Full bodied, like a fine wine, Freya Madison is built like a British babe should be (IMHO).
Especially a Northern babe – Freya is from Manchester – where it no only rains an awful lot, even for England, but it’s not that warm up there.
You kinda need a little bit of flesh to keep cozy.
As a Southerner (AKA a Soft Southern Bastard) I am used to temperatures a little warmer, down here.
Before I lost about 35lbs, recently, I was really unable to deal with summer temperatures. I was just too damn hot.
I tell you this because Freya reminds me of me, when I was that little bit heavier. Except I was (and am) but an F-cup and Freya is an H.
Freya, to me, is chubby and cute. A real woman. Looking like real women tend to do. Not skinny, not fat. Just in between. But with massive tits.
A blonde, blue-eyed Brit with big boobs. Brilliant!
With her geek tee-shirt on – and off – I am also convinced that we might have more in common. I mean, I create websites as well as blogging. I code.
∴ I is geek. ‹sic›