Well, everything came out fine at the lab this morning but, arriving home and settling back into the big tits biz, I find myself ever so mildly annoyed. You see, over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been eagerly anticipating some new large breast flesh to feature herein, having been goaded on my e-mails from the good folk at PinUpFiles promising, and I quote, “Another incredible new G-cup model!” who’d be making her big boobs debut at their site today, always invariably accompanied by the following anonymous yet well-endowed wet tits teaser image…

…”Splendid!” I thought, “New boobs to blog!” However, when I logged in to see who this all new mystery model of mammary glands might be, I found that it was none other then 34G Groovacious Kay (although the were just calling her Groovacious K at the PinUpFiles site). Now, don’t get me wrong, I find Kay to be a most beautiful busty blonde and am thrilled to the tits to have her on my boob blog again, but hyping her up as being an all new model is just not fair. Say, “Hey, big tits glamour model Groovacious Kay is coming to PinUpFiles!” or something like that; don’t purport her to be a new boobs model and get our huge hooters hopes up over having fresh breasts we’d never seen before!
As, indeed, gorgeous G-cup Groovacious Kay and her groovy boobs (by whysoever are they “groovy”? it just brings the phrase “booby gravy” incessantly to mind) have been here before, first appearing amidst our Christmas tits of 2009 before being part of a multi-model mega-post some time later. I must admit I do feel a bit bad now, letting my feeling let down over big boobs news override the fact that Groovacious K is such a stunningly sexy blonde with beautiful tits and dark slate blue eyes to die for (like sensual pools of purple passion, they are – just zoom in on that 8th photo below!). After all, it’s not Kay’s fault her big boobs porn hype (which, incidentally, was not of her own doing) had got the better of me. Tell you what, let’s just forget about it and join this busty blonde slim and stacked sylph with her big boobs nude in the bath tub – here’s gorgeous 34G Groovacious K at PinUpFiles.com:

Hey Guys!
Wow…..great new discovery! Mmmmm…it’s hard to decide which of her pic’ it truly the most exciting so I’ll go with all of them!
Thanks for a great start to the year with such a gorgeous new girl.
Wow… Just Wow!
She’s on deviantart too, groovaciousk.deviantart.com ; and some photographers there have pictures of there too. Just search groovaciousk on the site.