What do you do when your all-time favourite model from a particular site stops modelling? Sadly, such was a decision with which I was faced when 38GG Imogen retired from Busty Brits a while ago. ‘Twas a sad time for me, as I’d developed an intense sort of “attachment by proxy” to her. You see, I’d originally encountered Imogen by happy coincidence some years back whilst I was embroiled in the erotic throes of a torrid on-line affair with this blonde British slut girl I’d met on a totally vanilla cancer research forum. Although my long-distance lover and I had exchanged a handful of photos amidst our copious text correspondence, they were fairly innocent in nature – thus leaving me to but imagine what she might look like naked.
Then along comes Imogen, likewise a busty Brit (albeit with bigger tits than my on-line objet d’amour) with blonde hair who just so happened to share a similar facial structure to this lovely English girl with whom I’d become hopelessly infatuated, thus helping to fill in the gaps where my imagination left off by providing the nude fantasy fodder for my waking (or should I say wanking?) wet dreams. My affair ended abruptly when I gave up everything that comprised my now-past life in the ‘States and moved to Britain to marry this girl who’d successfully cast her spell and stolen my heart, but the intense infatuation remains even to this day.
Despite the “happily ever after” ending to my story, I still held on to Imogen as a stunning nostalgic reminder for her bit part in my torrent affair. I continued to visit BustyBrits regularly, eagerly downloading all of the Imogen photos & videos I could get my hands on…and then she was gone. :~( However, for the supplemental sexual services the site had provided in my time of need, I just couldn’t bring myself to cancel my subscription and continued to visit every now and again to see if I could find anyone who could replace my dearly departed favourite. And, although there’ve been a fair few contenders in this regard, I don’t expect that anyone else could ever come along to supplant the sentimental value that Imogen holds in my heart.
Granted, I’m sure it’s probably wrong to wax sentimental about a big tits porn site just as much so as it is for a sordid extramarital affair to have a happy ending, but such are the prurient musings of my pornographic memory. In celebration of the site that brought me so much pleasure when I was at loose ends, I thought I’d bring back one relatively recent arrival there – 34FF Lucy Williams – who’s been growing on me more and more with every successive appearance. As a reminder of the spell that had been cast upon me all those years ago, here’s the lovely redhead as a sexy sorceress casting her own FF-cup spell upon us over at BustyBrits.com:

Nice story man… and we need more dress-up pictures in the site. As a roleplayer, and all around nerd, I love when girls dress up as sorceresses, wenches, scifi stuff, etc.
That’s what I like, nice. Thanks Reese.
Reese, you really are a sentimental old soul. Nice to read a “happy ever after” story once in a while though. You’re a passionate man and I love you for it. In a platonic sense, of course.
MaGnUs, you can have the sorceress etc. fantasy outfits – pirate captain even! ;-) – as long as I can reserve the french maid and bridal costumes.
Lucy Williams has had a very positive effect on me, to put it nicely. Last time you blogged her, I mentioned that I what I liked about Busty Brits is that the models look like real women in these shoots – women who could be our wives, girlfriends, neighbours etc.
I got the sense stronger this time that I recognise her from somewhere, but I couldn’t place her. It then hit me: when I block out her face (no offence, Lucy, you’re lovely!), her overall body shape and boobs in particular are remarkably like those of my beloved.
So Reese, while you fondly remember Imogen, you have now given me Lucy as a nude body double of my wife. That’s high quality wanking material. I thank you!
Lucy’s quite hot, and I love the costume. For me, though, the stars at Busty Brits are the stunning Linsey Ward, and the deliciously trashy Leah-Jayne. In fact, Reese, given your thing for slutty blondes, I’m surprised you are not an L-J fan.