…(and I do use the term “guys” in the most non-gender-specific sense of the word).
Thanks to all of you who commented upon my Norma Stitz blog (especially the lovely Norma, for putting her 2p in and taking the good with the bad). There was one observation made, however, that I’d like to address in more detail here…
Thanat0s Says:
Reese, In my opinion, Norma is more of an acquired taste for the MyBoobSite. Don’t you have a MyBBWSite or something similar? I’m thinking she would have been a much better blog entry for that site instead of this one. Those are some HUGE BOOBS, but just a bit outside of what your readers here have come to expect… Just my 2 cents…
…point well taken and, while I do agree that Norma would fit in quite nicely on MyBBWSite, that particular blog was centred squarely upon her enormous breasts. To expect me to always feature slim’n’stacked women with unfeasibly large boobs or voluptuous models with a correspondingly copious cup-size which is “well-balanced” to their overall figure would be a mistake. MyBoobSite is all about tits, regardless of the size or shape of the woman supporting them.
On the heavier end of the spectrum, there are actually quite a few models who’ve appeared on MyBoobSite that could rightly be classified as plumpers or BBWs – Alicia Loren, Maria Moore, Samantha 38G, Sapphire & Mercy 44FF immediately spring to mind – and, being the big breast lover that I am, I love these well-endowed women just as much as I do the Anya Sakovas, Autumn-Jades, Faith Nelsons & Jana Defis of this world. Once again, guys, it’s all about the tits.
Take this fine pair of GG-cup breasts from Plumper Pass, for example…

…they belong to a lovely larger lady name Seana Rae who’s been featured on MyBBWSite on more than one occasion. When I feature her over there, though, the focus is upon every aspect of her reasonably well-balanced body. Tits, ass, belly, thighs – they’re all fair game on the BBW blog as there’s no real focus upon any particular feature. It’s there to cater to those individuals who find themselves attracted to every aspect of that sort of woman.
MyBoobSite, on the other hand, is anatomically specific. I believe the only reason that I found myself increasingly attracted to bigger girls growing up was that they tended to have the larger breasts. It wasn’t until later on that I discovered thin women could have big tits too, it’s just a bit more rare to encounter these in everyday life. Thus, my breast fetish has developed to extend to busty women regardless of their overall figure.
Thus, the only thing you can truly expect of MyBoobSite, dear readers, is that you’ll always find the biggest breasts here. They may be on women who are skinny, chubby or somewhere in between, but rest assured they’ll always be big. Just think of this as a celebration of big breasts and all of the wonderful things we can do with them. To demonstrate a few of the erotic possibilities big tits have to offer, let us turn once again to the lovely 36GG Seana Rae in these photos from PlumperPass.com…

…so there you have it! Apart from just standing back and admiring big breasts from afar, there are the immense interactive joys of tit-fondling, tit-sucking, tit-licking, tit-fucking, seeing the boobs dangling freely during doggy-style sex (you’ll probably need a mirror for that one), having them slap you in the face when you’re mounted cowgirl-style, watching them jiggle as you fuck in the otherwise-boring missionary position and, as a coup de grâce, cumming on tits!
Oh, and for those of you who aren’t averse to your big tits having a more buxom host overall, I’ve got quite the deal to tell you about (if you’d not already gathered this from the links above): The good people who are behind my two favourite plumper / BBW sites – HotSexyPlumpers & BBWDreams – have effectively combined six of their sites into one! Under their brand new PlumperPass program, you get a whole six sites’ worth of photos & videos for just $34.95 a month (which would represent a total savings of $114.75 over subscribing to all six of them individually!).
To give you a taste of what you’ll get from the new program, here are a few select video galleries featuring some of my favourite big-breasted plumpers & BBWs at PlumperPass.com:

looks like monique is getting around after her start at top heavy.
Who cares about Monique when there’s Samantha and Eden?!
It is all about the tits. It’s why we’re here. It’s what keeps us coming back. It’s what we love. We can’t get enough of them. When we see one pair… we want to see more! We like ’em big, we like ’em small, we like ’em round, we like ’em tall, we like ’em pretty much any way they come… and keep ’em coming Reese!
Seana Rae’s are magnificent. And topped with such nice nipples that pop up to attention. Awesome stuff. I could look at them all day… sigh… I just might.
It’s unbelievable how they affect us. They have this power… and we love it.
Hi Reese,
Why is it that you’ve only just made the ideology of the site made known now instead of before. God knows that we have had this very argument before. In fact you were noted for your lack of comment. Why the sudden change of heart?
If you want to see F-cup breasts and beyond, then from a basic anatomical point of view it seems obvious that you will generally be looking at bigger women. Slim’n’stacked women of these proportions are few and far between.
My wife is blessed with a pair of wonderful 36F breasts, which have grown bigger over the years. However, this is directly related to her increase in size overall. As a devotee of big boobs, I just find her more gorgeous than ever.
Reese, as you say: it’s all about the tits! Well-endowed women simply add to the overall smorgasbord of big breasts. Slim, voluptuous, chubby – they are all gorgeous in my books.
Wow. The site is called “my boob site” not “Sam’s boob site” or anyone elses. It’s nice that Reese has decided to offer some clarification, but he isn’t obligated to do so. Beside being an amazing resource for beautiful breast material, the site is also free. Why bitch and complain over who he decides to post? If he likes the tits he posts them, if you don’t like them, don’t look. Give the guy a little appreciation and respect in return for all that you have taken from his efforts.
I was reluctant to say this because I am not a LURKER or a TROLL that you find on evry site (so don’t bother turning your venom toward me – I won’t play along). I just check this website every day and really appreciate the quality. I just couldn’t believe that anyone who comes here would actually be able to COMPLAIN about ANYTHING.
First time post here, but I’ve gotta say keep up the good work Reese!
There is rumour on boobster blog that Anya/Merilyn Sakova will be doing her 1st hardcore scene at Arabstreethookers.com
What do you think of that? Personally, bit of shame as I would rather think of it as me doing her. Oh well, won’t stop me enjoying the pictures!
I find it hard to believe you would make a comment like “Why is it that you’ve only just made the ideology of the site made known now”. I do not want to come across as harsh but have you read the title of the site. Have you seen the ten sponsors below. Have you read and participated in the numerous postings. It is kind of hard to miss the ideology of this site.
This site is about our love (and lust) for large breast. There is and should be absolutely no filtering. Like the site is entitled “Myboobsite”, it belongs to Reese and Vix. They are free to post and discuss any topic they choose. Unless you have a financial vested interest in the material I recommend you enjoy the content and pass on content that does not interest you.
I personally love this site. Do I enjoy every posting no, but that is fine with me. Where can you go and get one stop shopping on a bevy of beautiful voluptuous women, get interactive dialogue with men that share your affinity. And talk to women who pose for the material. Without paying one red cent (Penny – I live in the US).
Reese please do whatever your heart desires with this site. I believe postings like Denise Milani which generated 65 comments, Norma Stitz with 27, and Samantha with 73 are a testament to the fact that you are doing the right thing.
Please keep up the great work.
PS I hope “Sam” is not Samantha38G. I would never want to get on her bad side, unless that is what she likes. Lord do I love that woman.
Nice job as usual Ross, how bout some Michelle Monogham from busty britan…how about some loyalty for the beautiful girls from the land of the union jack??
Dear Mason,
Good to hear from you pal nice to see that you’ve got your confidence back after you walked out of your intellectual depth over the Denise Milani spat.
So, I can infer from your caveat that you don’t mind upsetting me but not SAMANTHA38GG. OK, I’ll leave that down to high spirits!
You seem to have gone off half cocked again as you did in the Milani post. When I said ideology of the site I meant in regards Reese stating clearly that this was not just a slim ‘n’ stacked site with the odd BBW and Plumber thrown in for good measure, in opposed to your misunderstanding of it me not knowing whether it is a big breast site. He has declared that this is a big breast site regardless of host. Now, I thought what I was saying would be patently clear, obviously I’ve made an incorrect assumptions about everyones ability of decernment. But, you do shock me me because you were one trying to engage with me over the Milani thing- of all people I thought the above statement would have been crystal clear.
Five years of consentrated fish oils taken rapidly five times a day might notch up 3 more IQ points thus going someway towards helping your problem.
Now, if that was too subtle then, I’ll be more expressive in the future so as not to leave any doubt, but, I just assumed that everyone would understand had they actually read Reese’s leading coments that any comment made would subsequently be placed into context- clearly not! Quad erat demonstrandum, Res ips loquitor!
Anyway, what a great post!
Just to be clear- that was all written in good humour!
No disrespect but, I wasn’t complaining!
Lesson one!
When complaining the sentence structure is in the definitive or accusitive! My comments were made in the interrogative!
Work it out from there.
Thank you!
Reese I’ve lost my confidence with posting! My comments were made in a jovial way I didn’t think I came across so demanding so as to be rude. If I did, or do, I’m sincerely sorry! I’m sure you knew in what context I made my coments.
I agree that it is indeed all about tits but I don’t think that it’s all about it being proportional to breast size. I just think other women like Anya and Jana and people like that are probably “lucky” enough in life or self conscious enough not to pose in front of the camera. Bigger girls give me the impression sometimes that they are trying to prove something.
Being a slim model doesn’t always mean Anya or Jana thin either, (the late)Carmen Hayes or Brandy Taylor are a little thicker, but the camera adds ten pounds so they’re probably still really little. I can’t really think of some other examples right now… :S
There’s nothing wrong with some chunk but when you’re considered morbidly obese on the body mass index, i mean, it’s not the most attractive thing to be. In the end the thinner girls with nice breasts are always going to be much more popular.
Wow. Heated debate over boobs. As valid as politics or religion, I guess. I’m a huge fan of the site, but Norma’s just a shade too large for my taste. Although, again, those boobs are HUGE! I saw her in person once and I was blown away. Seeing her naked is a different story, though. In then end, I can just scroll down as I haven’t paid Reese a cent for anything. The occasional Norma Stitz won’t lose me as a reader, though.
Don’t get upset…Let’s all enjoy the lovely ladies.
I know, why don’t we debate who has the best pair of boobies. Now that sounds like a fun 70+ blog posting. Reese if you ever decide to look for material maybe this topic could be fun… :)
I thought you were guy and you’re claiming to have 70+ breasts! We’ll I don’t believe you (I hope its true) show me, now! I want to see them! And, you must be wearing stocks and sussy! If you don’t show me I will not talk to you ever again. Anyway you have a duty to share it with the guys are far as I’m concerned!
If mason is in deed a girl can we have a post for the female readers with breasts, that would be good. Please Reese!!!!!! (an anmateurs section) In fact what I’ll do just to show I am serious is I’ll show my little man on Vix’s site if Mason shows hers… …..I think i’m better endowed then the guys that go to her site anyway. Challenge!
i dream that when i die i will enter a virtual world and get to live in a website. the website i would choose to live in, would be this one.
reese your a god amonst men
thank you…
I am a man…and boy did Sam ever miss read my post.
This is humorous.