The lovely Sara Jay is here, with chubby Tiffany Blake, poolside.
The girls are sunbathing, oiling each other, catching the rays, as the the pool boy does his stuff, when – whoops – he falls in.
The poor struggling boy gets rescued by the two top totties (makes me wonder why he can’t swim, doing the job he does an’ all) and they drag him wantonly out of the water.
Needless to say, it’s not long before he’s doing his other job, and servicing the pretty pair, with his long, hard cock.
Starting with an alfresco blowjob and being taken inside for a fuck.
The girls get slammed one by one whilst giving their girlfriend a lesbian lick out.

And Dors Feline
I thought it only fair to post photos of the divine Dors Feline, now she’s had her breast reduction. Just to satisfy our curiosity.
No longer a 34 L-cup, Dors is now a 34 C. (Looking at some of these photographs though, I am not sure about that reported new size.)

My recollection was the Dors went through some stressed change-of-mind re whole the porn biz racket… which implied that we had seen the last of her…??
Did I get that wrong?
She just pisses me off, now. Good for her, but, whatever. Watch ’em grow back, my aunt’s did.
great to see dors again she is simply stunning,, one of the most beautifull girls in the biz… do miss those titties tho….. love sara jay she sure knows her way round a cock!!!! she has a great ass to,, I remember a layout she did for an issue of bootylicious I had…. scorching..
I swear to God, i felt little jolts of pain, as i looked at these
new Dors’ pics.
I hadn’t seen her “after” pics, until now (so thanks for that, sorta…)
I still really love her face, but i also still really miss those breasts.
Her final shoots for Score were explosive! (Literally, in my case).
About Dors… picture #4 is clearly photoshopped (her nipple doesn’t look like that now) and the very last one with her site on the bottom is also fake (or at least not a post-surgery pic)….
Went to her site, she still uses some pictures from her pre-surgery times…
Unbelievable, just un-fucking-beliavable… after all that scene on Discovery Channel and Twitter, her welcoming page says : “Now you can get your hands on what you are looking for… MY BOOBIES” – HAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAHAHAAA!!!!
Anyway… just give up this whole thing, Dors.. please… that’s ridiculous beyond measure..
I must say that it takes courage to come back to the scene and show that she is still sexy. You know ,yes she was great with bigger boobs but i believe the sexyness of a woman transpire through more than her breasts , i have seen too many of them ,photographed the biggest of them and handled my share of the top half of the alphabet, i don’t get overwork and mean over people’s choice in life and decision on what to do with their bodies. there are enough haters ou there.anyone that can be pissed over this women decision is a coward in my opinion and just care about the lumps in the front and not the whole person. Dors had made an impact and she can still make one if she chooses too
I’m glad to see that Dors is back at it again, one of the prettiest faces. When is ol’ Dors going to start doing some hardcore shoots? Give the people what they want.
Man. . . after all her moaning and crying and flat out bullshit about ‘people only look at her chest’ she comes back just to have people look at her chest. The breast reductions is not the issue, she’s not the first porn model to get her breast reduce, it’s all the pissing & moaning she did before doing it. I can STILL remember hearing her loser of a husband saying on that Discovery Channel bit that he didn’t know what to do with her tits when they fuck. Yeah, he’s the lucky one that gets to fuck her but he’s still a loser in my book.
So the attention junkie is back for her fix after trashing and pissing on her fans and the whole industry and reason people know who she is in the first place. Well not me! She’s lost a fan here for sure. I know all the old photos from any of the new ones and she wont get a dime from me nor will any of her new photos find their way on to my computer.
A woman has the right to do what she wants with her body, whether it’s Minka and her augmented tits or Dors and her now less than awesome body. I know that a lot of big boobed ladies develop back pain from lugging the twins around, although that can be remedied by a properly fitted bra. I hope she’s happy.
“you can’t deny, you can’t deny
kreator fans..?
ah well. i want to shit all over this, she looks just as beautiful. i miss the mega-wobblers. ladies please chime in, is it that bad having eeuje.. tracks of land? others seem to manage.
@graphicbrat,, wow you really are an angry man!!!!!!!!!
While everyone else is fwowing a frothing at the mouth spittle flying form their lips level tempa tantum over a breast reduction ,I mean HOW DARE A CHICK EXERCISE SOME CONTROL OVER HER OWN BODY!!!!!!!!!! THE NERVE!!!!!!!! I so want to put out here that Sara Jay got new implants a little while ago and according to her they aren’t as ‘hard’ as her earlier ones are, and now she actually has had to go buy some bras.
This awful Dors situation prompted my first comment here ever. Echo the “jolts of pain” comment, she was one of my all time top 3, especially after she put on a few finally! GraphicBrat: Yes, if her husband really said he didn’t know what to do with them. Full agree. So unfortunate there is no Penis / Ball Revocation department, guess it’ll have to be symbolic. I would have said yeah it’s awfully sad, but if that’s what she’s gotta do to be happy… Except that if any of what GraphicBrat said she did on tv is true, I can’t stand her.
Last note: Echo Luit comment > Why have a site, just retire this is sad. No one wants to see you anymore. Nobody pays to see a face, albeit a very pretty one. (Haven’t felt this bad since the Eden Mor deflation disaster!)
Any way you slice it, she pretty much mocked the fans and insulted those who helped her achieve a certain level of popularity. Personally, I have little respect for her in coming back after she said those things. Dors turned her back on the whole scene but now she wants to be welcomed back? Sorry, ain’t gonna happen. She butchered her only unique selling point(s) and, from what I’ve read from fellow boobhounds on several forums, she doesn’t have a lot of support these days. She should have just stayed away. Her new tits are just awful. Nice looking girl but, without the huge mams, she is distinctly average.
most of the girls features here are distinctly average without the tits. Not only are they “average” but total sluts as well. But, that is porn. Does anyone really believe that these girls have any redeeming values other than tits and ass?
@don no it is not that bad. it is all about your attitude and the way people in your real life treat you.
Graphicbrat – totally agree! I did not see the Discovery Channel special on her, but I probably would’ve done a combination of yelling at her and crying at the same time. She says she hated her breasts, yet still flaunted, exposed, and touted them to make, what I assume is, a decent sum of money, just so she could get a reduction. EVERY time I see her picture I can’t help but think of the hypocrisy. This leads right into my next comment…
Darmund – nobody here is challenging her right to do as she pleases with her body. I happen to LOVE her tattoos. (I can’t stand the phony tribal BS.) I LOVE her colorful, whimsical, playful tattoos, and there was a time when I would have happily laid nude next to her just to “read” her amazing body. And her face is GORGEOUS! But I digress…she can do as she pleases, the issue is the hypocrisy of it all. Don’t whine about how you hate your breasts, while posing nude/topless on multiple websites, including one you made just for yourself. The vast majority of people out there would not flaunt any part of their body that they hated. Just look at all the women with big naturals that hide them obsessively.
Matt – It really doesn’t matter what they are like without their breasts. They are a part of the whole, and what we are attracted to. Being attracted to a woman because you like her breasts is no different than being attracted to her because she’s pretty, or has long legs. I happen to think Catherine Zeta Jones has a gorgeous face. But, guess what? I’d spend the rest of my life with Casey James or Kayla Kleevage over her because they have what I like, and CZJ doesn’t.
Now excuse me while I overcompensate and watch Mega Boob Olympics.
She said that she hated her breasts and only made porn to have this reduction done. And now she is back and is using presurgery pictures to advertise her site !! WTF! She is playing fake games just to make as much money as possible. Before she was one of the most beautiful full figured women i ever saw in my life. Everything on her body was perfect. But now her tits are terrible, horrible….. What a waste
I don’t think anyone is criticizing Dors for her choice to get a reduction… it’s just the fact that she said she hated her breasts and then flaunted them in the porn industry… and then trashed the industry and her fans… the people who actually paid money to help support her career that she willingly entered. She is the biggest hypocrite on the face of earth and acts like we’re all the stupid ones, what a joke.