It’s not often that I’m frightened by big breasts (and, frankly, it would be rather inappropriate to be in the boobs biz if I was). The only possible exception might be 48MMM Rhiannon, but that’s more a matter of her dominatrix demeanour than it is her mammary assets. Then again, the two characteristics together become quite intimidating, making the nightmarish scenario of being beaten senseless by that which you love the most – to wit, a pair a huge tits – seems all to close to potential reality.
No, tits themselves are quite friendly (as George Carlin once observed, or at least that they sound so). It’s the women who wield them I’m worried about. Case in point, Kora Kryk, whom I’d never considered in this manner before. Indeed, when the following photos appeared in my e-mail in-box…

…I thought, “How lovely!” I also thought it high time to give Ms. Kryk a blog entry of her very own. After all, I’ve previously mentioned her appearances both on BoobsGarden and Ines Cudna’s site, and received some positive feedback. For example, Rustic wrote: “Haven’t seen too much of Kora… but would love to see more.” MyBoobSite reader Subliminal, on the other hand, was a bit more explicit in his praise: “I fucking love Kora, her titties are incredible, her body thick and tasty. Her pussy is like gold. I just found her website which is”
So I ventured over to her as-yet-unvisited KoraKryk website, hoping to take a fresh perspective on said incredible tits and golden pussy (and gather some photographic fodder for my blog, of course), and was suddenly faced with Kora’s admission that “hard and brutal sex starts to roll me on more and more and I think that in short time in future, will be shown on my photos and videos.” A creeping unease soon set in. While I do love a sexually-assertive woman who knows what she wants, I draw the line at bondage & discipline (being moreso a fan of fluffy, comfy sex without restraint).
I started to wonder if, despite her proclamation of love, Kora Kryk was truly the girl for me. More and more, as I lingered innocently within her on-line lair, a definitive dark-side began to emerge – as if she was looming like a stealthy spider-woman, unseen, ready to pounce upon any prey who disturbed the silken threads of her space on the world wide web. Oh, and disregard her assertion that such blatantly deviant behaviour will be appearing in the future, as there’s ample evidence that this trend is already well under way! Consider this gallery in which Kora subjects lovely little busty blonde Malina May to rough lesbian sex (and after Malina was obviously kind enough to lend Kora the poster through which to express her affection! (although I suppose the fact that Malina did fuck Kora with a strap-on should have some bearing upon our perception of the situation, turnabout being fair play and all)).
It must be said that our Kora is a bit of a masochist, too, visiting her violent tendencies upon herself in various acts of self-abuse. As if spreading her pussy lips with chains isn’t enough, we need but delve a little bit deeper into her deviance to find Kora fucking herself with a champagne bottle! Blimey, you’d think that she’d have taken off all of the foil and pointy bits first!! However, unlike infamous Big Brother house guest Kinga Karolczak – who’d shocked UK television audiences by likewise masturbating with a bottle – Kora at least did think to use some lube on the tip.
I guess it’s all in good fun, though, and would appeal to those big breast lovers who also happen to be secretly harbouring some sort of simulated rough sex fetish. To be honest, most of the S&M folk I’ve known personally are, in real life, some of the kindest, gentlest people you could imagine. It’s just when they get into their sex fantasy role playing that things take a turn toward the thorny. And so, I’m happy to express my appreciation for her affections and the general loveliness that is Kora Kryk by sharing the following galleries from

god damnit! she’s sexy as fuck!!!!
oh my fugging gawd..
I think the leather and chains is a bit warped, but dude, she’s got some awesome firm tits!
Yeah, you should be scared…of becoming a wuss…!! ;) ;p
She has a great body though and a little bit of kink just adds some spice to the pics anyway…
man i which i could be her slave, i wish she could torture me like put me on a chain than pee in my mouth so i could drink that high class wine, then the goddess and i think that all hot beatiful woman should all have slaves and be trieted like godesses and get prayed for cause for us guys i think god created us to be woman slaves and get kick in the balls and tortured by woman, after that i would leave her pop my balls and litterally break my cock and even kill me she wanted to.. For every beatiful women wanting to torture me call:613 256 5647
Mistress are my passion and this post absolutely rocks!