miss you.
Thanks for the mamaries Dors!
I have seen this coming for a while & did try to give good advice to her like I have done for other models in the past.
For those who think this is easy or easy money are mistaken. Frankly Dors was not fairly paid for her work in general. So when dealing with a bunch of freeloaders, thieves & bullies it isn’t easy. But I don’t think it is easy in an office working your way up the corporate ladder either.
Every model goes through this, either they toughen up and wise up how to make it work for them or they move onto another career.
I hated working in an office for a company who didn’t give a shit about the employees for $340 a week. Now, I am my own boss and control my career.
Average porn career for a skinny fake boob gal is now 2 months. So Dors has had an excellent run. Sadly, she didn’t make a fortune, but then models never do, companies do. Don’t like the lies fans feed models or falsely believe we are rich.
Wish nothing but the best for Dors. For she had a good heart, way to many took advantage of her being young & niave. Way to many wanted more from her than she could ever give. I have gone off the deep end on my blog in the past years. Slowly learned to ignore or laugh at the crazy request.
Isn’t easy to separate business from personal when you are showing the most intimate personal part of yourself. Friends ask me why I laugh and have no fear all the time, I say, most people’s biggest fear is being naked in public . I do that everyday, what is there to be afraid of. lol
Lighten up people. Girls constantly come and go from this business. Many walk away broke or broken hearted. It isn’t easy but it can be alot of fun. Sometimes we forget to focus on the fun side of things in life.
Good Luck Dors, you will find many successes and failures in life. Such is life, but a big learning lesson. Appreciated her honesty in her blog. Your a sweet person who deserves the best.
Beautiful girl. I never understand peoples need to be critical of others. She was willing to share herself with us. Iam thankful for that. Dors you will be missed!
Huh. Sam 38G’s post really put it all into perspective. She’s a smart one!
A lot of what she wrote transfers across to any career: it’s all about making the right choices, or admitting when you made a wrong one and trying something else instead. I think almost anybody can relate to that, not just folks who take their adult entertainment best with beautifully well-endowed women.
I called this one when she first hit the pages of myboobsite all to long ago, honestly I didn’t expect this one to last as long as she did. Not sure who made the point about the i-stock photo in her post but very well played old sport. Fact is this for most of you are on the consumer end of the big picture, meaning your the fans, your the subscribers, or your the chaps doing exactly what I do enjoy a good thumb site from time to time and get on to the business of the day, free photos are the best hands down. Having been once the manager for a big boob model I can tell you that every model, I MEAN every model has two side to the life they live. The side they want you to see and that other side that you don’t want to see!
Its like getting a back stage pass to see your favorite act while your at the show the band acts like they give a shit your there but in reality they care only for the money you paid to get back stage, once the show is over your just another face in the crowd. Just like when you lose your favorite pet give it time, a new pet will come along and replace the feelings you once had for that old dog, that sums up life in the adult industry!!
So long and thanks for all the ass shots!
I really liked this girl. Loved everything about her.
That said, instead of reduction surgery, she could dropped a few cup sizes if she lost some weight.
Again, I love her, but if that’s her wish, am I wrong here?