Far be it from me to pass judgment upon odd relationships of any sort (after all, the most enjoyable part of my wonderful weekend just past was spent sitting across from my significant other who was resting her head on another guy’s lap and staring at me with a mouthful of cock whilst flipping me off) but, judging solely from her photos & videos, tattooed K-cup cutie Dors Feline would appear to share a very strange relationship with her penis-equipped partner. It’s like a more sexually progressive point on the “look but don’t touch” spectrum – i.e. “touch but don’t fuck”. Truly, each and every time I’ve seen Dors Feline with her other half in tow, he’s either feeling her up in her sleep or relieving himself of cum on her tits but, so far, I’ve never seen them having sex as a couple in the penetrative sense! So, is it the equivalent of sexless marriage masturbation we’re talking about here, or do they just not do it on camera? And her latest photos only serve to reinforce my asexual assumptions in the, with a beautiful nude Dors Feline fresh out of the shower in all of her busty voluptuous glory, her partner appears upon this sexy scene just to fondle her tits and finger her pussy until we see him cumming on her ass (which does seem rather rude, considering her curvaceous naked body is all clean from just having a shower). Is he genuinely sexually satisfied and content in the carnal context with little more than a bit of big breast groping and plump pussy petting before his masturbating butt wank ejaculation ensues? Eh, to each their own, as they say, but have a look at these lovely nude photos of Dors Feline getting felt up and cum upon and see if you don’t feel the same after today’s voyeuristic visit to DorsFeline.com:

Dors gets better looking each time I see her….what do you think? won’t be long before she is doing some hardcore scenes?
I’m sure her conscious is telling her, “Hey girl! this isn’t hardcore!” fail.
I don’t know Reese, I am not really that crazy about hardcore. I’m perfectly happy that say Alicia Loren doesn’t do it. A little “juicing” is cool lol, but pics of screwing actually turn me off. I’m not prude, it just is a little too much and not really that sexy. To me, not passing judgment
Did Chloe ever do hardcore? I have never seen her do it, and I was happier that way
[mod edit: Erm, sorry to disappoint, but see here re: Chloe… ;~) …and, as for Alicia, this is about as far as she’s got.]
Yea she had better start watchin her own weight before its toolate and the only interest will be siliconefree.com i like her body this time last year much better nice and tight and thick now it seems shes gettin a lil money from the site and its goin right to the sphincter (literally) and you guys know english woman keep the heavy weight on like glue hit the gym dors baby not for me but as a wise career move u still have a bright future!
I hope Dors goes hardcore soon… her body is created for that. ;)
Actually this “guy” is annoying. Just show the cock and sex or stop. No guy wants to see another guys hand. And she needs more ass.
She’s indeed gorgeous. And I’ve just noticed the “LEAVE BLANK” thing in the URL that was autopopulating for being a frequent commenter here, and that’s WHY MY LATEST COMMENTS WERE NEVER SHOWN!!! :( DOH ME!!!
She’s a hotty…. Reese have you seen her new look? Long haired and blonde…
No I hadn’t, Martin, thanks!! Just blogged her from your photos, too! ~Reese :~)
Has anyone else seen her new look?
Blonde and longer hair…
Lol, I was actually asking about Chloe, I knew you’d know right off the top of your head. You like a walking pornipedia, and I say that with the highest regards.
Honestly, this is the best nudie site I have ever seen on the internet. Much obliged!