Lorna Morgan Pregnant + Ashley Sage Ellison

Just a quickie this mammary gland Monday, but I’ve just found a most amazing and classy photo of our 32J Ashley Sage Ellison nude sipping champagne with her beautiful big boobs and voluptuous vulva in view save for the sexy white lace garter belt she’s wearing over at XLgirls

Ashley Sage Ellison classy tits pics at XLgirls.com

…is that a remarkably classy tits pic or what?! Unfortunately, the free preview gallery they provide for this series doesn’t quite do justice to her gorgeous J-cup juggs since it only shows sexy Ashley’s big boobs in a bra from the first part of this series (something I’ve complained about before where their galleries are concerned) but, seeing as there aren’t a lot of tits in a big bra photos here on MyBoobSite (me being a naked boob man and all), I well full-figured I’d best share the rest for the boobs in a bra lovers amongst you…

Ashley Sage Ellison bra photos at XLgirls.com

…in other news of the norks, while it’s long been common knowledge that well-endowed busty Welsh wonder Lorna Morgan was pregnant a while back, I don’t believe I’ve ever shown you any of her pregnancy pics (in fact, the last time we saw Lorna there was no sign she’d been preggers at all)! And so, I shall set out to rectify my obvious oversight with a few fecund photos of the lovely pregnant Lorna Morgan as Cardiff’s own big tits fertility goddess showing her pregnant belly bump with 30JJ (but sometimes 34G) milk engorged breasts in mesh from her late-term pregnancy photos at XLgirls.com:

Lorna Morgan pregnant at XLgirls.com    Lorna Morgan pregnant at XLgirls.com    Lorna Morgan pregnant at XLgirls.com

Lorna Morgan pregnant at XLgirls.com    Lorna Morgan pregnant at XLgirls.com    Lorna Morgan pregnant at XLgirls.com

Lorna Morgan pregnant at XLgirls.com    Lorna Morgan pregnant at XLgirls.com    Lorna Morgan pregnant at XLgirls.com

Lorna Morgan pregnant at XLgirls.com    Lorna Morgan pregnant at XLgirls.com    Lorna Morgan pregnant at XLgirls.com

Lorna Morgan pregnant at XLgirls.com    Lorna Morgan pregnant at XLgirls.com    Lorna Morgan pregnant at XLgirls.com




15 thoughts on “Lorna Morgan Pregnant + Ashley Sage Ellison”

  1. I’m still sitting the fence on this issue of ‘to wear bra or not to wear bra.’ There’s so much good to be said for both types of photos! But those Ashley pics are mega hot either way. But Lorna is leaving me breathless. She is gorgeous. I admit to a bit of confusion, is this a SECOND child? Her first pregnancy was YEARS ago and was celebrated in the pages of V-mag. Is this another layout of the same pregnancy? Or is she increasing the size of her family? Her alabaster skin is fantastic. Lorna is amazing.

  2. LORNA!!!!! My jaw has dropped, I’m floored and I’ve cum 3 times now… Any more Lorna like these pics? Lactating perhaps?

  3. Lorna Morgan would make a truly outstanding wet nurse…. nom nom milky goodness :D Ever since her boobs started to grow from her first preggers, she’s sky rocketed near to the front of the queue in my mega-natural-boober harem fantasy.
    Ashley’s very cute looking face-wise, personally prefer her slimmer as in the early days, not that there’s anything wrong with a voluptuous figure such as hers. My only criticism is her nipples (not areola) are too small, especially in proportion to her heaving fun bags.

    Great blog Reese, been wanking to/following it for years.

    P.s anyone know what happened to Nicole Peters, only brit wonder fallen into obscurity, She was my all-time fave back in the day.

  4. Hi guys,

    I had to write in on this one. Lorna is truely one of the best looking women in glamour, porn or modelling I have seen. She is just the so beautiful. What a lucky man to have landed such a treasure as a partner/wife. Not to be biased at all but British girls do seem to have an edge in the porn world over the US and Eastern Europe. When we do it, it is done to the best standards and Lorna represents the very best standards. Simply beautiful!

    Ashley, on the other hand, does look great even with the extra weight she is still carrying it off quite well. She is maturing nicely and I think she will be at her best in a year or two… I look forward to seeing her at full velocity.

  5. Fuckin gross. OH and you faggots can keep NOT posting my comments but I’ll keep stealing your fuckin pix from your site. =)

    [Reese replies: Finding something as beautiful, natural and womanly as pregnancy to be “fucking gross” is merely a reflection of your own immaturity, so I’ll allow it. As for your other more abusive and cruel comments towards models, these deserve neither attention nor retort. Oh, and “stealing fuckin pix” from my site? Well, since everything I post here is free, you may likewise feel free to “steal” all you like! But, please, stop wasting my time by being disrespectful toward all of the wonderful women willing to share their bodies with us.]

  6. I’m with Charles, is this Lorna’s second pregnancy? Third even? I fell in love with Lorna the very first time I laid eyes on her what? 10? Maybe 15 years ago when she first appeared in V-Mag. She is practically my dream woman (I say practically because my wife is every bit as busty as Lorna and a super cute, freckly, brunette to boot).

    Also, I’m with you, Reese, why would some douche-bag feel it necessary to be disrespectful to the beautiful women who grace your site? I feel fortunate to see any woman naked, let alone the beauties that you share with us. Any woman sharing her body with us deserves our respect in my book.

  7. Lorna is one of the most beautiful women & for her to share her motherhood in full goddess form is the best. Wish we had more to see of her.

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